Sunday, November 18, 2012

USA 2012 President Elections Obama Wins and America Liberty Q and A

My thoughts based on news reports. 

I am posting this and wondering will I regret posting this? Will I be considered a terrorist because I do not agree with President Obama's choices, I do not agree with Obama's ideals? I do not like what has been and what is happening to the "United" States of America. :``

...and I was wrong to agree about President George Bush in the war on terror.
  I did not vote for the hacking of all American's data and spying. I can understand invasion against highly suspected bomb building buying people, but me, just for saying a word or two, or me just cause I send emails or call my family or me just cause I post this blog post?

Obama signs a bill to hold indefinitely American Citizens without charge or trial. And he won election for 2012?

Martial Law takes our freedoms and people may even ask for it during devastating weather emergencies... did you know that 5,000 people received one bullet and were dumped into the Louisana River during Katrina Hurricane? People pulled out of their homes even though the weather in the area was fine and their food supply fine. Weapons, without cause, were confiscated. I do not want the FEMA to help me in an emergency.

FYI: My site post will be looked at by government. Here are some words I learned regarding spying on Facebook specifically, but I am sure for other communications as well. I guess there are other keywords out there too that causes the government -whoever they are- to spy or to spy more or whatever they want to do? The key words: Drill, Exercise, Airport, Drug, Narcotics, Cocaine, Marijuana. 

I think it would be VERY FUNNY to counter attack the spying
and select a day to just bombard "them" like "they" invade us... everyone type those spy keywords in your e-mail or Twitter or Facebook or talk on the phone for a day all around the world. :) Just joking OK. Seriously, this unjust civil government invasion is so sad, what is worse is "indefinite detainment" -how you act, words you say can imprison YOU or I. America where are you? Who are you? We have some freedoms... right? Or do we just think we do? Sure we can still believe what we want, but simple liberties get taken from us, even if it is no probable cause that someone can get pulled over in a car... it's happened to me and others I know, has this happened to you? I don't just mean at the border check points. Can someone tell me has America been truly free ever? or just partly? I think that partly we have, and I think that America is losing the freedoms that we have very quickly!

Will I be considered a terrorist in my own country that I love because I am a Christian believer? 

I wonder, how much the US votes have ever been rigged: ___ and when: from___to ___?

What if I don't want airport, or bus, or train, or... security touching me or my child and I am not a terrorist (I am not a threat)? Will they refund my ticket, will they think I am bad?

 And what if I say... bomb bomb bomb bomb baabaabomb...? or if I say it on an airplane...

A break from the seriousness for a minute...
Airport Security Part 1 Meet the Parents - One of my favorite movies! 
(PG Last word of clip is a bad word.)

Airport Security Part 2 Funny

I believed about 911 watching another plane strike the other World Trade Center building on a mini TV my -then boss- brought into work. I worried about leaving my child at daycare. But was it a US rigged terror attack to start the ball rolling to remove our civil liberties... or was it real? or was it a hologram -I don't believe this though. Or was it real and anger from terrorists against America? I always felt it to be real, and real terrorists, I later worried that government may have suspected the pending attack and did nothing? Did they allow it for a future plot, like homeland security policies. I truly don't know. Will we ever know? I think the government is behind the arrangement of the plane attacks as a plan Sure we do not like any terrorists- anyone that wants to harm people and society. America gets involved in other countries, America fights on other soil. What harm has America done to other countries as a terrorist in their land to those people? hmm. It's not that America is asking for terrorist attacks -right?- but should be careful that it can happen, especially if America is on other soil. What exactly does America do? I mean the full detail. America does good, but what bad? Imposing our ways to others, maybe some good when helping people, but what part is not a good idea? We should only share the Good News, like Jesus said. Are we without blemish, is there a plank in America's eye. Yes. We all have sticks and planks in our eyes. Was 9/11 a military, government American done act against it's own people as to impose "their ways" on American people, in order to move towards a united one world order system government... things like the bible warns about in the end times? Or was 9/11 really an outside terrorist attack?

