Monday, June 4, 2012

A Children's Book is also Bible Study? Philippians 4

I'm sorry I missed Sunday's blog updates! I was busy making my mom a "Thanksgiving" Meal for her birthday party yesterday. My favorite meal! It was the best turkey I ever made.

(For you chefs out there...My trick= a whole stick of butter melted and poured over the whole thing and inside the cavity too, and a good amount of fresh ground salt, and sprinkle with pepper. Also, I didn't over cook it this time 325 F and upped it a little to a golden color at 350 F then back to 325 F about 3 hours and let it sit about 20 minutes. Came out perfect.)

She didn't expect all that and so that was fun.

So, here is my "Sunday Morning" Bible Study... Monday:

I wanted to read a story to you. This is a good story to read your kids.

(My suggestion though, if you have a single parent household etc. I would not read as it is read for your child how the character in the book is thankful for specific family members... replace the word with mom, or dad, aunt etc. if needed. This will help your child connect to the story better. Or if you choose not to, explain after the story how God intended family to be, but what makes your family unique and special too.)

This was one of my favorite stories I read as a kid. Published in 1984. It cheered me up and taught me to see the bright side, I read it recently and am thankful for it. I recommend it as an alysa good stuff favorite book!
This book is respectively written here and all rights remain with the author, I have no rights to this book. I have modified the ending to shorten the story, but did not add to it. See links below if you would like to purchase this cute little paperback book- it's a sweet story with adorable illustrations.

Bartleby's One Bad Day After Another
by Jill Wolf

"Bartleby the Church Mouse know that Monday was going to be a bad day.
He knew because a very noisy bird sang at his window and woke him up too early.
Bartleby wanted to throw his shoe at that bird. But he didn't.
Bartleby wanted to go back to sleep. But he couldn't.
So Bartleby yawned and got out of bed.

On Tuesday the noisy bird did not sing. But Bartleby knew it was going to be a bad day.
He knew because his breakfast wasn't ready.
When Dad was making pancakes, he flipped Bartleby's pancake high into the air.
Dad flipped that pancake so high, it hit the kitchen ceiling. And it stuck.
So Bartleby had to wait for a new batch of pancakes. And he was almost late for school.

Bartleby had his favorite cereal for breakfast on Wednesday. But Bartleby fell off. He fell off even though he had training wheels.
Bartleby hurt his hand. And he tore his jeans on the knee that didn't have a patch yet. So he knew Mom would be mad.
And his arithmetic book got so dirty, the teacher was mad, too.

On Thursday Bartleby did not ride his bike. But it turned out to be a bad day.
After school Bartleby bought a grape fruitsicle. But he bumped into his friend Sara and dropped his fruitsicle on the sidewalk.
It broke into pieces.
So he had to share Sara's fruitsicle. And strawberry was his worst favorite flavor.

At last it was Friday. But it was still a bad day for Bartleby. His big sister had a party for all her friends and they wouldn't let Bartleby play with them. They wouldn't even let him in the room.
Then Mom made him go to bed early. But Bartleby couldn't sleep because his sister and her friends were having a pillow fight.
He could hear them giggling and talking. They were having fun.
But Bartleby wasn't.

(modified ending...)


His mother smiled. "Bad things will happen sometimes, Bartleby. Yet God has blessed you with so many good things."
Bartleby thought about what his mother had said while he was playing outside.
He had so many friends.
They always had fun together.
And it was a beautiful day. The sun was shining and the grass was green and it tickled Bartleby's feet.
Bartleby felt like running and jumping.
He was glad that God had given him so much to enjoy.

On Sunday Bartleby sat alone on the hill. He thought about his bad days. But he also thought about all the good things that God had given him.
Bartleby remembered that when he fell off his bike, he wasn't hurt badly. When he broke his fruitsicle, Sara shared with him. When his pancake stuck on the ceiling, it was really funny. And that noisy bird did have a pretty song.
"God, it's a beautiful day," said Bartleby. "And it's going to be a good week, too!"

...the end"

Buy the book if it is available:
Amazon link:

Bible scripture reference:

Philippians 4:8-9 KJV

8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.

Click hear to Listen to Philippians 4

It's a real effort to remember that in all difficult times of our lives (and we all have them) also remember to see God's glory- even in the tiniest way like a sprouting seed, a blooming flower, a caterpillar, clouds moving in the sky, a blue sky, a chocolate chip cookie or a friend that brought you a chocolate chip cookie, or... better yet be the friend to give cookies! Know that God knows more then we, trust him in that, and smile for the good things. 

Enjoy your week. Please leave comments!

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1 comment:

  1. You made such a delicious turkey! yay! and Mom loved that dinner. So good :)

    That is a very good story. It is true that we need to find miracles and peace and joy in the little things.



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