Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!! 2012

 I love it, my favorite meal especially pumpkin pie and sweet potato casserole with slightly melted marshmallows on top.

Weather from Disneyland Anaheim CA: Partly cloudy 77 degrees, a lovely day.

Charlie Brown Mayflower Part 1

Part 2

 Charlie Brown Thanksgiving...

This story represents what Thanksgiving is about in a fun and humble giving, forgiving, sharing holiday.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

USA 2012 President Elections Obama Wins and America Liberty Q and A

My thoughts based on news reports. 

I am posting this and wondering will I regret posting this? Will I be considered a terrorist because I do not agree with President Obama's choices, I do not agree with Obama's ideals? I do not like what has been and what is happening to the "United" States of America. :``

...and I was wrong to agree about President George Bush in the war on terror.
  I did not vote for the hacking of all American's data and spying. I can understand invasion against highly suspected bomb building buying people, but me, just for saying a word or two, or me just cause I send emails or call my family or me just cause I post this blog post?

Obama signs a bill to hold indefinitely American Citizens without charge or trial. And he won election for 2012?

Martial Law takes our freedoms and people may even ask for it during devastating weather emergencies... did you know that 5,000 people received one bullet and were dumped into the Louisana River during Katrina Hurricane? People pulled out of their homes even though the weather in the area was fine and their food supply fine. Weapons, without cause, were confiscated. I do not want the FEMA to help me in an emergency.

FYI: My site post will be looked at by government. Here are some words I learned regarding spying on Facebook specifically, but I am sure for other communications as well. I guess there are other keywords out there too that causes the government -whoever they are- to spy or to spy more or whatever they want to do? The key words: Drill, Exercise, Airport, Drug, Narcotics, Cocaine, Marijuana. 

I think it would be VERY FUNNY to counter attack the spying
and select a day to just bombard "them" like "they" invade us... everyone type those spy keywords in your e-mail or Twitter or Facebook or talk on the phone for a day all around the world. :) Just joking OK. Seriously, this unjust civil government invasion is so sad, what is worse is "indefinite detainment" -how you act, words you say can imprison YOU or I. America where are you? Who are you? We have some freedoms... right? Or do we just think we do? Sure we can still believe what we want, but simple liberties get taken from us, even if it is no probable cause that someone can get pulled over in a car... it's happened to me and others I know, has this happened to you? I don't just mean at the border check points. Can someone tell me has America been truly free ever? or just partly? I think that partly we have, and I think that America is losing the freedoms that we have very quickly!

Will I be considered a terrorist in my own country that I love because I am a Christian believer? 

I wonder, how much the US votes have ever been rigged: ___ and when: from___to ___?

What if I don't want airport, or bus, or train, or... security touching me or my child and I am not a terrorist (I am not a threat)? Will they refund my ticket, will they think I am bad?

 And what if I say... bomb bomb bomb bomb baabaabomb...? or if I say it on an airplane...

A break from the seriousness for a minute...
Airport Security Part 1 Meet the Parents - One of my favorite movies! 
(PG Last word of clip is a bad word.)

Airport Security Part 2 Funny

I believed about 911 watching another plane strike the other World Trade Center building on a mini TV my -then boss- brought into work. I worried about leaving my child at daycare. But was it a US rigged terror attack to start the ball rolling to remove our civil liberties... or was it real? or was it a hologram -I don't believe this though. Or was it real and anger from terrorists against America? I always felt it to be real, and real terrorists, I later worried that government may have suspected the pending attack and did nothing? Did they allow it for a future plot, like homeland security policies. I truly don't know. Will we ever know? I think the government is behind the arrangement of the plane attacks as a plan Sure we do not like any terrorists- anyone that wants to harm people and society. America gets involved in other countries, America fights on other soil. What harm has America done to other countries as a terrorist in their land to those people? hmm. It's not that America is asking for terrorist attacks -right?- but should be careful that it can happen, especially if America is on other soil. What exactly does America do? I mean the full detail. America does good, but what bad? Imposing our ways to others, maybe some good when helping people, but what part is not a good idea? We should only share the Good News, like Jesus said. Are we without blemish, is there a plank in America's eye. Yes. We all have sticks and planks in our eyes. Was 9/11 a military, government American done act against it's own people as to impose "their ways" on American people, in order to move towards a united one world order system government... things like the bible warns about in the end times? Or was 9/11 really an outside terrorist attack?

9/11 difficult to watch. :` A view from an apartment, a home video. PG

They did not see the first plane, They saw the second and said, it was a military plane... was it? This video shows right after the planes hit each time. 26 min. film:

9/11 Hijackers alive?
I have to admit, after watching these compiled news clips, 'America... why?' I want to be wrong, but this gives tough proof that these were unmarked no logo military planes, at least mostly the second plane was described this way by witnesses. Then again, what happened to those that died on the commercial airplanes then? Did Bin Laden agree to take credit for the attacks then? Did Bin Laden assume that it was terrorists that followed him. There's the conspiracy. Lord you know.

