Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Angelic Woman Story # 1 Part 8 Alysa Good Stuff eZine

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Continued from Part 7... "The Angelic Woman" Part 8

The coffee cup clanked down onto the small dish which had sprinkled remnants of sugar grains on it. Mary-Lynn always loved a lot of sugar in her coffee and a lot of half and half too. On occasion, she would add a sprinkle of cinnamon or a drizzle of chocolate syrup. This morning she preferred to mix in just sugar and half and half.

Talla's father had already left for work early and Mary-Lynn tried her best to enjoy a brisk walk in the crisp cool hours of morning, before it got too hot. By the time she got near Joanna's (a little corner coffee shop off a main road) she just felt the need to sit for awhile. Young mom's picked out pastries for their whiny children. Busy, office-ready dressed, hurried people ordered their espressos and muffins, pouring the sugar everywhere it seemed and racing out the door the moment their coffee was ready. Mary-Lynn just sipped her coffee slowly. Seeing the young faces of the women there, made her think of Talla, wishing she had just stayed and gotten a place closer to home- not the other side of the country!

Frustrating, she thought, and she hasn't bothered to call me since she got there. I need to just send her a letter I guess.

Knowing she ought to give her a chance to figure things out on her own, she didn't want to call and pester her, writing sounded like a good idea. She could mail her a photo of them all together. Mary-Lynn perked up about that idea and started off out the door of the coffee shop. This time feeling a little more cheery she jogged herself home to write Talla.


"Cawww cawww ahh, You walk slow. If only you had wings like mine, I wouldn't have to fly and stop. Fly and stop."

With a frown and a little tired attitude Talla responded, "Well, I'm sorry crow. I don't even know why I am following you in the first place, or why I am even talking to you, or how that is possible? And now I am supposed to have wings?"

"No need to be sassy. I suppose I can fly ahead and wait on the fence post till you catch up."

"Thank you," Talla chuckled, "So, do you have a name?"

"Dark Hawk." The crow answered. "Before you say another word, the other guys, crows I mean, thought it was appropriate for me since it is my duty to guard the opening since the day you would come."

"You knew I was coming here?"

"Yes, for many, many long years I flew by here day and night. Checking for your arrival. It's my purpose. I watch as a hawk. Thus the name. I am not afraid of danger; I am a guardian."

"Who do you guard?"

"Please. How could you have waited for me all these years when I just showed up here this morning, or last night. I don't know. Actually I don't even know how I got here for sure. And now you are my guardian. How do you know I am the one to guard I'm not old or an angel. So..."

"I have not seen another being like you. I am a creature that is unique here, there are not many of us with multi-communication abilities. I can sense your language and speak it, just as I know the bird language and can speak to other animals with understanding. I can speak to the forbidden spirits that dwell here. I am created for a purpose."

"I suppose that sorta makes sense."

"You are created for a purpose. That's why you are here."

"I'm still trying to figure out where here is."

Talla continued walking down the pathway. It was actually quite beautiful really. Trees, bushes with little dark pink flowers. She could also hear the quiet chirps of other birds above her in the branches.

"Um. Dark Hawk, I'm sorry but, being human and all I am very hungry and I actually really need to find a bathroom. Do you know of anything like that?"

"Of course, I will fly ahead and wait, then I will show you where the fruit trees are just a little off the path."

"Okay. Lovely." Talla smirked at the crow and found a hidden bush area to go hide behind it a moment. "Why would there be a bathroom here? In a land of talking crows." She whispered to herself.

Talla walked down toward the crow and he led her pointing with his wing off the dirt path to a little orchard. It was actually very beautiful. Lemon trees grouped together, and also grouped nearby were nectarine trees, apple trees, and pear trees. Talla was thirsty so she choose the pear tree and also picked one from each of the other trees fitting a lemon and apple in each jacket pocket and holding the nectarine. The pear was perfectly sweet and juicy and very thirst quenching. She hadn't realized till that moment how thirsty she really was.

Continued in Part 9: Sunday evening June 3rd!

Yankee Candle Simply Home Bartlett Pear Jar Candles 

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