Thursday, May 2, 2013

National Day of Prayer 2013

On this National Day of Prayer, it is a good time to pray for America. Not just America but all nations. Thank you lord that no one on earth can take away prayer. Prayer is a forever freedom.

My prayer for today:

US Flag at a south Orange County beach.
God bless America, heal our land. Help our country stand for freedom, liberty, and under your ten commandments and constitutional American rights. God bless and heal all nations, people, animals, and seas. God bless and come to the aid of all that are hurting from many things around the world. God help presecuted Christians, protect and save all that are presecuted. Lord help us through this time, this time that is written prophetically in your word.

Thank you for this gorgeous sunny and warm day in Orange County, California! Thank you for the beautiful flowers and singing birds and being always with us through every good or difficult time.

In Jesus name, amen.

Visit the National Day of Prayer Task Force site. Senior Pastor Greg Laurie of Harvest Christian Fellowship of Riverside County in southern California and Harvest in Irvine, CA. (Orange County) is the 2013 honorary chairman for the National Day of Prayer.

Washington Post:

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