More deaths from 9/11 still to come?

About our Liberties...
Those good old liberties that Americans have fought for all these years, including my Grandfather - a pilot on a dangerous mission carrying supplies of fuel and more over the deadly mountainous flights that many did not survive, the flights over the mountains of Burma. He was a caring soldier. He once, with others, saved an orphaned boy in India and paid some money to house him at a school there.

Maybe the same liberties America first took from people... slaves: blacks, native tribes, and American Japanese even during a war..(search Japanese detainment). Will it also happen to us everyday Americans? Yes and it is happening.

Freedom of Speech... Is it gone now? Did we ever truly have it?

Liberties of American Youth... 
Information of Foster care situations in California. Counties within the state make money. Some foster children end up in another bad environment in the care of 'bad' foster parents.

A story I know:
A relative foster parent cared for children: the children were moved to another county based on lies by a social worker= a worse sad scenario my guess -so the county would not lose money on an out of county case, so the county could earn money (they receive money per child in the county), the medical was taken from them and only given for a separate county where the case is, not the county the children are in - (This rule needs to change for medical and counsel services of children residing with families), so the social worker made false accusing statements, so she could say she is doing her job better, she lied some and the courts agree? I'd have to say I only agree children should be closer to parents. The kids rights though, were criminally removed from them - no one informed the children of their rights, the children did not know they had rights that they had. Before they knew the rights, the foster care child rights were taken from them, and as an added bonus family contact was indefinitely removed. It is just sickening. The job was almost complete finally and that part is good, most of the children went home again. One child has suffered much since. That is one story and I have read about some others.
One woman who actually filed and won a lawsuit, if I remember correctly, whose child should not have been removed from her care. Other scenarios happen, children have been removed wrongly in the first place... and gone too long while wrongly accused parents suffer away from their children and the children away from their parents subjecting them to whoever the government chooses as a foster parent. The parent did not do wrong. In this case, money obviously is the reason. And then there's the discipline scenario, be careful your choice of discipline, while I am against harmful discipline, "a spank" doesn't qualify as reason to remove a child... I am speculating here, but I'm sure there are some cases that should not remove a child. Other cases, it is surely needed. The government should better discern and never use any child for income, except I can understand work for income caring for a child. I can understand government employees receiving income correctly and justly. Yet the cost is expensive. It needs to be used correctly.
Some change coming...?

Juvenile Hall crime cases Money for arrested kids - An abuse of power:

Dream of living the American Dream: ICE holds immigrants... about 32,000 on a single day without any charges. Why? They are sent back to their country and prisons make money.  And why is there mistreatment of illegal immigrants?
-Deaths in ICE

Amazing Grace... how sweet the sound, 
that saved a wretch like me. 
God save America.

This video is complied of news reports about America's Liberties...


More to search about:
Just theories? I don't think so.


There are many bible scriptures for every aspect of life... below are some of the scriptures about leadership, the people, and land:

Proverbs 29:18 ERV
If a nation is not guided by God, the people will lose self-control, but the nation that obeys God’s law will be happy.

Proverbs 28:2 NLT
When there is moral rot within a nation, its government topples easily.
But wise and knowledgeable leaders bring stability.

Romans 13:1 NLT
Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God.

2 Chronicals 7:14 KJV
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

What happens if the law and authorities are corrupt, do we follow corruption? No, that is not moral. Jesus overturned the tables in the market place and let free animals. Because they were wrong. That doesn't mean start riots, the opposite, oppose wrongs.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Beautiful Paintings inspiration to many... Bob Ross 70th birthday

The Google homepage logo image celebrated Bob Ross's 70th birthday today. I watched many of these painting videos as a child and it definitely inspired me to paint. I don't paint the same as Bob Ross... but I remember Happy Trees :) These painting videos are some of my happy childhood memories.

I love Christmas time... here is a little painting clip of Mountains and trees with snow. Enjoy.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Help Prevent and Be Aware of Suicide in California

sad Pictures, Images and Photos
Suicide in California I read was around 3,300 annually based from 1997-2007. That is devastating. And also self harm and suicide attempts are on the rise all over as we hear of things about bullying and cyber bullying. Even though there was a drop in the amount of suicides in Southern California (Orange County) we as people need to care about what is happening around us.

The California government issued health insurance (Medical or CalOptima) removed adult mental health services from its coverage. This is not a good move, as mental health is also critical for the well being of families and also for parents and people in general to work and improve their circumstance financially.

