Sunday, April 28, 2013

US News: Update Boston Bombing Inside Job, Saudi National Abdul had terrorist charge then deported?

Last update 5-8-2013
PART 3 of investigating what REALLY happened at the Boston Marathon Bombings. A review with news videos, articles, opinions, commentary, and facts from both noncommercial and mainstream commercial news reports.

See related previous blog posts...
Part 2: US News: Update Boston Marathon Bombings... What happened?
Part 1: US News: April 15-April 20, 2013 Bombs, Explosion, Fear - Worldwide Earthquakes

Video below, a MUST SEE. This video shows the first suspect unclothed and being put under arrest, just as his mother cried out that they caught him, why did they kill her son? So much confusion. America, please see this.

(direct link to above video: The Truthseeker: Boston Bombing - What You Aren't Told)

3 more arrested in boston bombings:

Mainstream news May 3, 2013: Tamerlan Tsarnaev's cause of death and article regarding funeral:

Where is the Saudi involved in the boston bombing? Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi had terrorist charge, then the charge removed and deported or here still?

3 Suspects:
1. Saudi in the hospital Abdul Rahman
2. Tamerlan Tsamaev
3. Dzhokhar Tsamaev
This is not just about the 2 kids -
US government agencies involved.

News article from The Blaze regarding Glen Beck's information on the Saudi national's alleged connection to the boston bombings.

Before Glenn Beck reported the above information:
Inside Job - Beck news... "I've had enough of what you have done to my country."

CNN used a "witness" twice at the bombings and for the shooting + News report about this False Flag (made by person through youtube --sorry one bad word hinted in the text of video,)

This video clearly shows editting area of a photo of Dzhokar being photoshopped:

Some public opinions are that there were actually staged actors in the Boston Bombing of the injured. I will investigate this and post on this soon.

[As it turns out even Sandy Hook Elementary shooting may have been staged... I couldn't even believe it until video of a parent clearly acting upset for a camera interview and photos proved a child among the dead that was alive?... that's another story. On my Pinterest you will find the photos of the children that died as this hit home to me, but not enough to loose my freedoms and US Amendment rights.]

News video clip: "These were the two actors, these were the two individuals that were carrying out this mission and they are dead or arrested at this point" Boston Commissioner stated reffering to Tamerlan and Dzhokhar...

4-23 News CNN Mother speaks to reporter...

AP news: Russia phone call about Jihad between his mother and son Tamerlan 18 months ago, unrelated to the US. She was added to a terrorist list. Son Dzohar. may be facing the death penalty.

Boston bomb suspects' mother Zubeidat Tsarnaeva tells Channel 4 News: 'FBI Rang Me Before Attacks'

America took my kids away...

Tamerlan's Wife - Bombing suspect's widow talks to FBI

America CIA or FBI who they are, they know, take these people with their religious views (views that are filled with hate) and use it for a cause.
I'm sure not all in authority know about what and who the officials are plotting with or using, but there are US "officials" that know that they are messing with people's lives encouraging, and allowing terrorists acts for a future New World Order, the goal for setting the stage for the AntiChrist.

Stand for truth...
and No to Violence.

Jesus Christ is the truth and the life that takes all sins through his death and resurrection.

A Christian message...

What a day we are living in.

Prophecy is in the Holy Bible. Christianity true and pure not segragated into denominations even, just the Holy Bible, relationship prayer and born again by the Holy Spirit is the truth.
What would Jesus do? Jesus Christ never fought evil with evil. Jesus prayed for his enemies, "forgive them for they know not what they do".
Why did Jesus say they know not what they do? People would not hear or see the truth, because they were not with Jesus but against Jesus Christ. Those whose eyes and ears are open to the truth will hear the message and receive it and keep it. The message, salvation through Jesus Christ for eternal life... it is the good news in a corrupt world.

See also previous blog posts...
Part 2: US News: Update Boston Marathon Bombings... What happened?
Part 1: US News: April 15-April 20, 2013 Bombs, Explosion, Fear - Worldwide Earthquakes

Saturday, April 27, 2013

US News: Update Boston Marathon Bombings... What happened?

New updates for those that are interested in WHAT HAPPENED?! Try to piece it together... with and without commercial media.

FBI seems to have known, despite all the speculation on who did what... Why wasn't it stopped before it happened... to allow more martial law and terrorist "protection" in the USA it would seem as it is happening everywhere including my city and nearby in Orange County, CA (on the west coast).

Before reading all the news Alex Jones has studied and covered False Flag terrorist happenings and has many video reports to review about the Boston Marathon Bombings:

Mainstream news reports and videos...

April 25, 2013

Captured Dzhokhar Speaks to authorities after awaking and in recovery from multiple bullet wounds:

Unofficial story that the younger suspect spoke that it was his older brother Tamerlan that plotted... he spoke before he was read his rights and spoke no further after he was read his rights as stated in this video also shows the mother asking why her son was killed:

Update news article and video:

I posted some news links and videos for those that are interested in solving what happened... if this story will ever be solved truly and completely?

See this video someone made showing Dzhokhar wearing his backpack after the bomb went off - this is speculation not fact:

FBI knew the suspects before this incident but declared to the public they were seeking information.
This video shows that Dzhokar was carring the backpack on the right shoulder the photo supposedly without a backpack does not clearly show the right shoulder, and does not show a video only a still image that can easily be photoshop edited. Video that does not show the second suspect put down any backpack, the backpacks are being worn and Dzhokar had the backpack on his right shoulder.
FBI requests information - Fox News:

Dzhokar could have been wearing the backpack on either shoulder or both and the photo by David Green Florida runner may have been photoshopped declares a photographer.
Photo shows that possibly the suspects did have explosive bomb and it appears to be one gun from the photo as they stood behind the stolen Mercedez SUV - unconfirmed about any explosives.

Who ran over Tamerlan? After Tamerlan was shoot multiple times it is speculated that the brother drove an SUV over his brother.
Witnesses saw gun fire, one woman saw the police SUV run over the first suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev was he dead before or after this it is not known. One witness declared that the suspect Dzhokhar Tsamaev ran over his brother with a police SUV, while some say black SUV.

It is hard to determine this story.

Suspects behind Mercedez SUV it appears Tamerlan has a shot gun, and something on the ground next to him.
Witness photo report:

Witness Andrew Kitzenberg declares suspects used explosive devices, saw metal object and it was thrown and a lot of smoke. This video also shows martial law take place:

Female Witness of Police and Suspects Shoot-out video from Dexter Street:

Suspect yelled: "We didn't do it!"?

Tsarnaev brothers mother My sons are innocent, this is a set Up mentions 5 years FBI involved with her son (2009)

See related blog post:
US News: April 15-April 20, 2013 Bombs, Explosion, Fear - Worldwide Earthquakes

Saturday, April 20, 2013

US News: April 15-April 20, 2013 Bombs, Explosion, Fear - Worldwide Earthquakes

Related update; 4-27-2013
US News: Update Boston Marathon Bombings... What happened?

Last update on this blog post: 4-27-2013

A Sad Week in History A Detailed Review with Videos and Website Articles

A prayer for those killed and injured... may God bless you and your families with peace.

4-15, 2013 Boston Marathon Bombing Opinion Commentary

Watching and reading all the news about the Boston Bombings started this week on a very sad Monday. Seeing photos of injured was difficult and sad. Then watching and reading about who are the suspects, learning they were out there, hearing conflicting news about gov. possibly knowing or part of it, I even read a claim online that someone? declared 2 men would be arrested Friday before Friday), then as the suspects ran and trouble, a death and hospitalized arrest... phew from the sad dramatic events... but what just happened?!

I would like to see all proof unplanted true evidence of the "innocent until proven guilty" alleged Boston Marathon bombers. I do not trust media and governmental agencies. The claims should be backed up before so many accept what is said. Also, questions: Military there, Navy Seals there, men on rooftop, bomb drill (I read a headline mentioning a controlled explosion?), bomb sniffing dogs?

This week's sad tragic historical events:
In approximate order of events...

-April 15, 2013 Boston Marathon Bombings. What a tragedy, prayers for the victims, deaths and critically injured, and many people injured, many people lost their leg or legs.
Boston Bomber Suspects: Tamerlan Tsarnaev and Dzhokhar Tsamaev

Americans, please remember our rights regardless of bad acts by anyone causing terror. Innocent until proven guilty, and homeland security martial law is not a free America.

Deaths from the Boston Marathon Bombings:
Martin Richards, 8 years old
Lingzi Lu, 23 years old from China
Krystle Campbell, 29 years old

4-18-2013 fataly shot Campus officer from MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Sean Collier, 26 years old

4-23-2013 Funeral for Sean Collier in Stoneham, Massachusetts.

-Boston: Heightened security lockdown for residents, looking for suspects, a police officer from MIT college shot and killed (unconfirmed evidence), another police officer shot in gunfire injured, following with one suspect possibly executed (see the video below). Fear spreads across the nation. Suspect 2 arrested April 19, 2013 found in a boat loosing blood, suspect in serious condition in the hospital.

-Ricin letters mailed to the white house.

-Plane held up and 2 people removed from a plane in Boston.

-Boston courthouse bomb scare.

-Oklahoma, truck bomb scare.

-Gun Background Check Bill did not go through. Obama not happy a heightened gun background check bill did not go through. (Amen. Details of the bill please? Gun confiscation future fears are spreading throughout the US see videos below.)

-April 17, 2013 West, Texas Fertilizer plant explosion killing possibly more than 30 people many people injured, nursing home, homes, apartments damaged (see video below). Still waiting to hear the cause, people speculating about it and how from the left of the fire a type of possible "fireball" appeared just before the explosion.

-Earthquakes continue to occur in the world causing many deaths.

Details about the week...

Opinion Commentary - Boston Bomber Suspects: Tamerlan Tsarnaev and Dzhokhar Tsamaev

Did they do this, was there a plot for this to be carried out initially by any
type of "authority" -why is their mother saying they were involved with the
FBI? Did authorities know they would do this? Bomb drills, bomb sniffing
dogs, men on rooftop, military there on the scene right away, Navy Seals
spotted before the incident. Why wouldn't the video of them putting the bag
down be shown? Suspect shot at surrender is an execution, I believe that is
what happened. Innocent until proven guilty. Lockdown during search for
suspects is martial law. Americans remember your rights during any
tragedy or any situation.

More details on the trail and end of the Boston Marathon Bombing happenings...

News reports regarding chase about stolen Mercedes SUV from a gas station- 2 suspects stole an SUV after allegedly robbing a 7/11. This led to the killing of an MIT police officer (4-18) and injury of another police officer in the shoot out which involved the suspects allegedly throwing handmade explosives from the vehicle and then a shoot out, with Suspect 1 possibly surrendering then shot dead very early morning before dawn 4-19-2013.

Brother Suspect 2 fled and hid in a boat found by the owner/resident that saw blood looked inside and saw a body, he was captured and checked by thermo heat from a helicopter... shots fired allegedly by the suspect (unknown truth on this subject - and if any other shots fired by police), a robot then opened the boat's cover possibly due to the fear he may be strapped with explosives. He was not straped with explosives and was "taken into custody" to a hospital in serious condition.
4/20/13 News report Dzhokhar Tsamaev captured hidden bleeding in someone's boat in their yard. In serious condition. The authorities declare they do not have to read him his rights for the first 50 minutes and can question him if he wakes up. He is located at West Clinical Center hospital.

Acquaintence classmate friend spoke to Dzhokhar Tsamaev day after the bombing, acted normal. Sad he was quiet, focused on school and grades at Cambridge.

Acting classmate from highschool News reporter stated suspects parents moved to Russia a year ago. Former classmate said Dzhokhar was funny, talked about normal teenage stuff, nothing about religion or politics, and was well liked.

Tamerlan Tsarnaev leaves behind a 24 year old wife and 3 year old daughter.

Looking for motives... alleged claims:
There were claims that the older brother's religious views changed in 2009, reported by their uncle. Changed to what? Nothing was found from searching his computer internet visit records. There are claims that on a twitter comment he said after a decade here [in America?] he wanted out and jihad sites posted on his youtube account. These are alleged claims by media that are counted as motives. Here is a question for you as I saw somebody had commented on the article below: why was it an act of terrorism? Terror with a political aim, which gives the U.S. reason to treat the situation as an act of war, and also changes the dynamic of how it is handled, meranda rights don't need to be mentioned to the American citizen who became a citizen (ironically was mentioned by media) on Sept. 11, 2012 - after 50 minutes they can read him his rights after questioning I heard through media. Also, martial law enforced as people were put on lockdown and said to not leave their homes. The president allegedly before hereing a motive quickly declared it an act of terrorism. My definition of terrorism is any terror, but this was meant as a political aim of terror, before there was any evidence of alledged motive. The FBI investigated the older brother in 2011 and found nothing against him as a terrorist. The mother claimed to a news station that the FBI was involved with her son for 5 years. I am suspicious of the involvement of the FBI... if they or any authority (possibly CIA) if they were not involved, were they aware? What "authorities or officials" were involved?

More information:


More on the Boston Marathon Bombings:
Aunt speaks about her nephews boston bombing suspects:
"Show me evidence"
Mother of the Boston Bombing Suspects Tsarnaev brothers 26, 19:

April 19, 2013 2nd Suspect arrested:

False Flag?

Research America, know all the facts, there is much confusion in the
dangerous happenings in this country as well as abroad.
(Side note: 9/11 evidence prooved must have been a False Flag terrorist

Non-mainstream Media

April 17: Before FBI showed photos and videos of the 2 identified suspects
the 2 men walking with backpack.
Explosive Proof Boston Marathan Bombing a Staged Terror Attack!

FBI Knew Suspects Before Marathon Bombings!

Boston Under Siege! Special Report

Related update; 4-27-2013
US News: Update Boston Marathon Bombings... What happened?

(Another Side note: Waco, Texas Massacre happened April 19, 1993 -
possibly government agents caused this some have reported.)

West, Texas fertilizer plant explosion - cause of the fire not known, amount
dead not known yet, many injured.


Explosion video:

Obama's speech when new gun background check did not go through:

Opinion Commentary
"Police State" concerns increase, police continue to harrass and wrongful arrests throughout the US, gun background checks to increase, and possible gun ban/confiscation fears and concerns increase, and martial law continues to move in on citizens during crisis.

TSA (Transportaion Security Agency) molests innocent people from infant to adult and is a waste of money, intrusive innappropriate body scanners -like x-ray vision- that are unhealthy and cannot detect some things such as powder explosive material. TSA Body Scanners implemented unlawfully as reported by Khaliah Barnes, Open Government Fellow, Epic.

The earth shakes, many deaths...
Significant earthquakes in the past 30 days: USGS Report

50km WSW of Linqiong, China

250km ENE of Kuril'sk, Russia


23km ESE of Aitape, Papua New Guinea


83km E of Khash, Iran


8km ENE of Luther, Oklahoma


12km ENE of Luther, Oklahoma


101km W of Panguna, Papua New Guinea


6km WNW of Sumoto, Japan


89km SE of Bandar Bushehr, Iran


240km E of Enarotali, Indonesia


9km N of Zarubino, Russia


God bless America. God bless this earth. Heal our land. One day... No War, just Peace.
Jesus Christ did not believe in violence as He stood for peace, God loves mankind and all his creation.

Healing and peace. In Jesus name, amen.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Favorite Funny and Good Free Orange County Craigslist Ads April 13, 2013

Update: Craigslist ad posts expire. Read below for previous funny free OC Craigslist post titles... for updated free stuff check my Deals and Freebies page.

Orange County, CA Craigslist Funny Free ad listings and good free listings from OC Craigslist. These are my hand selected favorites for the weekend of April 13, 2013.

Craigslist Safety Tips:
Always remember to buy or sell on Craigslist safely. It is best not to buy or sell alone and even meeting in uncrowded and not rural public places are best. Avoid buying or selling in the evening when it is dark. Make transactions outside when selling or buying (or picking up free items) if possible.

(Disclaimer: I am not affliated with Craigslist or any of the ads posted here, be safe when getting any free items, buying or selling from Craigslist or any other online classified ads.)

Funny OC Craigslist Free ads

Purple shower curtain rings (Costa Mesa) These are not very expensive, but if you can't find them in purple here it is.

Plastic cups (Irvine) 3 cups
Clay pots (Irvine) 2 pots
Is it a beehive or beeclump?
Clean Fill (Mission Viejo) I think this is for dirt.


Good OC Craigslist Free ads

Free Brick (West Anaheim) About 200 Free used bricks.
curb alert estate sale left overs (381 s. Carole, Orange)
FREE couch, coffee table, desk, etc (Westminster)
curb alert (los alamitos )
"also you can dumpster dive the trash bin if you see something in it you like"  
EVERYTHING FREE come NOW (Huntington Beach)
Prom Dress Size 2 / long (Mission Viejo) For girl that needs a prom dress only.
File Cabinet (Irvine, CA)

Free box of 9/11 newspapers (Irvine)


North Korea vs United States - Can North Korea Strike The U.S. Mainland?

World News... from the US West Coast

Kim Jon Un Speech March 2013
"To increase constantly the self-reliant defence capacity with the nuclear force as the core constitutes a firm guarantee for protecting the sovereignty and the right to existence of our nation and achieving prosperity of the country.
As long as the imperialists resort to nuclear blackmail and aggressive threat, we, though the generations change and no matter how the situation develops, should not weaken the nuclear strength but should continuously develop the Juche-based atomic industry.
The entire officers and men of the Korean People's Army and people should not rest content with and be carried away by the ever-increasing nuclear might and more firmly prepare themselves politically and ideologically; they should attain the final victory in the confrontation against the United States with the great army-people unity when the day of do-or-die battle comes." ( here)
[North Korea economy (BBC News)]
I believe, based on reported news, the United States is aware of the possibility that North Korea can possibly reach the mainland of the United States and may be keeping this quiet and classified for the most part though in the mainstream media news which downplays this. It is still in the news that the threats are being taken seriously and some news indicates that North Korea can reach though they do not believe a definite capability. The United States has missle interceptors that can stop any threat of nuclear missles.
North Korea is restarting the nuclear work and ready to use nuclear weapons to build up their country's economy so their country can flourish and also to claim South Korea. North Koreans are taught to worship their leaders and are under control of a leader that wants North Korean citizens under the leader's bullying control and war driven regime.
As a citizen of the United States on the west coast in Orange County California, I live in a military area and I am not worried about the threats made by North Korea, yet, I take the threats seriously...
How many people live in the U.S.? Do we want war? Should many people die from political leader scandels and fights? I've nothing to do with it. The edge of a World War 3 and we the people wait and see...
Let the battle be in an empty sea or dry isolated desert away from me. Why is there so much killing!?
The true enemy is the one we cannot see most oftenly. Satan's tactics, demonized and attacked people are the true puppets of war and threats of war and power driven leaders.

God bless all and those that stand up and FIGHT for GOOD only.
More Current World News regarding North Korea:

Pentagon Finds Nuclear Strides by North Korea (NY Times)

Pentagon: North Korea Can Reach the U.S. (Business Insider)

North Korea to restart nuclear reactor... (Reuters)

Beijing has recently toughened its rhetoric towards Pyongyang as tensions in the Korean Peninsula rise following provocative moves by North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, but analysts say the Chinese leadership will not abandon its ally because that would cost Beijing a strategically important role on the peninsula. (China caught in dilemma over crisis with North Korea South China Morning Post)

Who Gave North Korea Nukes in the First Place? (Info Wars)

Monday, April 8, 2013

US Military Jet or Drone Sighting South Orange County CA April 7, 2013

The sky over my home is noisesome -if that's a word?- with small planes and helicopters, I don't believe the small planes to be military (not sure about the gray ones though), the helicopters I believe are possibly police helicopters. I have to say I am frustrated with the noise and lack of privacy. So, I look up often.
Yesterday (4-7-13), I did not notice chemtrails which is a nice break since they are often clouding up the blue sky, but I looked up from the noise of a helicopter or plane I think, and happened to notice another jet or drone jet military plane. It was up high so I don't think I heard the noise of it flying over (headed east from the west coast). I saw it after it had just flown past the homes in my area. Though it was high up and further ahead, I believe it had the missals on it as I have noticed before I could be wrong. I have noticed other p
 It appeared to be the same as the ones I saw previously. The jet is very thin appearing from below, not very small though and not like the jet bombers - these are thin with wings and tail pointing backwards. Which is why I believe these jets to possibly be drones or if not this type that I have seen flying nearby seem to be military.

Do I, let me rephrase that, does anybody like this flying over your family? Does anybody else see this? Comments welcomed from Orange County, CA viewers or abroad.

See related post:
Military Jets or Drones? and Planes Spotted in South Orange County, CA March 18, 2013

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Presecution of Christians World News 2013 Middle East, Saudi Arabia, China, North Korea

2013 World News Christians have been persecuted since Jesus' Christ's time and so it continues even today. Christian persecution is vaguely and not so vaguely occurring in the United States also. Reading and hearing that Christians according to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security are also on the watched/suspected Domestic Terrorist list.

