Friday, May 3, 2013

The Really Real OC: Police State? Murder and Violence; plus Local OC news and more April, May 2013

Local Orange County CA News

The world should know that the home of Mickey Mouse (the first original Disneyland) and the now called Los Angeles Angels (of Anaheim) baseball team is also a high crime, gang filled city, AND police state! Anaheim, California is a city that is increasing its police tactics allowing murder and mayhem from police themselves that are supposed to serve the people and protect the people. There is murder and violence among citizens also, but "the law" needs to do there job correctly and humanely in not just Anaheim, all of OC, LA and the nation. There is so much corruption and there is too much tolerance regarding US citizens rights being violated.

All across America more and more police state intolerances for peaceful protestors and others are being harmed. When peaceful protest is stopped riots and anger are the result of citizens.

The real OC...
Update- more links:
-2011: Man Tased and beaten to death in Fullerton &
-Arrest in custody abuse and taser abuse
Orange County Sherrif's Department
-July 25, 2012 Hundreds protest about the deaths of unarmed citizens: and and
-I remember this in the news: a man worried about what was going on outside went outside with a broom and was shot and killed by Anaheim police in 2008 the officer was only suspended and then put back on patrol!?: and

Anaheim, CA: Anaheim police- Alleged suspected gang members killed, person shot at close range with rubber bullet? No warnings, no: "You have the right to remain silent...". Just shot and or shot and killed, or police beatings even on a person not resisting. Children and mother's and others witness. Dogs, Rubber bullets... Notice the children, mothers and babies in these video clips, You will hear from children how 2 children got shot with rubber bullets, by police? Accidentally or not... not right.

A must see: This video is about Anaheim, CA. illegal police actions and other areas in the sad America, a police state.

The really real OC and across America - the land of the free?

(Warning, not graphic just upsetting. sorry for the "WT_" in the title. What the hell -NO-, is more appropriate.

Pray always.

OC Police shooting news:

January 2013 Santa Ana, CA Family protests fatal police shooting, police say man tried to run them down after waking him in a car, story appears man with a drug problem was trying to drive to run from police, police shot and killed the man because he didn't stop the car:
March 2013 Santa Ana, CA 2 men running from officers were shot:
Past news headlines OC police shootings:

Recent news in south east Orange County May 2013 local news. Chemtrail skies today, I saw a jet fly high up in the sky with chemtrails or contrails shooting out. Wether that was one of the chemtrail jets I don't know. But it is certain chemtrails were sprayed by just looking at the sky. It is a hot dry day today in Orange County, CA. Hearing a loud helicopter above my home I looked up to see a "SHERIFF" sign on the helicopter. I went to my front yard and tried to video tape it but I didn't click record right. It left as I stood on my front lawn with my laptop aimed to the sky. I wonder... are they patrolling spying on citizens or looking for somebody? Strange that it circled twice in my neighborhood and left as I have seen many times. Oh, now I see police - 3 police down the street right now as I write this blog post. They are stopped at a house down the street. Earlier today I saw a girl distraught worried looking for her boyfriend. I don't know if this is related, as she was calling out her boyfriend's name around my home. I talked to her to make sure she was OK. It must be related. The SUV Sheriff just slowed and stared at me and drove off since I am sitting in my front yard. She was looking around people's homes which is trespassing. I did not call authorities, but I see the sheriff's stopped down the street. Unless it's something else going on? I thought I lived in a nice safe area. Orange County sheriffs (they are sheriffs not police here in OC) on duty after helicopter circled.
Sirens nearby...
I hear more sirens on a daily basis like the time I lived near a fire station. Where I live now I hear sheriff car sirens, fire truck, and ambulance sirens randomly nearly every day. This is not New York. These are nice homes but still close by many apartments and a little further away about a few miles there are other not so good areas that even recently had news of stabbing near a highschool where a 24 year old man was arrested and 2 possibly in custody after treatment I'm not sure.

