Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Angelic Woman Story # 1 Part 6 Alysa Good Stuff eZine

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Continued from Part 5... "The Angelic Woman" Part 6

The gum on her shoe was nothing compared to the rest of her day especially tonight. The road seemed to get steeper even still. The hill seemed comparable to San Francisco streets she walked on during family vacations Talla had as a kid. 

I don't remember driving on any steep hill by my house. This can't be right, there was only one fork in the road and I've tried both ways. 

Just at that moment while Talla looked around confused, a it seemed to get lighter on the road at the same time, a dark shadow circled around her like a ring around her feet. 

"What the heck?" Talla declared with a gasp. 

"What are you doing here Tallaaahh? What are you doing here?" A voice screeched from what seemed to come directly from the shadow.

Talla fell to her knees, "Where am I, what do you mean, where are you?" Her heart thumped loudly that she thought it could be heard outside her chest as it pounded in her eardrums. "What are you, where am I?" She asked trying to catch her breath.

The shadow formed a face with a long tail unwrapping itself from around her feet to float in front of her. It was half the size of Talla. Its face looked like a man yet more like a creature.

"Get away from me!" Talla ran back up the hill, panting and started to cry without tears, only moaning quietly in panic.

"I cannot." The shadow creature said. "I follow you, you are in my lair. What are you doing here?"
Talla kept running up the hill, it seemed to go nowhere, as though she were on a treadmill. She ran as far as heart racing heart would let her collapsing to the ground as the shadow creature followed. 

"What darkness lies in you? Tallahhh. Tallah. Why are you here, you are not dead?"

"Dead!?" I have no idea if I am even awake. I can't be awake. 

Talla pinched her arm like she'd seen in movies to wake herself.  


That didn't work, and she could feel it just fine. 

"I woke up after falling asleep on the road, I was tired. I haven't done anything, I'm trying to get home, and I have no idea what you are, or why I'm talking to you. Go away from me!" Talla's words raced from her mouth. 

She turned and ran off the road into the woods, the trees felt safer even if there were wild animals in there. 

I'll take my chances with the animals, not this thing. God help me, where are you? Where am I? Jesus!

The shadow vanished. Talla did not see the shadow creature vanish, she ran so fast through the trees and knee length brush. She was lucky not to trip on a rabbit or snake hole in the ground.

I'm nowhere near home am I? Oh God. 

She stopped at a large tree, it was so dark, she could hardly see but only what was right in front of her. The tree felt like a comfort to her and she leaned against its bark trying to catch her breath. She climbed up a couple of the main lower limbs. The branch she sat herself on was wide enough that she could curl her legs on it and lean against the tree. She let out a sigh and closed her eyes, feeling tired and thought maybe if she slept again, she would wake up and be okay. Maybe she is still asleep on that road. 

That's it, I am sleeping on that road still. I've been so tired from all the stress and walking. Just sleep now Talla and wake yourself up. 

She kept her eyes closed and felt they weight of her lids become heavy. A few minutes later again Talla slept.

To be continued in Part 7...

(Read along every Sunday and Wednesday evening. Check back on the page tab: Good Stuff eZines)

Sleepy good stuff deals...

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