Friday, August 12, 2011

What to Do When Your Stuck Inside on a Sunny or Rainy Day

Laguna Beach, CA - JordanRenee13

 I was stuck inside on a nice warm day today and no outside time to play! Summer is running out and I still need more beach days! And swim club days! Sniffles and a cough keeping me inside on a gorgeous day. So I've spent the day writing... and if my laptop had a battery that worked I would bring it out with me. But today, no sunshine :(. On a sunny day when I am stuck inside, I almost feel better if it were gloomy outside. And for those of you that have gloom outside, do your best to turn that gloom into something positive. What? Yeah, really you can. Start by making a list if you can't think of something off the top of your head.

So what could you do at home on a gorgeous day? Open your windows and let the breeze in- and blow the germs out! I did some cleaning, wait, that's not fun. I made yummy gluten-free pancakes, a new recipe I will share soon on my gluten-free blog ( My kids thought that was great. I popped popcorn for the kids and myself. They watched Speed Racer while I worked on an article I needed to write.

Speaking of which, I have to add my latest "good stuff"news... I am a writer for articles, if you need articles written for low prices, join and you can also check for my profile- "Alysa" to request a direct order. It's a great low cost site to help people with article writing needs. They are based in Las Vegas, NV. but I am pretty sure this is available for people worldwide. I'll blog more about this one in another post

So anyway, if your feeling sick and stuck inside on a sunny or gloomy day- take a time out to do an indoor hobby. Drawing, writing, cooking even playing solitare is a good way to cheer you up... even clip coupons and think ahead to when it will be sunny and you can save next time you can go out! Make the most of it, but if you truly need to rest, rest! Relax with a book you haven't picked up that you wanted to or pop in a movie. Chins up!

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