Other local News links for May and April 2013: Orange County California:
Southern California Los Angeles news April 2013:
Long Beach Police Fatally Shoot Man

US News: May 2013 Seattle, Washington: Police clash with protesters
What a strange strange world.
America Keep our Constitution Amendments Liberties Freedom!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

National Day of Prayer 2013

On this National Day of Prayer, it is a good time to pray for America. Not just America but all nations. Thank you lord that no one on earth can take away prayer. Prayer is a forever freedom.

My prayer for today:

US Flag at a south Orange County beach.
God bless America, heal our land. Help our country stand for freedom, liberty, and under your ten commandments and constitutional American rights. God bless and heal all nations, people, animals, and seas. God bless and come to the aid of all that are hurting from many things around the world. God help presecuted Christians, protect and save all that are presecuted. Lord help us through this time, this time that is written prophetically in your word.

Thank you for this gorgeous sunny and warm day in Orange County, California! Thank you for the beautiful flowers and singing birds and being always with us through every good or difficult time.

In Jesus name, amen.

Visit the National Day of Prayer Task Force site. Senior Pastor Greg Laurie of Harvest Christian Fellowship of Riverside County in southern California and Harvest in Irvine, CA. (Orange County) is the 2013 honorary chairman for the National Day of Prayer.

Washington Post:

Related blog post:

Sunday, April 28, 2013

US News: Update Boston Bombing Inside Job, Saudi National Abdul had terrorist charge then deported?

Last update 5-8-2013
PART 3 of investigating what REALLY happened at the Boston Marathon Bombings. A review with news videos, articles, opinions, commentary, and facts from both noncommercial and mainstream commercial news reports.

See related previous blog posts...
Part 2: US News: Update Boston Marathon Bombings... What happened?
Part 1: US News: April 15-April 20, 2013 Bombs, Explosion, Fear - Worldwide Earthquakes

Video below, a MUST SEE. This video shows the first suspect unclothed and being put under arrest, just as his mother cried out that they caught him, why did they kill her son? So much confusion. America, please see this.

(direct link to above video: The Truthseeker: Boston Bombing - What You Aren't Told)

3 more arrested in boston bombings:

Mainstream news May 3, 2013: Tamerlan Tsarnaev's cause of death and article regarding funeral:

Where is the Saudi involved in the boston bombing? Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi had terrorist charge, then the charge removed and deported or here still?

3 Suspects:
1. Saudi in the hospital Abdul Rahman
2. Tamerlan Tsamaev
3. Dzhokhar Tsamaev
This is not just about the 2 kids -
US government agencies involved.

News article from The Blaze regarding Glen Beck's information on the Saudi national's alleged connection to the boston bombings.

Before Glenn Beck reported the above information:
Inside Job - Beck news... "I've had enough of what you have done to my country."

CNN used a "witness" twice at the bombings and for the shooting + News report about this False Flag (made by person through youtube --sorry one bad word hinted in the text of video,)

This video clearly shows editting area of a photo of Dzhokar being photoshopped:

Some public opinions are that there were actually staged actors in the Boston Bombing of the injured. I will investigate this and post on this soon.

[As it turns out even Sandy Hook Elementary shooting may have been staged... I couldn't even believe it until video of a parent clearly acting upset for a camera interview and photos proved a child among the dead that was alive?... that's another story. On my Pinterest you will find the photos of the children that died as this hit home to me, but not enough to loose my freedoms and US Amendment rights.]

News video clip: "These were the two actors, these were the two individuals that were carrying out this mission and they are dead or arrested at this point" Boston Commissioner stated reffering to Tamerlan and Dzhokhar...

4-23 News CNN Mother speaks to reporter...

AP news: Russia phone call about Jihad between his mother and son Tamerlan 18 months ago, unrelated to the US. She was added to a terrorist list. Son Dzohar. may be facing the death penalty.

Boston bomb suspects' mother Zubeidat Tsarnaeva tells Channel 4 News: 'FBI Rang Me Before Attacks'

America took my kids away...

