Monday, May 24, 2010

LOST with LOST Series Finale Spoiler My Alternate Endings, Unanswered Questions, Answers

LOST with LOST Series Finale Spoiler My Alternate Endings, 
Unanswered Questions, Most Fans Want More Answers

LOST Finale May 23, 2010 
Viewers: 13.567 Million
Episodes 120/121 "The End"
Directed by Jack Bender
Written by 
Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse
(TOP LEFT in photo near DHARMA Monitor: 
my painting  from few years ago, path to yellow light
on water. Trippy! Like LOST ending.)

[See below for related finale links and share: "Lieber, Abrams, Lindelof, Cuse: LOST the Movie Please!" Comment my blog. Coming soon, my DHARMA LOST Finale Party Photos and fun]

BOTTOM Photo Me aka "Kate" for Finale Day 5-23-2010. haha I know corny but so fun!
FYI about me: aka little freckle before I ever heard Sawyer's name for her! ...Fate?

WARNING: Spoiler Alert If your new to LOST, or haven't seen the ending yet stop here. Scroll down for links and a cool writers video (2009) And please join us in contacting the writers: ask for LOST the movie? Some up a few more things for us, and ease the pain of it's finale finality! Plus you heard Terry (John Locke), he's looking for more work! And Matthew Fox expressed he wants to do movies! Scroll down for alysagoodstuff blog post links too. Love, Alysa

Season 6 The Final Season with a Finale leaving us into purgatory like phase into light ending. The fans want more answers, maybe out with a bang? Or Island life? Many Fans disappointed in the LOST Finale. LOST The Movie =more answers, box office Hit! How about LOST Is It The End? Comments Welcome.
Here I go, my thoughts on LOST the Final Season Finale... Beautiful, bittersweet and what!?! Let me be blunt here. Who else wants to know more about all the LOST Characters and all the DHARMA purpose/correlation? So happy I got to see somethings I missed, Charlie for one, John Locke's faithful smile, Kate and Jack's love, James and Juliet's love... and an understanding ending of... the life, before the end of life, of the random connections between each other and a journey how to get to "the other side". Sounds bittersweet and written well. But, come on! I saw it going a different way... I so want to write! (Hire me someone! An amature here but well willing to pour out an awesome show!)

LOST... the definition now is told. LOST: Trying to get to the next dimension of life after death; resolving our inner-conflict first, on a path with those we were connected with (who also died?) before we can move on.  Most of them moved on together. Now that we understand, do we really? Are we lost with LOST? Unanswered questions still. Mysteries are good even left mysteriously, though somethings seem to have lost their meaning with the finale. When, where did each character die, how exactly? Plane crash? Island explosion? Remember Hurley stating, we're dead... it was true?! Or was it? Hurley's tricked by voices theory at that time. The story was not leading in that direction at that time. With a twist of fate, LOST decided, yes, that's how we are going out, an eye closes and a door of light. It's a show though! Do what you want... they don't have to die, even if I get why they did; I am lost on how they did. 

So after the ending has sunk in, this is what I think about the ending: The island experiences was real life... when ever each of them died, we weren't told when or how they ended up together in a place that has no time. I get that. Remember, the sideways wasn't real (Jack has no son) the life after death place before they moved on... fictional of course but interesting twist... I still wanted more details though and they still could end up on the island together! Heavenly! or a twist of fate again... now that they figured themselves out, all but Ben... they have more work to do? Man in Black is not gone maybe? ...etc give us a sequel LOST!

We can't change the ending but for fun, here's what I wanted from the ending (briefly put):
All the instances on the island would change through Jack. About everything could have been kept the same with an alternate ending (haven't seen them yet- if there is any seriously considered ones that is).  
My alternate ending #1: The island stays, the rumbling stopped. Kate and Sawyer swim to the boat, Hurley and Ben see "Locke- Man in Black" dead on the cliff. Then see Jack from afar... Jack's eye closes. Island flash of light. Back in California: Jack walks into the church, there all his island friends are reunited... Eloise, Faraday, and Desmond smile as they turn a wheel hidden in the church basement. Scene church: they all know and smile as a flash of light.. wooohhoomm boom poof! Sends them back to the island, this time, Jack and Hurley smile and they are back on the beach,  Ben even could be pondering, staring out in the water in a self-descovering way.  Everyone like old times (just no more DHARMA or Smoke Monster) They saved the world. The are once again eating mangoes hugging, kissing, and all that good stuff! Hooray right?!  
My ending #2: Kate and Sawyer swim to the boat, Hurley and Ben see "Locke- Man in Black" dead on the cliff. Then see Jack from afar. The island's "plug" cracks and once again the island rumbles and begins to sink. Hurley and Ben begin to swim to the boat... Jack closes his eye.  Like the ending  they showed us with John, then Hurley going to the church, talking to Ben, he is redeemed in the end and forgiven, he too goes in. Jack walks into the church, there, all his island friends are reunited including Eloise and Charles Widmore. Jack is in the room with the casket: Jack's opens his eyes, after all the flashbacks, and sees his father's empty casket, then talks with him, and his father leaves to the light... Jack walks out of the room. Sees everyone, now with all memories- just like everyone now has, knowing each other with a new prospective of life with their sideways life... it closes with warm embraces. 

