Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Real OC Orange County CA Home of Disneyland, Anaheim Angels, Palm Trees, Beaches, Crime and Police

Christian based news of Orange County, CA and abroad.

In Orange County, CA it's not all about gorgeous and peaceful ocean views, swaying palm trees, and sunny sunshine. Anaheim is one prime example that the REAL OC is not just home to Mickey Mouse, and surfers or the rich in one of the most expensive places to live.

NBC News today: July 25 Anaheim protesters turn to riot; police shoot pepper spray

Anaheim: A nice place that I would not choose to live in. It is not the top of my list of places to live in due to crime, gangs, drugs, and apparently a policeman, in caution, that shot an unarmed man (-see news link above- this has happened here in OC and I'm sure other places abroad). There are nicer places in Anaheim, with nice homes known more as Anaheim Hills, but near Disneyland, I'm sorry to say is not the safest of areas. This would not stop me from going there, but it would stop me from moving here, unless it's downtown in Disneyland square. :) California Adventure Park is also located adjacent to Disneyland in Anaheim, which is the birthplace of the first Disneyland. Anaheim is the oldest city in Orange County.

Photobucket Image Hosting
Some people meeting Mickey Mouse (opens in separate window).

Other cities I would not choose to live in: Santa Ana is next on the list due to gang and poverty crime areas (also home to one of the Orange County Jails), San Juan Capistrano (famous historical place and home of the returning Swallows (birds) is also home to gangs). While most of SJC is nice I would not live near gang areas. Garden Grove also a higher crime area and the city of Orange also makes the list on my no go except to shop in the nice market places there -which I also have to add to my gluten-free readers opened a store in Old Town Market Place featuring gluten free foods recently-.

There are other cities I would not choose to live in that I haven't listed here, and while others like these areas still, I am cautious when even going to all of these cities. It's too bad OC can't maintain it's beauty and peace. I would guess that money is the main factor that crime is higher is some areas.

What do we do about crime? How can we help our children? Protest and Riot? Protesting is good and has its place, without the crime and violence from either party (the law and the people). I'll just pray.

My prayer for OC: Gangs decrease and end and replace Jesus in their hearts where there is anger and pride. More help for those struggling financially, and a good police system with less flaws. Thank you Jesus -amen.

2012 August 25-26 Anaheim Harvest with Greg Laurie
So many people personally relating with Jesus Christ.

Harvest Crusade \'06 Pictures, Images and Photos
The Harvest: Church and Live Music from Popular Christian Bands.

Chart of Crime in larger cities of Orange County

That said, even the nicest lowest crime areas mostly in South O.C. still have crime, some gang activity, and even murder also. Like anywhere, there is crime. Be safe, lock your doors, and keep pepper spray (stay away from protesters and police with pepper spray), alarm your home, teach your kids about crime and safety, keep watch over your kids playing outside also as there are child predators too.

Orange County is a great place to live, just be aware also of the not so great areas, and in the good areas still be cautious, but most of all enjoy living! Worrying doesn't add a day to your life.

About Orange County, CA

OC Register News article: June 2012 OC Crime Rates Decrease

Related blog post:

1 comment:

  1. yay for the anaheim harvest crusade! love it!

    Glad the police only used pepper spray.

    btw, I awarded you the Yostie Blog Award:


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