Friday, August 19, 2011

We're Not All Rich in O.C. Despite the Rumors

Ferrari California image by anthonyho1990
Not too many years ago, I did not see Ferraris and Lamborginies in person until recent years when the multi-million dollar homes bombarded the hills. We all don't have money like that. There used to be homes and apartments near the beach even with rents that started at $500.00 and up just a little more than 10 years ago. Currently, those same apartments and other homes are around $1,000.00-$1,800.00 and many much more than that. Recently I heard, that rent is possibly going up, more and more I hear, even from neighbors, that they are out of work and can't find a job similar to what they had.

Life is tough. Someone I know, just told me they did not have rent. Trying to afford the high rent is all to common right now. Orange County, California has very high rents compared to many areas in California or the nation for that matter. You'd think with the high number of those unemployed, small businesses closing, even larger businesses closing, the housing market including rental properties would consider this; instead I believe many believe in the areas value and greed causes them to pocket all the money they can from their properties. Here in Orange County, lowering rent does not seem to be readily considered, especially if you live close to the coastline.
Home in Talega, San Clemente, CA - (Orange County). Many million dollar home sales ended up in foreclosure.
"Foreclosure properties in talega san clemente ca 1" by mikerebroker:

I feel privileged to live here, I am thankful to be in such a gorgeous city that overall is a relatively safe low-crime area. I can't help to think, for how long am I going to be able to afford this lifestyle? Upper-class seems to be doing alright. Though, middle-class seems to be struggling almost as much as the so called lower-class. Honestly, I can't stand the labels. Let's say what it is: the poor, the rich and those in between. Those in between are finding themselves in similar positions as the poor. Some in need that have to apply for government assistance or go to food banks. (If you are one of those in need of any food assistance, search my blog, key word: free food, for information on food banks in Orange County, CA and tips on making food stretch).

Not too long ago, a local bank in my home city now has bullet-proof glass windows inside to talk through when you need to deposit or withdraw money. Growing up here, you never would have thought it. After being robbed repeatedly, it was a precaution they had to take. I'm sure this is the case in many parts of the world. The London Riots is one example. LA has had it's own riots in the past too. Theft is still going on today actually and right here in Orange County. Just this morning, a man robbed 3 banks LA Times: Man Robs 3 OC Banks in 2 Hours

You have to trust in times like these instead of thinking about what you don't have. Worry is worth nothing. Matthew 6:31-33 says: Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

For anyone new to my alysagoodstuff blog I like to blog about fun on literally any budget, and also family activities that build great memories. It doesn't cost to be happy. Actually, you may already know this, as its been said before, "Money doesn't buy happiness.". Notice the little things that do go your way! If your a mom, be happy for the that bit of break you may have gotten from your kids. On a hot day, cheap "Slurpees" or ice cream from 7-11 or your local convenient store can make your kids happy and make you smile for at least 30 minutes. Bike riding is another great free activity, just be safe and wear helmets. Community pools are another good free or cheap activity for giving yourself a break if you have someone to watch your little ones, and also having fun with the kids. Keep an eye out and when no one's at the pool it's like a luxury pool all to yourself. Enjoy your friends, the sunshine and remember to trust, God really does help during tough times. God bless you!

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