What do you think??

Unanswered Questions... come one writers, we love you... but, what's up with this?  LOST Answers! So if we can't ask for a redo.... please all of you, ask for a LOST movie! I purpose reunite all the characters! Some up the unanswered... DHARMA what did that have to do with anything? Some more Widmore information, and Faraday calculations? Where did Kate and Sawyer jump off into the water to? Hurley and Ben left on the island? Those in the plane? Ben is not ready in the sideways (afterlife plave)? Still seems like a lost going on that I'd like to know about. Give us some more details for a summary of events in a movie LOST... I am sure it can be done somehow... it would be a major major box office hit!! I can help write it? Kidding... but you know I'd love to.

Feel free to comment your alternate endings and desires: ie LOST the Movie!? Did you like the finale? Like my alternate endings? (html welcomed; keep it modest and clean though; thanks.)

LOST Characters:

LOST The Final Season Finale Related Links:

LOST Blog Post links: (search LOST on my blog)

"LOST the Movie" So what do you think?:  
Give us "LOST the Movie"! Explain what happened and intensify it. Make a "LOST Is it Over?" Movie... more island and more fav.  main characters! They didn't go in the light yet?! Someone on a chat said, they go in the light, and come out of the light on the island... lots of possiblities here for a detailed LOST More Answers movie... and LOST Is It The End? yadda yadda yaddah...
Is this the right address for writer J. J.  Abrams?   
Write JJ! Write the creators/writers/producers! Known addresses anyone?
J.J. Abrams
William Morris Endeavor Entertainment
9601 Wilshire Blvd.
3rd Floor
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

LOST Actors:
Created by
Jeffrey Lieber
J.J. Abrams
Damon Lindelof
Written by

Damon Lindelof
Carlton Cuse
Edward Kitsis
Adam Horowitz
Elizabeth Sarnoff
and others
Directed by Jack Bender
Stephen Williams
and others

Inside the writers studio 1-2009


  1. FYI My Favorite Characters: Jack, Kate, John Locke (the good one), Sawyer (James), Sayid, Hurley.

  2. wait... how could I forget Charlie, I guess cause it was like him, then not really, and then like him again. He's a little mixed up, but heroic too. He's def. one of my favs too.

  3. Your ending #1) You really don't want them to leave the island do you? :)

    Your ending #2) So basically, Hugo and Ben leave, Jack survives as the protector? That could work, but doesn't complete Jack's, Hugo's or Ben's story arc. The Ajira/John 3:16 reference obviously shows someone needs to be sacrificed. Hugo consistently, has been the "good guy" throughout, always helping people, so why not him as the protector? Ben finally accepts the fact that he is *not* special to be the protector, but is content to still help protect the island by being Hugo's #2.

    Eloise asked Desmond is he's going to "take her son away". She is obviously not ready to advance her soul, since she may still be harboring guilt for sending her son on a one way mission, which was why she was not in the church. Widmore died on the island, so his soul wanders the island whispering like Michael.

    The story couldn't have ended any other way.

  4. Ok so here's how I thought it was going to end. The nuke went off back in the Dharma days essentially "resetting" future events and creating an alternate timeline (the flash sideways). The two timelines exist simulatneously (why not, they have been traveling through time on the island) and events proceed in the Flash Sideways as they would have had Oceanic 815 landed safely in LA. Meanwhile, on the island, the struggle of good vs. evil continues. The story progresses, Jack becomes the new Jacob and his confrontation with Locke ends in Jack helping Locke (Man in Black) to find release and acceptance and move on.....essentially healing.....much as he surgically heals Locke in the Flash Sideways. Back to the Flash Sideways, folks gain awareness of their lives in the alternate timeline on the island with the help of Desmond who has the gift of being able to see the convergences of the two timelines much as he was able to travel off the island in "The Constant". Through their awakenings, they are re-united in the Flash Sideways with those they have developed bonds and connections with on the island. Those who died on the island are still alive in the Flash Sideways and the events they experience along with the realization of their alternate lives help them to heal and find love. Jack remains on the island as the new Jacob keeping the peace while all live on in the Flash Sideways as it becomes the new reality allowing for a little sci-fi blip in our otherwise mundane world!

