Sunday, May 27, 2012

The Angelic Woman Story # 1 Part 7 Alysa Good Stuff eZine

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Continued from Part 6... "The Angelic Woman" Part 7

The sounds of birds chirping echoes nearby as Talla's eyes slowly open. Forgetting where she was, she turned to lie on her side but instead rolled directly out of the tree down to the ground. Fortunately, with her hands out in front of her she braced herself for a startled but safe landing onto the dirt.

"What a way to wake up. Thank you God. I dreamt. That's it. It was a dream." Talla smiled.

Now that she slept it would be easy to get home in the daytime. She stood up and brushed the dirt off of her pants and dropped the pebbles out of each shoe. Once she put her shoes back on she looked up and noticed a crow circling round about above her.

Frustrated she declared to the crow, "What? Do you think I'm dying or something? Get on!" Crows are hardly what you would call vultures, but they are scavengers none the less. "Where is that pathway?" She whispered to herself.

It was overcast, no blue sky to be seen overhead. