Thursday, April 26, 2012

Fireball in Flames Meteor Exploded over California

Meteor came to California on April 25, 2012...

Just heard from a friend about a mini-van sized meteor that came to my home state, over California! A meteor flaming through the earth's atmosphere over California exploded dropping meteorites in Northern California. The meteor was the size of a mini-van they say. NASA did not know it was coming due to it's overall small size, outer space speaking. I'd love to find a meteorite, but I won't be one of those who are searching. They say they are billions of years old I am guessing based on distance and type. Not sure how this age is figured, if it is figured by the big bang theory or just distance of light years etc. I'd still have to say it was probably very old though. So interesting to think of these coming actually down on to earth, which apparently happens more then we know, NASA and other researchers know. Lucky we do not here of tragedies from the outer space invasion! So much creation so far away...brought here. Any comments?


  1. Now there are plans to mine meterorites as they are filled with all kinds of valuable minerals

    1. There were people, probably many, scavenging these particular meteorites and some were also found from this meteor.


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