Monday, October 29, 2012

Beautiful Paintings inspiration to many... Bob Ross 70th birthday

The Google homepage logo image celebrated Bob Ross's 70th birthday today. I watched many of these painting videos as a child and it definitely inspired me to paint. I don't paint the same as Bob Ross... but I remember Happy Trees :) These painting videos are some of my happy childhood memories.

I love Christmas time... here is a little painting clip of Mountains and trees with snow. Enjoy.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Help Prevent and Be Aware of Suicide in California

sad Pictures, Images and Photos
Suicide in California I read was around 3,300 annually based from 1997-2007. That is devastating. And also self harm and suicide attempts are on the rise all over as we hear of things about bullying and cyber bullying. Even though there was a drop in the amount of suicides in Southern California (Orange County) we as people need to care about what is happening around us.

The California government issued health insurance (Medical or CalOptima) removed adult mental health services from its coverage. This is not a good move, as mental health is also critical for the well being of families and also for parents and people in general to work and improve their circumstance financially.

As far as I think the entire world's population has at least one diagnosed or undiagnosed mental illness. Sorry if that is harsh sounding, but think about it. Who is normal? Stress itself can cause illness.

Here is a site with general information for those needing help or those interested in helping prevent suicides.
American Association of Suicidology: "Suicide Prevention is Everyone's business"

Suicide rates in the US are mostly in the state of California:

1999-2009 San Diego, San Bernadino, and Riverside have the highest suicide rates. Forth highest suicide rates being in Orange County and fifth Imperial County.

California Suicide Prevention Network for Southern California Counties

This just posted recently in 2012:
San Diego's high suicide rates and also how to get help.

Everybody feels down sometimes... 

Christian perspective and helpful suggestions :)

Something I remember in low moments is myself as a baby, a child, who I really am, who God created I am. I try to think about positive moments especially in childhood... photographs help... like a photograph of me showing my easter basket with plastic eggs and I remember the joy of finding those treats as if I just peered underneath that bush again in the backyard. Happy places in memory and fight through the bad places in memory far or recent... fight -imagine fighting the bad incident away not causing harm, but resolving the pain. Remember that Jesus is with you as he said,  "I am with you always..." Remember that Jesus was with you in good and bad times and try to understand that God doesn't control others' wrong actions... but is there to help and help also with memories. Remember you are not what others decide you are, only who you really are... a child a creation made in God's holy wonderful good image... how amazing we are made to resemble God himself.

Other thoughts to try to have in low moments...
Think about or look and watch nature and peace and little animals and birds or butterflies. 
Remind yourself to Just breathe if that is all you can do to get through the moment and it is okay or even at times good to cry and release.
Do not drive if you can help it when you are feeling too low. Instead walk around the block, it helps a lot!

Here's natural health tips for depression... I have read (you can verify with a nutritionist or search online...) bananas are the only food containing serotonin. Excercise is good because you are not just sitting dormant in thought but can walk or run, feel the breeze or even the rain. Walk safe and carefully around cars no matter how low you feel... It is just a moment that WILL PASS!

Be careful about choosing to take medications as the outcome is not always the best solution, though medication should not be ruled out, be monitored closely and carefully by your doctor. Eat well, or if you are too depressed stay hydrated, juices, protein drinks, chocolate milk.. you get the idea.

Avoid drugs and alcohol... does not help, makes life more difficult and for many exasperates depression and other mental health problems.

Read biblical scripture, feel worth by looking at yourself like God smiles down at you.

Go to God... a secret place with him and you will be under his protection.

Seek counsel and reach out to trusted friends and family... sometimes even just talking about the day helps you out of your low mood.

I would pray for anyone if needed. Just comment a request anonymously is fine. I care whoever you are and have battled many low moments in my life. God bless.

Like my friend said about struggles in general... Keep on Keeping on. And in a down moment it is okay to vent out hurts, sadness, frustrations and anger try not to hurt others in the process but vent out the aggression in a healthy way...

A friend and I recently shared this conversation...
"It's like I am swimming fully clothed... always drowning... trying to get in the boat from the water."
I joked like I was trying to get into the Titanic and I can't... and she declared and it's sinking.

This was healthy venting of anger and frustration... of course I have vented badly many times too.. Lord forgive me and sorryies need to be said... but it happens, just try not to. God loves you, fight a good fight. Life is tough. Life is beautiful. Life is a gift. Life CAN last eternity. But you cannot! cannot! cannot give up. Keep alive and let bad moments pass.

Read Psalm 91:1 (911)
He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

While searching online this scripture appeared and I don't know how it did, but I, years ago thought of it as my favorite... Hebrews 1-13... here's some scripture for reading.
Hebrews 13
 Let brotherly love continue.
Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.
Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.
So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.
 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.
Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines. For it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace; not with meats, which have not profited them that have been occupied therein.
 12 Wherefore Jesus also, that he might sanctify the people with his own blood, suffered without the gate.
14 For here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come.
15 By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.

Recommended scripture:

Listen to scripture and rest in His peaceful presence. Psalm 91

Listen: James 1

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Sinead O'Connor years ago and today 2012 (without media controversy)

Alysa's Favorites...
Singer: Sinead O'Connor
Drawing by Alysa 1998
I have a memory of singing I think in my bunk bed as a child along to "Nothing Compares to You" and I wanted to sing and loved to sing... this song was inspiring for me as a singer - an unfamous one (mostly to my kids... my more hidden passion.) I loved the video too, Sinead, you are a beautiful artist and person.

ARTISTIC Beautiful song -Peter Gabriel with Sinead O'Connor
1993 Blood of Eden music video

It's time to revisit this...
stop inequality, stop unjust rules and regulations in the catholic church, stop abuse, 
stop human suffering...
"It was not meant about a PERSONAL attack on the man, but rather the office" 
She helped protest abuse on children in Ireland and abroad by the Catholic Church system.
Read more... photo respectively from:
Very good article 2010:

I sing along to this song with all my heart and the other one is wonderful too:
Feel So Different - Emperor's New Clothes

Then and now...
She is still outspoken, here she is open about battling with bipolar. Recently the media played on her relationship hardships and difficulty with suicidal thinking. I am thankful for her openness and bravery for being outspoken even in the area of mental health, not taking in more negativity but here she easily spoke about it and I see it as a help for many people to keep up the good fight and through creativity and positive spirituality.

In Dublin 12-18-2011:
I love her bold Jesus tattoo right over her heart.
I love these songs!! Just heard it...
(I need more Sinead songs as I spent too long not listening enough, regretfully.)

Sinead's Current Concert information and Music available

ps God bless you Sinead! 
Thanks for the years of listening enjoyment, inspiration, and 
currently your outspoken help regarding mental illness. Alysa

Monday, October 15, 2012

Struggling Financially in Orange County? High Gas Prices! Sell Online for Extra Cash!

Gas prices are nearly $5 a gallon in southern California. Unemployment is needed by many families and others are trying to make it by each month by selling their belongings. This is of course not limited to Orange County, CA but I'm sure many places around the world. is a great way to make extra money, just take it from me though and charge for shipping carefully or you can lose money with shipping charges. (Just happened to me and I've been selling on ebay for years!) is another great place to sell, though sales are usually much slower than ebay, yet you can sell for a higher amount for most items through this artsy, crafty, handmade and vintage site. is an exclusive auction type selling site worth checking out. I noticed beautiful art was sold for better real value than ebay would sell for. is another selling avenue for local sales. Just be very weary of scams, spam emails and of course careful to give out your information and do not sell items alone as a precaution. Best to meet at a busy location or if at your home, in the day time hours. is a great source too, though since craigslist has gained exposure, this seems to have less buyers then through Craigslist.

ebay also offers free online classifieds as well.

My daughter's school doesn't offer a school bus and with high gas prices this has a big effect on my budget. Gas prices need to come down or we need a better affordable transportation system in effect soon, like hybrids and or electric/solar or water fueled vehicles. They are out there but not the norm and not readily affordable to struggling households with mid to large families. I currently drive a Premium fuel V8 and recently paid $4.85 a gallon!

Get through this economic time by being creative... if you have talent use it! Can you sew? Can you draw? Do you like scrapbooking? Get busy and start selling I am.

God bless,
Alysa from the OC

Look for the best gas prices in your area:
Gas prices in Orange County California

Gas prices in Los Angeles County
Gas prices in San Diego County