Jesus Christ was hated and persecuted. Warnings to Christians:
  1. Matthew 10:22
    And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.
    Matthew 10:21-23 (in Context) Matthew 10 (Whole Chapter) Other Translations
  2. Mark 13:13
    And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
    Mark 13:12-14 (in Context) Mark 13 (Whole Chapter) Other Translations
  3. Luke 19:14
    But his citizens hated him, and sent a message after him, saying, We will not have this man to reign over us.
    Luke 19:13-15 (in Context) Luke 19 (Whole Chapter) Other Translations
  4. Luke 21:17
    And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake.
    Luke 21:16-18 (in Context) Luke 21 (Whole Chapter) Other Translations
  5. John 15:18
    If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.
    John 15:17-19 (in Context) John 15 (Whole Chapter) Other Translations
  6. John 15:24
    If I had not done among them the works which none other man did, they had not had sin: but now have they both seen and hated both me and my Father.
    John 15:23-25 (in Context) John 15 (Whole Chapter) Other Translations
  7. John 15:25
    But this cometh to pass, that the word might be fulfilled that is written in their law, They hated me without a cause.
Christians Persecuted World News: 2013

Saudi Arabia arrests 53 Ethiopian Christians

Persecution of Christians: Middle East

China Trying to Stop Christian Church Houses

Syria Civil War Devastating Christians

US News about Persecution + Map of Recent Worldwide Persecution
Learn more abour Persecution all over the world:


2013 Video (3:07 minutes):
South Korean Missionary Dies in China possibly by a North Korean agent.

2011 Video (32 seconds):
130 million Christians in China, House Churches illegal - must submit to government regulations.

2011 Video Bible Distribution China:

2012 Video:
North Korea has the deadlist level of Christian persecution in the world.


Monday, April 1, 2013

World News: Wars and Rumors of Wars - Bible Prophecy News 2013

This is no joke what is going on, I post this on April 1st 2013 a day some people may play "April Fool's Day" this is not a joke.

Wars and Rumors of Wars
Psalms 83 War
Gog and Magog

This image description may or may not be accurate... taken from an online source I am not sure regarding the names of countries based on Gog and Magog. Still researching this but here is a map for viewing and research purposes. Click on map to enlarge. 

Christians all over the world in every nation, it's time to be Christians... better Christians if you aren't fully living as Christ wants you to. I say this to myself as well. Seek His forgiveness and be at peace.

[I need to pray- forgive me my sins, help my heart, soul and mind, and help me to live as you want me to.]

Please pray too if you will: True peace and God's will among all nations, no weapons formed against nations and citizens will prosper, be our defense, your will be done. in Jesus name, Amen.
(UPDATE 4-2)

North Korea and Iran
North Korea to Expand Nuclear Arsenal
[Iran has been concentrating on uranium enrichment, which it says is for civilian purposes.
Although North Korea and Iran have cooperated on missile technology, US officials said there is no direct evidence of nuclear cooperation.
‘‘We’re worried about it, but we haven’t seen it,’’ said a former Obama administration official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence assessments. ‘‘They cooperate in many areas, especially missiles. Why it hasn’t yet extended to the nuclear program is frankly a mystery.’’]

Russia China Korea/US

US/ North Korea

[Saturday's report included a direct threat to the United States, while also asserting Pyongyang "will not limit (itself) to limited warfare but to all-out war and nuclear war."
"We will first target and dissolve mainland United States, Hawaii and Guam, and United States military based in South Korea. And the (South Korean presidential office) will be burned to the ground," the report said.]

From North Korea News site:
Mun Kyong Dok, alternate member of the Political Bureau and secretary of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea who is also chief secretary of the Pyongyang City Committee of the WPK, read out the statement of the KPA Supreme Command.
Then the floor was taken by KPA officer Kwon Yong Chol on behalf of the KPA, Kim Hyok Nam, worker of the Pyongyang 326 Electric Wire Factory, on behalf of the Worker-Peasant Red Guards, Kim Ju Il, student of Kumsong Secondary School No. 1, on behalf of the Young Red Guards and Rim Il Gwang, student of Kim Il Sung University, on behalf of discharged soldiers.
The speakers said that the service personnel and people of the DPRK are all out in a final decisive battle against provocateurs, aggressors, fully determined to take a thousand-fold revenge on the U.S. imperialists and the south Korean group of traitors, upon hearing the statement of the KPA Supreme Command and the news that Supreme Commander Kim Jong Un convened an urgent operation meeting on the KPA Strategic Rocket Force's performance of duty for firepower strike and examined and finally ratified its plan for firepower strike. Read more...

"Growing Danger of Nuclear War"- North Korea site.
(Russia and China join together)
US - Jerusalem/Iran
US/US Citizens
Biblical Scriptures:
Wars and Rumors of Wars
Matthew 24:6
And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.
Gog and Magog
Revelation 20:8
And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog, and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.