Sunday, August 29, 2010

December 21, 2012 Christian View Doomsday Prophecies

God knows our time, keep your focus on Jesus.
We do not know the hour Jesus will come.

mayan calander Pictures, Images and Photos
Look here for an interesting look on the facts of the Mayan calender and biblical view on "Doomsday" Dec. 21, 2012.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Drew Barrymore Wears $25 Thrift Store Dress on Red Carpet

Go Drew! She is so cute and I believe has such a genuinely sweet nature. I love thrift store finds! Drew looks retro gorgeous in a metallic sparkle mod dress. I bet she could have pulled off Payless pumps even and still look great (her pumps worth over $700). See the photo of her and article here:

Visit my growing eBay Store (bookmark... new store still stocking shelves) for home decor, some bargains and retro clothing:

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Yellow in the Ocean? T Street Beach San Clemente, California- Orange County

Yesterday was a gorgeous beach day in San Clemente, CA. At T-Street Beach the water was warm and shallow enough to walk out swim and boogie board. Only a couple cautions, warm water also brought a string ray that may have stung someone earlier in the day where we were now splashing, later there was some concern of rip currents. But the spotted yellow flag was not the only yellow spotted at the beach. The biggest concern in my opinion was the bright yellow we could see first from the cliff above T-Street. The yellow colored water streaked moving south from the San Clemente Pier and south of T-Street. People swam and splashed anyway. After a few hours the yellow was finally pushed south and spread and you could no longer see notice it. There are piles and piles of a long seaweed bed that is stretched across the coastline making the ocean blue somewhat brown. Is this related to the yellow, was this yellow dumped into our water? This yellow as bright as paint, what was it? Glad there are showers at the beach.

Comments welcomed.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Glass Half Full Not Empty Living (Inspirational Devotion) + Music Video Before Morning

I may not feel like a winner sometimes, but I don't want to think I am a loser, or that I am really letting life's loops throw me for a spin, maybe a bit of a twirl though. I try to be an overall caring person. I try to put myself last. I just don't feel like I'm on the winners list sometimes. In my life I have a lot of effort in things that I have sought for, whether it is a relationship, friendship, motherhood, writing and art, work... but I don't understand why it seems I don't seem to "make it"... all the way. That in many areas I feel the taunting of my failures. I guess I am wanting my own goodstuff. I am the kind of person that most of the time is half full glass but everything conflicting around me says, no it's half empty! "Believe me you are half empty", the glass tells me... this same glass not fulfilling my thirst. Oh if I fall into that pit of despair and hopelessness, suddenly it's... why is "this"- which can be anything from a flat tire to a car crash or a bad hair day to an illness- why is this happening? I tried. If I don't give up, someone else may anyway and where does it leave me. "Give up", the empty glass calls, "give in to despair."
Despair, in definition stated:
  • a state in which all hope is lost or absent;
  • abandon hope; give up hope; lose heart;
  • the feeling that everything is wrong and nothing will turn out well; "they moaned in despair and dismay"; "one harsh word would send her into the depths of despair"
Still, I've got to try if I am falling into that pit- will I not claw the walls to get out? We all have to fight that fight when it comes, one fight that is a good fight. What control do we really have? Only ourselves, our choices. If only we made good choices all the time, but we wouldn't be human then. Try your best to be your best. There's no need to sink into despair, when around the corner things can turn around. We don't know what's around the corner. Something to remember in those half empty moments:

  1. Romans 7:21 (King James Version) I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me.
  2. Romans 8:28 (New Living Translation)
    And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.
If evil is with us when we do good, all we can do is be prepared and try to do good to our best ability, sometimes we need to try even harder to. God is all knowing and much more powerful then I, so who am I to know his plans? Everything can be caused for good to those that love him. I need to be reminded myself at times. So instead, cheers to half full, cause it's much better than empty. Chins up! Alysa

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

LOST TV Show Merchandise Check it out while it's still available!

LOST items for sale still online, some items marked at discount. Fun looking at them even if you don't buy... There are DHARMA Metal signs which would be great for a DHARMA Party! You can even buy an entire LOST DVD Collection set for discounted price $199.99 ($29 off). Search my blog for more LOST blog posts, including free LOST DHARMA Labels info and Party ideas.
Check it out: