Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Sept. 7, 2011 Bomb Threat at San Clemente High School; The Real Orange County, CA

Real Orange County, California special report:
San Clemente High School, home of the "Tritans", was evacuated on the first day of school due to bomb threat.
San Clemente High School

Orange County doesn't have a curtain from crime like some think. Orange County, California is for the most part a rather safe place to live. Today, declared there is no safe place for the students at a local high school, San Clemente High school. Bomb threat! On the first day of School, September 7, 2011, 3,200 students and 180 school employees were evacuated.

Why did this happen? Was it possibly a call for attention that a man from the United States Navy plotted this? A Navy medic that had gone AWOL, did not show up for work so they searched his barracks in Camp Pendleton (South Orange County/North San Diego area) and found a note or multiple notes about leaving bombs at the campus of San Clemente High School.

Today was a hot day in San Clemente and students were not allowed in class today, 
News reporter outside the High School
 instead they were instructed to go to the football field and were finally brought some water bottles, some complained it was not enough done for them as they waited while Swat and bombsquads (Orange County Sherrifs Special Weapons and Tactics) searched the entire campus today for explosives. One high school student thought a couple were found, though, media sources say no explosives were found.
The Navy man, 22 year old Daniel Morgan was missing, then later turned himself in and is being questioned by military police. I met one parent who was working and said she was nervous about her child who just started school as a freshman. Another students father I spoke with waited at a nearby McDonald's and called his son, instructing him where to go if an explosive was found or went off. He also said that sheriffs pulled kids off the street that were walking by the high school and they were told to go to the football field, even though they did not go to that school.

Outside San Clemente High School
Finally, around 1pm, students were slowly dismissed early. Some students waited at a nearby grocery store for parents to pick them up, others walked or drove home. Many cars were being searched, I saw one sheriff digging through a trunk of a car parked on the main street. It looked like cars on the main street were lined with yellow tape.

Fire Authority truck carried water for students that waited in the heat.
I counted over 15 news vans and cars lined on the main street, Many Firetrucks, ambulances, sheriffs cars and a sheriff's motorcycle, and Special Weapons and Tactics truck. Never, did I think there would be a bomb threat in this area. Students will resume at school tomorrow as regularly scheduled. What a way to start the new year. Could this Navy man be only seeking for a way out of the Navy? Could he really be a terrorist in his own country, and why kids? Possibly because it's a lot of people in one place near the military base. But, why would he leave a note easily found anyway? Good thing the military and city officials were on top of this incident before a more serious one occurred.
I witnessed a Sheriff searching through the trunk of this car and others nearby.

Hill Marks the number 12 (2011-2012 school year? maybe)
News vans outside San Clemente High School
News reporter at shopping center were some students were picked up.

1 comment:

  1. You have a lot of good photos and I like your take on things :)


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