As far as I think the entire world's population has at least one diagnosed or undiagnosed mental illness. Sorry if that is harsh sounding, but think about it. Who is normal? Stress itself can cause illness.

Here is a site with general information for those needing help or those interested in helping prevent suicides.
American Association of Suicidology: "Suicide Prevention is Everyone's business"

Suicide rates in the US are mostly in the state of California:

1999-2009 San Diego, San Bernadino, and Riverside have the highest suicide rates. Forth highest suicide rates being in Orange County and fifth Imperial County.

California Suicide Prevention Network for Southern California Counties

This just posted recently in 2012:
San Diego's high suicide rates and also how to get help.

Everybody feels down sometimes... 

Christian perspective and helpful suggestions :)

Something I remember in low moments is myself as a baby, a child, who I really am, who God created I am. I try to think about positive moments especially in childhood... photographs help... like a photograph of me showing my easter basket with plastic eggs and I remember the joy of finding those treats as if I just peered underneath that bush again in the backyard. Happy places in memory and fight through the bad places in memory far or recent... fight -imagine fighting the bad incident away not causing harm, but resolving the pain. Remember that Jesus is with you as he said,  "I am with you always..." Remember that Jesus was with you in good and bad times and try to understand that God doesn't control others' wrong actions... but is there to help and help also with memories. Remember you are not what others decide you are, only who you really are... a child a creation made in God's holy wonderful good image... how amazing we are made to resemble God himself.

Other thoughts to try to have in low moments...
Think about or look and watch nature and peace and little animals and birds or butterflies. 
Remind yourself to Just breathe if that is all you can do to get through the moment and it is okay or even at times good to cry and release.
Do not drive if you can help it when you are feeling too low. Instead walk around the block, it helps a lot!

Here's natural health tips for depression... I have read (you can verify with a nutritionist or search online...) bananas are the only food containing serotonin. Excercise is good because you are not just sitting dormant in thought but can walk or run, feel the breeze or even the rain. Walk safe and carefully around cars no matter how low you feel... It is just a moment that WILL PASS!

Be careful about choosing to take medications as the outcome is not always the best solution, though medication should not be ruled out, be monitored closely and carefully by your doctor. Eat well, or if you are too depressed stay hydrated, juices, protein drinks, chocolate milk.. you get the idea.

Avoid drugs and alcohol... does not help, makes life more difficult and for many exasperates depression and other mental health problems.

Read biblical scripture, feel worth by looking at yourself like God smiles down at you.

Go to God... a secret place with him and you will be under his protection.

Seek counsel and reach out to trusted friends and family... sometimes even just talking about the day helps you out of your low mood.

I would pray for anyone if needed. Just comment a request anonymously is fine. I care whoever you are and have battled many low moments in my life. God bless.

Like my friend said about struggles in general... Keep on Keeping on. And in a down moment it is okay to vent out hurts, sadness, frustrations and anger try not to hurt others in the process but vent out the aggression in a healthy way...

A friend and I recently shared this conversation...
"It's like I am swimming fully clothed... always drowning... trying to get in the boat from the water."
I joked like I was trying to get into the Titanic and I can't... and she declared and it's sinking.

This was healthy venting of anger and frustration... of course I have vented badly many times too.. Lord forgive me and sorryies need to be said... but it happens, just try not to. God loves you, fight a good fight. Life is tough. Life is beautiful. Life is a gift. Life CAN last eternity. But you cannot! cannot! cannot give up. Keep alive and let bad moments pass.

Read Psalm 91:1 (911)
He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

While searching online this scripture appeared and I don't know how it did, but I, years ago thought of it as my favorite... Hebrews 1-13... here's some scripture for reading.
Hebrews 13
 Let brotherly love continue.
Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.
Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.
So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.
 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.
Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines. For it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace; not with meats, which have not profited them that have been occupied therein.
 12 Wherefore Jesus also, that he might sanctify the people with his own blood, suffered without the gate.
14 For here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come.
15 By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.

Recommended scripture:

Listen to scripture and rest in His peaceful presence. Psalm 91

Listen: James 1

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Sinead O'Connor years ago and today 2012 (without media controversy)

Alysa's Favorites...
Singer: Sinead O'Connor
Drawing by Alysa 1998
I have a memory of singing I think in my bunk bed as a child along to "Nothing Compares to You" and I wanted to sing and loved to sing... this song was inspiring for me as a singer - an unfamous one (mostly to my kids... my more hidden passion.) I loved the video too, Sinead, you are a beautiful artist and person.

ARTISTIC Beautiful song -Peter Gabriel with Sinead O'Connor
1993 Blood of Eden music video

It's time to revisit this...
stop inequality, stop unjust rules and regulations in the catholic church, stop abuse, 
stop human suffering...
"It was not meant about a PERSONAL attack on the man, but rather the office" 
She helped protest abuse on children in Ireland and abroad by the Catholic Church system.
Read more... photo respectively from:
Very good article 2010:

I sing along to this song with all my heart and the other one is wonderful too:
Feel So Different - Emperor's New Clothes

Then and now...
She is still outspoken, here she is open about battling with bipolar. Recently the media played on her relationship hardships and difficulty with suicidal thinking. I am thankful for her openness and bravery for being outspoken even in the area of mental health, not taking in more negativity but here she easily spoke about it and I see it as a help for many people to keep up the good fight and through creativity and positive spirituality.

In Dublin 12-18-2011:
I love her bold Jesus tattoo right over her heart.
I love these songs!! Just heard it...
(I need more Sinead songs as I spent too long not listening enough, regretfully.)

Sinead's Current Concert information and Music available

ps God bless you Sinead! 
Thanks for the years of listening enjoyment, inspiration, and 
currently your outspoken help regarding mental illness. Alysa

Monday, October 15, 2012

Struggling Financially in Orange County? High Gas Prices! Sell Online for Extra Cash!

Gas prices are nearly $5 a gallon in southern California. Unemployment is needed by many families and others are trying to make it by each month by selling their belongings. This is of course not limited to Orange County, CA but I'm sure many places around the world. is a great way to make extra money, just take it from me though and charge for shipping carefully or you can lose money with shipping charges. (Just happened to me and I've been selling on ebay for years!) is another great place to sell, though sales are usually much slower than ebay, yet you can sell for a higher amount for most items through this artsy, crafty, handmade and vintage site. is an exclusive auction type selling site worth checking out. I noticed beautiful art was sold for better real value than ebay would sell for. is another selling avenue for local sales. Just be very weary of scams, spam emails and of course careful to give out your information and do not sell items alone as a precaution. Best to meet at a busy location or if at your home, in the day time hours. is a great source too, though since craigslist has gained exposure, this seems to have less buyers then through Craigslist.

ebay also offers free online classifieds as well.

My daughter's school doesn't offer a school bus and with high gas prices this has a big effect on my budget. Gas prices need to come down or we need a better affordable transportation system in effect soon, like hybrids and or electric/solar or water fueled vehicles. They are out there but not the norm and not readily affordable to struggling households with mid to large families. I currently drive a Premium fuel V8 and recently paid $4.85 a gallon!

Get through this economic time by being creative... if you have talent use it! Can you sew? Can you draw? Do you like scrapbooking? Get busy and start selling I am.

God bless,
Alysa from the OC

Look for the best gas prices in your area:
Gas prices in Orange County California

Gas prices in Los Angeles County
Gas prices in San Diego County

Monday, August 6, 2012

Biblical Prespective: World News Mars: "Curiosity" Image from Mars August 6, 2012

Can Mars sustain life? What has God created out there in the universe?
Curiosity has photographed Mars and is on a mission to find out if life can be on Mars. Is it the fear of the earth's passing away that leads mankind to seek out alternative life sources? It is great to see what God has made. The close view of the planet Mars or the moon and stars is really miraculous even that God has given us the capability to learn to such a degree that we can send machines and even mankind into space.

NASA News article: Landed on Mars August 5, 2012
The mission of the rover: If Mars can sustain life or if life has been on Mars. Obama laid out a vision in 2030's to send humans to Mars.
See the image of Mars from August 6, 2012 here.

NASA News article: Mars Rover Sends Higher Resolution Image

Biblical Scripture Reflection:

How marvelous the earth really is, it makes you realize the gift the earth is even in it's turmoil. Yet by prophecy we are told a new earth will be and heaven with it. How much more marvelous will that be!? The heaven now and earth now will pass away...

Revelation 21 King James
And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.
And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.
And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.
And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.
And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.
He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.
But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

Luke 19:10 New King James
"for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.”

We do not want to pass away like the earth and heaven, but have eternal life, that's why Jesus came to earth and soon a new earth and heaven is our gift if we believe in Jesus, love, seek forgiveness in Jesus Christ and also forgive others -as our Father will also forgive us-. Love God first, love by kindness to others even if someone does wrong (forgive by giving the situation about each person to God's for his help. No personal vengence). Remember, no one can go to the Father except through Jesus. For he is the light and the way. Jesus came to help those that they will believe and be saved from all sin, he took the sin on the cross so we can go to the Father through him and be made righteous again by the forgiveness of all our sin. Nothing is more important on this earth then this. Jesus, Love, Forgive, be Forgiven. Simple? Not always. Pray. God bless and while it is fun to see images of Mars and stars, remember the love God has even in the little birds in the sky and animals, sea and clouds, the warmth of the sun and all the gifts and look forward through Jesus a new earth with heaven and a new body that sickness cannot touch and all sadness gone. Amazing Grace. :)

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Real OC Orange County CA Home of Disneyland, Anaheim Angels, Palm Trees, Beaches, Crime and Police

Christian based news of Orange County, CA and abroad.