    It sure didn't end the way I was thinking it was headed did it!

  5. Thanks for your input!
    Anonymous 1: NO! I don't want them to leave the island! Why not life everafter... the island called to them right? What about all that? My #2 ending The man in black dies... sacrifice. But John Locke is back! hmm your right about explaining Hurley and Ben there I may add a little there (will do).

    Anonymous 2: Nope, it didn't end quite as you saw it either... I would definitely miss Jack.. but I wondered something similar as you said when watching the finale.

  6. I personally liked the ending.

    Opening scene- Jack opens his eyes.

    Pilot- Introduces Jack as the Hero & Leader (is faced with multiple tests throughout episode and rest of show). Introduces Smoke Monster (makes sound in jungle) which ends up being the main villain.

    The End- Jack kills Smoke Monster. Jack passes his last test which is "letting go."

    Closing scene- Jack closes his eyes.


    If they ever continue it, (and they shouldn't), it better not be some dumb spin-off.

    Lets say everyone died on the island, but they still ended with the church scene and Jack's eye closing, there would be no question of continuing the story because everyone is dead.

    In a way, if it were true that we all went to heaven at the exact time regardless of when we died (due to the absence of time in Heaven), the ending of the show is just like that.


    Your ending #1 is way too predictable for the writers of Lost to choose something as corny as that. haha

    Ending #2: Sounds just like the original ending except it includes characters that weren't in the church at the end (I believe they became whisperers on the island like Eko, Michael, Ben and everyone else that could not let go of the island)


    The fight between Jack and Locke at the end could have been a bit more epic and lasted longer. That was so lame when Kate shot Locke in the back (He died so easily as a mortal)

    Why did Ben live through the end? Hurley should've killed Ben instead of promoting him.

  7. Agree about the epic fight being more intense would've been better... and I don't think they should continue with the story either.. it needs to stay at this point... but more details... DHARMA especially?? I want a little more fitting pieces there, I get why what happened happened, I get that there is no time in afterlife and time warp etc, it is well written. BUT, not what I wanted. But again, I still think they wrapped it up way too fast putting details on things that didn't add up later... it was disappointing that we the fans weren't given more insight.
    A movie could shed more subtle insight and lead up to the ending that is.... even if it isn't what I wanted.
    Comment LOST The Movie! :D Ease our LOST Withdrawl!

  8. If Locke is not dead and Jack can be taken back b4 the light, then you have your movie. We don't know Locke is dead.

  9. Ahh hah, yes! I am a movie goer... 2 movies could come out. Are you listening writers? Okay, what a minute.. I see. The door of light was only opened right? They didn't go through the door yet. Ben is still outside right? The man in black locke could wake up... he wasn't floating in the water... so many unanswered questions could lead to a
    LOST The Movie (More Answers) and Lost the Movie 2 (Is It Over?)

  10. LOST is awesome... just feel left hanging... come back, like Rose said in Titanic to Jack. Give us more details... we are attached here. Don't go like the end of Titanic... I cry in that! Give us island paradise ending! The writers for the show are like movie writers, suspense that had you looking forward to "Tuesdays" we don't want it to end. MOVIE please, something to pop in to enjoy in the dvd player :) that isn't months to get through. and a sequel... people do come back from death... maybe they didn't die yet, maybe that was later? Jack's father just wanted Jack to know it was ok, maybe his father goes and they go back to the island, after ben is ready?? Fun to come up with what ifs.. but sum up some more Come Back!

  11. My suggestion to LOST Writers: feel free if you feel me? To write them too, I will look for addresses :)

    To the writers: We love LOST! Please read and consider, have you thought of this... no spin off, but give us some more details not just dvd extras but a LOST the Movie- Summary answers of events in a movie form... I am sure it can be done somehow. Fans are feeling cut short. Read all the comments out there. It would be a major box office hit! I still wanted more details though and they still could end up on the island together as a heavenly place? Or a twist of fate again... now that they figured themselves out, all but Ben... they have more work to do? Man in Black is not gone maybe? Someone mentioned they go in the light and come out of the light on the island, WOW cool! Many possibilities here. Sum up LOST as a Movie... and give us a sequel LOST! LOST Is It The End? No spin off, that would not be good, just keep it real. A Movie lover here... ease the shock of LOST the end! pleease? LOVE to all the LOST writers, actors, producers!


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