Tamerlan's Wife - Bombing suspect's widow talks to FBI

America CIA or FBI who they are, they know, take these people with their religious views (views that are filled with hate) and use it for a cause.
I'm sure not all in authority know about what and who the officials are plotting with or using, but there are US "officials" that know that they are messing with people's lives encouraging, and allowing terrorists acts for a future New World Order, the goal for setting the stage for the AntiChrist.

Stand for truth...
and No to Violence.

Jesus Christ is the truth and the life that takes all sins through his death and resurrection.

A Christian message...

What a day we are living in.

Prophecy is in the Holy Bible. Christianity true and pure not segragated into denominations even, just the Holy Bible, relationship prayer and born again by the Holy Spirit is the truth.
What would Jesus do? Jesus Christ never fought evil with evil. Jesus prayed for his enemies, "forgive them for they know not what they do".
Why did Jesus say they know not what they do? People would not hear or see the truth, because they were not with Jesus but against Jesus Christ. Those whose eyes and ears are open to the truth will hear the message and receive it and keep it. The message, salvation through Jesus Christ for eternal life... it is the good news in a corrupt world.

See also previous blog posts...
Part 2: US News: Update Boston Marathon Bombings... What happened?
Part 1: US News: April 15-April 20, 2013 Bombs, Explosion, Fear - Worldwide Earthquakes

Saturday, April 27, 2013

US News: Update Boston Marathon Bombings... What happened?

New updates for those that are interested in WHAT HAPPENED?! Try to piece it together... with and without commercial media.

FBI seems to have known, despite all the speculation on who did what... Why wasn't it stopped before it happened... to allow more martial law and terrorist "protection" in the USA it would seem as it is happening everywhere including my city and nearby in Orange County, CA (on the west coast).

Before reading all the news Alex Jones has studied and covered False Flag terrorist happenings and has many video reports to review about the Boston Marathon Bombings:

Mainstream news reports and videos...

April 25, 2013

Captured Dzhokhar Speaks to authorities after awaking and in recovery from multiple bullet wounds:

Unofficial story that the younger suspect spoke that it was his older brother Tamerlan that plotted... he spoke before he was read his rights and spoke no further after he was read his rights as stated in this video also shows the mother asking why her son was killed:

Update news article and video:

I posted some news links and videos for those that are interested in solving what happened... if this story will ever be solved truly and completely?

See this video someone made showing Dzhokhar wearing his backpack after the bomb went off - this is speculation not fact:

FBI knew the suspects before this incident but declared to the public they were seeking information.
This video shows that Dzhokar was carring the backpack on the right shoulder the photo supposedly without a backpack does not clearly show the right shoulder, and does not show a video only a still image that can easily be photoshop edited. Video that does not show the second suspect put down any backpack, the backpacks are being worn and Dzhokar had the backpack on his right shoulder.
FBI requests information - Fox News:

Dzhokar could have been wearing the backpack on either shoulder or both and the photo by David Green Florida runner may have been photoshopped declares a photographer.
Photo shows that possibly the suspects did have explosive bomb and it appears to be one gun from the photo as they stood behind the stolen Mercedez SUV - unconfirmed about any explosives.

Who ran over Tamerlan? After Tamerlan was shoot multiple times it is speculated that the brother drove an SUV over his brother.
Witnesses saw gun fire, one woman saw the police SUV run over the first suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev was he dead before or after this it is not known. One witness declared that the suspect Dzhokhar Tsamaev ran over his brother with a police SUV, while some say black SUV.

It is hard to determine this story.

Suspects behind Mercedez SUV it appears Tamerlan has a shot gun, and something on the ground next to him.
Witness photo report:

Witness Andrew Kitzenberg declares suspects used explosive devices, saw metal object and it was thrown and a lot of smoke. This video also shows martial law take place:

Female Witness of Police and Suspects Shoot-out video from Dexter Street:

Suspect yelled: "We didn't do it!"?

Tsarnaev brothers mother My sons are innocent, this is a set Up mentions 5 years FBI involved with her son (2009)

See related blog post:
US News: April 15-April 20, 2013 Bombs, Explosion, Fear - Worldwide Earthquakes