9/11 difficult to watch. :` A view from an apartment, a home video. PG

They did not see the first plane, They saw the second and said, it was a military plane... was it? This video shows right after the planes hit each time. 26 min. film:

9/11 Hijackers alive?
I have to admit, after watching these compiled news clips, 'America... why?' I want to be wrong, but this gives tough proof that these were unmarked no logo military planes, at least mostly the second plane was described this way by witnesses. Then again, what happened to those that died on the commercial airplanes then? Did Bin Laden agree to take credit for the attacks then? Did Bin Laden assume that it was terrorists that followed him. There's the conspiracy. Lord you know.

More deaths from 9/11 still to come?

About our Liberties...
Those good old liberties that Americans have fought for all these years, including my Grandfather - a pilot on a dangerous mission carrying supplies of fuel and more over the deadly mountainous flights that many did not survive, the flights over the mountains of Burma. He was a caring soldier. He once, with others, saved an orphaned boy in India and paid some money to house him at a school there.

Maybe the same liberties America first took from people... slaves: blacks, native tribes, and American Japanese even during a war..(search Japanese detainment). Will it also happen to us everyday Americans? Yes and it is happening.

Freedom of Speech... Is it gone now? Did we ever truly have it?

Liberties of American Youth... 
Information of Foster care situations in California. Counties within the state make money. Some foster children end up in another bad environment in the care of 'bad' foster parents.

A story I know:
A relative foster parent cared for children: the children were moved to another county based on lies by a social worker= a worse sad scenario my guess -so the county would not lose money on an out of county case, so the county could earn money (they receive money per child in the county), the medical was taken from them and only given for a separate county where the case is, not the county the children are in - (This rule needs to change for medical and counsel services of children residing with families), so the social worker made false accusing statements, so she could say she is doing her job better, she lied some and the courts agree? I'd have to say I only agree children should be closer to parents. The kids rights though, were criminally removed from them - no one informed the children of their rights, the children did not know they had rights that they had. Before they knew the rights, the foster care child rights were taken from them, and as an added bonus family contact was indefinitely removed. It is just sickening. The job was almost complete finally and that part is good, most of the children went home again. One child has suffered much since. That is one story and I have read about some others.
One woman who actually filed and won a lawsuit, if I remember correctly, whose child should not have been removed from her care. Other scenarios happen, children have been removed wrongly in the first place... and gone too long while wrongly accused parents suffer away from their children and the children away from their parents subjecting them to whoever the government chooses as a foster parent. The parent did not do wrong. In this case, money obviously is the reason. And then there's the discipline scenario, be careful your choice of discipline, while I am against harmful discipline, "a spank" doesn't qualify as reason to remove a child... I am speculating here, but I'm sure there are some cases that should not remove a child. Other cases, it is surely needed. The government should better discern and never use any child for income, except I can understand work for income caring for a child. I can understand government employees receiving income correctly and justly. Yet the cost is expensive. It needs to be used correctly.
Some change coming...?

Juvenile Hall crime cases Money for arrested kids - An abuse of power:

Dream of living the American Dream: ICE holds immigrants... about 32,000 on a single day without any charges. Why? They are sent back to their country and prisons make money.  And why is there mistreatment of illegal immigrants?
-Deaths in ICE

Amazing Grace... how sweet the sound, 
that saved a wretch like me. 
God save America.

This video is complied of news reports about America's Liberties...


More to search about:
Just theories? I don't think so.


There are many bible scriptures for every aspect of life... below are some of the scriptures about leadership, the people, and land:

Proverbs 29:18 ERV
If a nation is not guided by God, the people will lose self-control, but the nation that obeys God’s law will be happy.

Proverbs 28:2 NLT
When there is moral rot within a nation, its government topples easily.
But wise and knowledgeable leaders bring stability.

Romans 13:1 NLT
Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God.

2 Chronicals 7:14 KJV
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

What happens if the law and authorities are corrupt, do we follow corruption? No, that is not moral. Jesus overturned the tables in the market place and let free animals. Because they were wrong. That doesn't mean start riots, the opposite, oppose wrongs.

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