Monday, April 1, 2013

World News: Wars and Rumors of Wars - Bible Prophecy News 2013

This is no joke what is going on, I post this on April 1st 2013 a day some people may play "April Fool's Day" this is not a joke.

Wars and Rumors of Wars
Psalms 83 War
Gog and Magog

This image description may or may not be accurate... taken from an online source I am not sure regarding the names of countries based on Gog and Magog. Still researching this but here is a map for viewing and research purposes. Click on map to enlarge. 

Christians all over the world in every nation, it's time to be Christians... better Christians if you aren't fully living as Christ wants you to. I say this to myself as well. Seek His forgiveness and be at peace.

[I need to pray- forgive me my sins, help my heart, soul and mind, and help me to live as you want me to.]

Please pray too if you will: True peace and God's will among all nations, no weapons formed against nations and citizens will prosper, be our defense, your will be done. in Jesus name, Amen.
(UPDATE 4-2)

North Korea and Iran
North Korea to Expand Nuclear Arsenal
[Iran has been concentrating on uranium enrichment, which it says is for civilian purposes.
Although North Korea and Iran have cooperated on missile technology, US officials said there is no direct evidence of nuclear cooperation.
‘‘We’re worried about it, but we haven’t seen it,’’ said a former Obama administration official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence assessments. ‘‘They cooperate in many areas, especially missiles. Why it hasn’t yet extended to the nuclear program is frankly a mystery.’’]

Russia China Korea/US

US/ North Korea

[Saturday's report included a direct threat to the United States, while also asserting Pyongyang "will not limit (itself) to limited warfare but to all-out war and nuclear war."
"We will first target and dissolve mainland United States, Hawaii and Guam, and United States military based in South Korea. And the (South Korean presidential office) will be burned to the ground," the report said.]

From North Korea News site:
Mun Kyong Dok, alternate member of the Political Bureau and secretary of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea who is also chief secretary of the Pyongyang City Committee of the WPK, read out the statement of the KPA Supreme Command.
Then the floor was taken by KPA officer Kwon Yong Chol on behalf of the KPA, Kim Hyok Nam, worker of the Pyongyang 326 Electric Wire Factory, on behalf of the Worker-Peasant Red Guards, Kim Ju Il, student of Kumsong Secondary School No. 1, on behalf of the Young Red Guards and Rim Il Gwang, student of Kim Il Sung University, on behalf of discharged soldiers.
The speakers said that the service personnel and people of the DPRK are all out in a final decisive battle against provocateurs, aggressors, fully determined to take a thousand-fold revenge on the U.S. imperialists and the south Korean group of traitors, upon hearing the statement of the KPA Supreme Command and the news that Supreme Commander Kim Jong Un convened an urgent operation meeting on the KPA Strategic Rocket Force's performance of duty for firepower strike and examined and finally ratified its plan for firepower strike. Read more...

"Growing Danger of Nuclear War"- North Korea site.
(Russia and China join together)
US - Jerusalem/Iran
US/US Citizens
Biblical Scriptures:
Wars and Rumors of Wars
Matthew 24:6
And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.
Gog and Magog
Revelation 20:8
And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog, and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.

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