In Orange County, CA it's not all about gorgeous and peaceful ocean views, swaying palm trees, and sunny sunshine. Anaheim is one prime example that the REAL OC is not just home to Mickey Mouse, and surfers or the rich in one of the most expensive places to live.

NBC News today: July 25 Anaheim protesters turn to riot; police shoot pepper spray

Anaheim: A nice place that I would not choose to live in. It is not the top of my list of places to live in due to crime, gangs, drugs, and apparently a policeman, in caution, that shot an unarmed man (-see news link above- this has happened here in OC and I'm sure other places abroad). There are nicer places in Anaheim, with nice homes known more as Anaheim Hills, but near Disneyland, I'm sorry to say is not the safest of areas. This would not stop me from going there, but it would stop me from moving here, unless it's downtown in Disneyland square. :) California Adventure Park is also located adjacent to Disneyland in Anaheim, which is the birthplace of the first Disneyland. Anaheim is the oldest city in Orange County.

Photobucket Image Hosting
Some people meeting Mickey Mouse (opens in separate window).

Other cities I would not choose to live in: Santa Ana is next on the list due to gang and poverty crime areas (also home to one of the Orange County Jails), San Juan Capistrano (famous historical place and home of the returning Swallows (birds) is also home to gangs). While most of SJC is nice I would not live near gang areas. Garden Grove also a higher crime area and the city of Orange also makes the list on my no go except to shop in the nice market places there -which I also have to add to my gluten-free readers opened a store in Old Town Market Place featuring gluten free foods recently-.

There are other cities I would not choose to live in that I haven't listed here, and while others like these areas still, I am cautious when even going to all of these cities. It's too bad OC can't maintain it's beauty and peace. I would guess that money is the main factor that crime is higher is some areas.

What do we do about crime? How can we help our children? Protest and Riot? Protesting is good and has its place, without the crime and violence from either party (the law and the people). I'll just pray.

My prayer for OC: Gangs decrease and end and replace Jesus in their hearts where there is anger and pride. More help for those struggling financially, and a good police system with less flaws. Thank you Jesus -amen.

2012 August 25-26 Anaheim Harvest with Greg Laurie
So many people personally relating with Jesus Christ.

Harvest Crusade \'06 Pictures, Images and Photos
The Harvest: Church and Live Music from Popular Christian Bands.

Chart of Crime in larger cities of Orange County

That said, even the nicest lowest crime areas mostly in South O.C. still have crime, some gang activity, and even murder also. Like anywhere, there is crime. Be safe, lock your doors, and keep pepper spray (stay away from protesters and police with pepper spray), alarm your home, teach your kids about crime and safety, keep watch over your kids playing outside also as there are child predators too.

Orange County is a great place to live, just be aware also of the not so great areas, and in the good areas still be cautious, but most of all enjoy living! Worrying doesn't add a day to your life.

About Orange County, CA

OC Register News article: June 2012 OC Crime Rates Decrease

Related blog post:

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Summer Fun in Orange County California

Water and Fun ideas: 

Summer Fun on a Budget in OC or Anywhere the sun is shining! 

1. Back yard water sprinklers! Easy, saves money (no gas costs), and kids dance and hop and run and get all their busy energy out. You don't need all the fancy water slip and slides and plastic pools (Though plastic pools are still fun too especially if you don't have a yard). Fun is as simple as sprinklers or a sprinkler attachment for your garden hose and it waters your lawn at the same time. Outside clean with swimsuits they can shampoo their hair with the garden hose and rinse clean and they are good to go back inside and get into cozy jameez.

Vista Hermosa Sports Park NEW! In San Clemente: Large Castle slides play area, sports areas, and aquatic swimming area- click here for pool fees and information!

Crown Valley Community Pool in Laguna Niguel - click here for pool fees and information.

2. Swimming pool fun! Community pools are great. Go early to avoid the crowds. Make sure the water is clear and not cloudy, otherwise well you know, the water is not clean :). Where sunblock and reapply as needed.

3. Beach fun! Sunblock needed or you will look like an overcooked salmon out of water. Natural sunblock is a good choice better for your health and the environment. Reapply a few times during the day or after getting out of the water. During the hours 10am-12 noon the sun is hottest and sunburns can occur easily. Get a little sun before sunblock first to get a good stuff dose of natural vitamin D.

ice cream Pictures, Images and Photos4. Backyard water balloon fun! Squirt guns and water balloons... Good quick fun for kids 5 and up.

5. Pack enough favorite water and sand tolerable toys for your kids as well as at least 2 buckets and 2 hand shovels or enough to share. Pack what you and your kids can carry only. Kids can where their beach towels around the shoulders and carry a toy basket or bucket to help or their size backpack.

6. Picnic: Outdoor fun: Food and drinks. Pack healthy protein foods, fruit and veggies that are heat tolerable like sandwiches -hold the mayo-, carrots, grapes, uncut fruit. Also, lots of juice and water to drink. Store with ice in an ice chest or a bag with ice packs. A great way to end the day: Stop at the snack bar for a cool treat or your favorite ice cream place after the fun.

7. Plan an outdoor fun sunny bbq day and combine fun outdoor activities for a family or friends gathering this can be great for any meal of the day.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

4th of July God Bless America Video: Kate Smith

The Cross Pictures, Images and Photos

Kate Smith sings God Bless America. This is an Alysa Good Stuff 4th of July video and song pick -enjoy!

Pray as you celebrate the 4th!
Under God, God bless America.
~ In Jesus ~ Amen.

Recommended news regarding the United States of America... 

"...under God, indivisible, liberty and justice for all": 

Have fun this 4th of July!

Alysa Good Stuff Orange County Favorite 
4th of July hot spot:

Fireworks- San Clemente, Cali- off the pier over the ocean Pictures, Images and Photos
San Clemente, CA Pier -map-

The San Clemente Pier does an excellent fireworks display! Parking is minimal, be prepared to go early (for the day) and also be prepared for much walking. Fireworks start after dark.

Safety tips:  
Keep sober, drive sober, and careful with any fireworks and people walking to the beach for fireworks. Bring a blanket for children while watching fireworks outdoors. 
Be extra careful about drivers and others playing with fireworks in the streets. 
Bring glow sticks and flashlight for fun and safety while walking on the busy streets. Careful your children don't bite on any glow sticks (my daughter once bit into one it was not toxic but not good either!)

More Fireworks Places in Southern California

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Fav Picks: Christian Comedy! Watch Videos

Christians like to laugh too!

 Funny Christian based comedians
Tim Hawkins and friends video clips on Marriage:

Tim Hawkins

Tim Hawkins Comedy Tour:
Comedy Show in Orange County, CA:
Yorba Linda, CA
Friends Church
Show with Jonnie W
Friends Church (map)
5141 Lakeview Avenue
Yorba Linda, CA 92886
Sponsored by Trinity Communications

FORGIVEN and FORGIVING Christian Bible Study bible scriptures

 Sunday morning Christian bible study on forgiveness.
After Jesus rose from the dead and appeared before the disciples and other followers of Jesus he showed the wounds in his hands and feet, and he ate.

 Jesus rises up to heaven from earth image
I am with you always 

Then he said, "When I was with you before, don't you remember my telling you that everything written about me by Moses and the prophets and in the Psalms must all come true?" Then he opened their minds to understand at last these many Scriptures! And he said, "Yes, it was written long ago that the Messiah must suffer and die and rise again from the dead on the third day; and that this message of salvation should be taken form Jerusalem to all the nations: 
There is forgiveness of sins for all who turn to me.
You have seen these prophecies come true. And now I will send the Holy Spirit upon you, just as my Father promised. Don't begin telling others yet--stay here in the city until the Holy Spirit comes and fills you with power from heaven."
 Then Jesus led them out along the road to Bethany, and lifting his hands to heaven, he blessed theme, and then began rising into the sky, and went on to heaven. 
Luke 24:44-49

And the disciples went everywhere preaching, and the Lord was with them and confirmed what they said by the miracles that followed their messages. 
Mark 16:20

Jesus was risen, and he is with us always, the Holy Spirit was sent from heaven to those that believe in Him just as He said.


Psalm 32:1-6
What happiness for those whose guilt has been forgiven! What joys when sins are covered over! What relief for those who have confessed their sins and God has cleared their record.
There was a time when I wouldn't admit what a sinner I was. But my dishonesty made me miserable and filled my days with frustration. All day and all night your hand was heavy on me. My strength evaporated like water on a sunny day until I finally admitted all my sins to you and stopped trying to hide them. I said to myself, "I will confess them to the Lord." And you forgave me! All my guilt is gone.
Now I say that each believer should confess his sins to God when he is aware of them, while there is time to be forgiven. Judgment will not touch him if he does.

Sin could be great or minor to our standards, yet it is sin just the same. Not seeking God's solution of seeking His forgiveness and accepting Jesus death on the cross for our sins, only harms us. We need to address the sins, seek his forgiveness, and also forgive others (give it to God to handle the situations with others in our lives, let go of anger... that is what forgiveness is about... it does not mean you condone a wrong thing or situation). 

Sin or unforgiveness towards self and others affects us in many ways. Emotional pain, depression, guilt, shame, fear, and many times also illness can occur. If you have confessed your sins, are their any hidden within you that may need to be addressed? Pray and ask God, He will shed light on it. Then confess and seek His forgiveness. It is also important to forgive others for whatever it may be. You are not accepting wrong by forgiving only choosing love to cover hate or anger. Love your neighbor; even enemies as Jesus taught (this does not mean you have to be friends with this forgiven person or people you feel you don't want to) just choose to be kind, forgive, let the Lord know you forgive in Christ Jesus ______ for _____ and give the situation or hurt to God to handle. Even strangers we need to forgive at times, like a rude driver that "cut you off" on the road or even yelled at you etc. Forgive. Love by not behaving the same back and know God knows the situation. Just do what is right.

Then ask God to heal your pain, free you from fears, seek his forgiveness for what you have done, and receive it! Let him give you a new life. Allow God to take your shame for what you have done. Allow God to heal you and take away any self afflicted shame for what has been done to you -you need not be ashamed-!

Ask God to take away any illness from you in Jesus name and for any emotional pain take from you too. He can renew your mind and heal you. 

Not always are we healed from physical illnesses, but seek him for this deliverance too.

Suggested prayer for forgiveness:

[First accept Jesus that he died for your sins and you believe Him to be your Lord and savior.]

  • If there be any sin in my life that I do not know, please reveal it to me. Jesus name amen.
(Ask His forgiveness when you know any sin.)
  • Father in heaven, I ask your forgiveness for__________. Please forgive me in Jesus name. Please heal and take from me any hurt and pain this has caused  me or others and I give this situation to you Lord. Thank you. In Jesus name, Amen.

Suggested pray for forgiving:
  • Father in heaven, I forgive__________ for__________. Please heal and take from me any hurt and pain this has caused  me and I give this situation to you Lord. Thank you. In Jesus name, amen.

Ask and put your trust in God that He has and will take sin from you, ask and He will heal you from the pain it has caused also.

Psalm 34:4-9
For I cried to him and he answered me! He freed me from all my fears. Others too were radiant at what he did for them. Theirs was no downcast look of rejection! This poor man cried to the Lord--and the Lord heard him and saved him out of his troubles. For the Angel of the Lord guards and rescues all who reverence him.
Oh, put God to the test and see how kind he is! See for yourself the way his mercies shower down on all who trust in him. If you belong to the Lord, reverence him; for everyone who does this has everything he needs.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day: Happy Father's Day to God too!

Our Father, Abba Father... God is our father, Jesus too -who is also God given to be our savior and God's son too. The Holy Trinity mystery. There is no doubt, our creator is also our Father :)

Happy Father's Day to our heavenly father!

The word father in the King James Holy Bible comes up over 1,500 times. Fathers are important. When you have no earthly father, remember also you have your holy father.

Psalm 68:5 Father to the fatherless, defender of widows— this is God, whose dwelling is holy.

Search father in the bible.

Regarding raising children:

Friday, June 15, 2012

$300-Person Hopper Tickets: 3 Days for 4 Disneyland Resort Orange County, CA -Anaheim

Sale Disneyland Resort Park Hopper Tickets Disneyland and Disney California Adventure Park.

You must book between: June 1 - July 31, 2012

One day at Disneyland or The California Adventure Park is not enough, you'll miss LOTS of rides and attractions!

Travel to southern California and have the vacation of a lifetime at Disneyland Resorts!

For a family of 4 it is only about $1,188.00 to book a 3 day, 2 night stay at the Disneyland Resort with Park Hopper tickets for 3 days plus more bonuses! That's about $300 per person.

Plus there is the new Cars attraction opening and more expansions to the Disney California Adventure Park opening TODAY (June 15)!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Alysa Good Stuff Picks Shoes For Summer mens, womens (June 2012)

Alysa Good Stuff Picks for HOT Summer Footwear:
Men's Sandals:

Run Dmc Flip-Flops
Fun and Retro! $8.00

LACOSTE Barona Men's Flip Flop Sandals Shoe, Black
Great for the beach! $29.99 = SALE $13.99

NIKE Comfort Slide 2 Men's Sandals Shoe, Black/White
Casual. $41.99

Men's Cool Shoes:

REEBOK RealFlex Transition Men's Running Shoes, Frenchy Blue/Sun Rock/White
Fun! $79.98

 POLO RALPH LAUREN Talbert High Men's Casual Shoes, Black
Stylish. $69.98 

Women's Summer Shoes and Sandals:

POLO RALPH LAUREN Elissa Women's Flip Flop Sandals Shoe, Navy
These Navy/Pink flip flops are designer stylish. Gotta love the color Hot Pink! Also available in Black/Red $24.99

CONVERSE Sandstar Women's Flip Flops Shoe, Navy
 Cool! $19.99

The Speedo Beach Runner water shoes put a stylish spin on this sporty water shoe. It features a quick drying lightweight upper with Velcro® instep strap plus a durable traction outsole.Quick-drying jersey and mesh upperSoft EVA insole Velcro® closureDurable TPR outsole.

Stay Fit! $24.99 

L.A. Gear CRUISER Shoes (White/Pink) - Women's Shoes
Enjoy your Summer walks in these nice walking shoes $24.99 (50% off)

JELLYPOP Zing Shoes (Mustard Smooth) - Women's Shoes
Casual cute sandals are a bold color choice! $19.99 (60% off!)

FERGALICIOUS Flutter Sandals (Coral Patent) - Women's Sandals - 6.0 M 
 Reminds me of Summer Pink lipstick. $54.99 (SIZE 6 only)

B.O.C. Prissy Sandals (White) - Women's Sandals - 11.0 M 
Super Sweet Summer Sandals $59.99 (SIZE 11 only)

Coloriffics Cassidy Shoes (Ivory) - Women's Shoes
Ivory or White: Casual enough for Summer days and Elegant even for a Summer Wedding! $77.99 


Plein Air South OC San Clemente: Paint San Clemente

June 16-24th 2012 Art Competition
Quick Draw starts it off 10am-noon on June 16th and more Plein Air June 23-24th.
The San Clemente Art Association has a Gallery where you can purchase gorgeous works of art from local artists. Become a member and you can also sell your art there too.
More information

San Clemente Art Gallery Info. Open to the public.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Deliverance for Christians -Sunday Morning Bible Study... in the afternoon


A little more serious bible study here, and quite possibly controversial to many. Still, a good subject worth studying!

Delivered: To bring or transport to the proper place or recipient; distribute. To surrender (someone or something) to another; hand over.
To be delivered: To set free, as from misery, peril, or evil

Can a Christian who is forgiven and born again need deliverance? The answer is Yes, if this Christian is also experiencing troublesome thoughts, nightmares, illness that can be from sin or past sin, if there is any unforgiveness or sin, if there is past or generational wrong doing or occult practice, or even hurts that alter our views -such as feeling as a victim. There are many reasons why a Christian can experience troublesome spiritual warfare from - YES demons. I know people don't like to talk about them, but I am okay about it.

1 or many demons can afflict, harass, or yes even enter a Christian. How can it enter a Christian though who is forgiven?

If like mentioned above there is any sin or past unforgiven sin or persons, or if there is any occult practice present or past or generational sins... these spiritual realm doors ALLOW a demon or more demons to enter or oppress a person -a non believer or Christian believer as well.

So stead fast, stand firm. Forgive and care. And have a blessed week and a blessed life too...

Scripture Reference: Sword of the Spirit

Collosians 3:8,12-13
But now ye also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth.
 12 Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering;
Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye.” Colossians 3:13 KJV

Matthew 6:14 For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you
Matthew 6:15 But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

Collosians 1:21 KJV
 21 And you, that were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now hath he reconciled
22 In the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in his sight
Armor of God. Spiritual Warfare.
Ephesians 6:10-18
Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. ... I recommend to Listen to audio of Ephesians 6

Respectively derived from an OC Deliverance Ministry site:
"The Greek word “Daimonizomai” translated “demon-possessed” in scripture is best described, as “to have a demon, to be demonized or be under the control of a demon.” In my experience, demon possession or being under control of a demon can be on a sliding scale of say, 1 to 10. Number one, being the least control, to number 10 being absolute control. I believe a more accurate definition of demon possession is a person who is to various degrees, occupied and controlled by evil spirits.
The bible has different examples of demon possession; the demoniac who had a legion of demons (a legion of Roman soldiers at full strength was around 10,000 soldiers) was probably a 10 on the scale of possession as opposed to a demon-possessed man who was mute or deaf (obviously a lesser number on the scale). It is clear in scriptures, mankind has the capacity to be indwelled by another spirit.

1. We receive the Holy Spirit in us when we are born again (1 John 4:13, John 3:1-8).

2. We can be filled with the Spirit to the point of appearing drunk (Acts 2:1-3, 15).
3. An evil spirit may enter into a person, such as Satan entered Judas (Luke 22:2-4, John 13:27). 

4. An evil spirit entered Saul (1 Sam. 16:14 &23)." 

For more information on this subject from a deliverance ministry (I am not affiliated with it) and if you or someone you know (from anywhere) wants deliverance prayer located in Orange County, CA. click here.

To all my readers... You may also anonymously post any prayer requests.

Enjoy this healing and deliverance music skit: LifeHouse "Everything" It's a favorite and a favorite by many!