Saturday, April 13, 2013

North Korea vs United States - Can North Korea Strike The U.S. Mainland?

World News... from the US West Coast

Kim Jon Un Speech March 2013
"To increase constantly the self-reliant defence capacity with the nuclear force as the core constitutes a firm guarantee for protecting the sovereignty and the right to existence of our nation and achieving prosperity of the country.
As long as the imperialists resort to nuclear blackmail and aggressive threat, we, though the generations change and no matter how the situation develops, should not weaken the nuclear strength but should continuously develop the Juche-based atomic industry.
The entire officers and men of the Korean People's Army and people should not rest content with and be carried away by the ever-increasing nuclear might and more firmly prepare themselves politically and ideologically; they should attain the final victory in the confrontation against the United States with the great army-people unity when the day of do-or-die battle comes." ( here)
[North Korea economy (BBC News)]
I believe, based on reported news, the United States is aware of the possibility that North Korea can possibly reach the mainland of the United States and may be keeping this quiet and classified for the most part though in the mainstream media news which downplays this. It is still in the news that the threats are being taken seriously and some news indicates that North Korea can reach though they do not believe a definite capability. The United States has missle interceptors that can stop any threat of nuclear missles.
North Korea is restarting the nuclear work and ready to use nuclear weapons to build up their country's economy so their country can flourish and also to claim South Korea. North Koreans are taught to worship their leaders and are under control of a leader that wants North Korean citizens under the leader's bullying control and war driven regime.
As a citizen of the United States on the west coast in Orange County California, I live in a military area and I am not worried about the threats made by North Korea, yet, I take the threats seriously...
How many people live in the U.S.? Do we want war? Should many people die from political leader scandels and fights? I've nothing to do with it. The edge of a World War 3 and we the people wait and see...
Let the battle be in an empty sea or dry isolated desert away from me. Why is there so much killing!?
The true enemy is the one we cannot see most oftenly. Satan's tactics, demonized and attacked people are the true puppets of war and threats of war and power driven leaders.

God bless all and those that stand up and FIGHT for GOOD only.
More Current World News regarding North Korea:

Pentagon Finds Nuclear Strides by North Korea (NY Times)

Pentagon: North Korea Can Reach the U.S. (Business Insider)

North Korea to restart nuclear reactor... (Reuters)

Beijing has recently toughened its rhetoric towards Pyongyang as tensions in the Korean Peninsula rise following provocative moves by North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, but analysts say the Chinese leadership will not abandon its ally because that would cost Beijing a strategically important role on the peninsula. (China caught in dilemma over crisis with North Korea South China Morning Post)

Who Gave North Korea Nukes in the First Place? (Info Wars)

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