Monday, April 23, 2012

South Orange County, CA Earthquake 4-23-2012 local news

Monday, April 23, 2012
Did you feel the earthquake today? I didn't but my daughter did at school, saying it felt like a bang. A jolt type of earthquake. This small earthquake occurred this morning at 10:37am. a 3.9 mag about a mile away from Laguna Niguel, CA. It was a pretty minor quake. I am upset I didn't get to feel it, I was in north Orange County today and felt nothing. Oddly, this sort of news is exciting in an unexpected, sometimes tragic though, sort of way. Earthquakes are intriguing to me as they truly are from the foundation on which we stand and live. If our foundation crumbles, it is a new start that's needed or possibly an end.

I still believe a much bigger one awaits soon... when, I won't try to guess, I tried that and was wrong. So, I don't need to guess. Like a dream I once had though, there was an earthquake and it stopped at the entryway of my home and I heard God's voice say to be prepared. There was a real earthquake days or so later after the dream similar to my dream, it stopped as I stood in the entryway! Was this dream about an earthquake, or was it about life in general and living for God? I wonder many times about dreams, though many other times dreams seem pointless and strange.

Well, about the earthquake today... not too bad and no major damage or disaster. Most people around here are still waiting for the "Big One" thinking we are due for a large magnitude earthquake, especially with so many earthquakes occurring south of OC in the Mexico area.

There are many fault lines in Southern California that it could create damage along the fault areas and a tidal wave at some point should a larger scale earthquake occur. This would cause some serious damage (which is why in south OC there are many Tsunami evacuation arrow signs now put up recently over the past 6-7 years or so). We are in God's hands, and it is his timing if it happens or not. Natural disasters happen for whatever reason, we do not always understand, God knows.
I noticed in the following scripture in Matthew 24:7 the book and verse numbers, suddenly this reminded me, how we say the phrase, 24/7: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Like a store that is available 24/7, God too is available 24/7. Especially in these days, we should be prepared. We should live in joy but with the knowledge that God is with us always, at all times and live our lives keeping God first in all things.
Matthew 24:7 NKJ
For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places.
 Mark 13:8 NKJ
For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be earthquakes in various places, and there will be famines and troubles. These are the beginnings of sorrows.
 Be prepared for earthquakes, for famines, and natural disasters, be prepared for future tribulations.

Be prepared, and don't fret.

Listen to scriptures: More scripture for end times prophecy... the earthquake after the "Witnesses". You can listen to the audio, click here Revelation 11 (plays continuous)

More Christian based earthquake news:
Japan: Hope in Jesus and help for recovery from the Large earthquake and Tsunami in Japan 2011

Click on blog post labels (keywords) below for more Alysa Good Stuff earthquake blog posts.

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