Friday, April 13, 2012

Rainy Cali Coast Orange County, CA Weather Update

Weather report: 4-13-2012 

When in rains in southern California, Californians are rarely prepared and it's big news around here. So drive safe, and bring your umbrella and coat.

Rare strong winds struck on the shores of the south OC. Just a mile south of the city San Clemente created a waterspout off the shore. 
Currently in South Orange county the rain has stopped for the most part, and the wind has calmed.

Here's more news on the storm:

Rain storm in photos: 4-13-12

View this amazing photo of 8 lightening bolts striking the San Fransisco Bay Bridge! 4-12-12

Related Alysa Good Stuff OC blog post:

4-12-2012 Local Orange County Weather News Does it rain in OC, California?

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1 comment:

  1. 4-14-12 Rain is gone :) The sky is bright blue with puffy white clouds. The air is crisp and fresh.


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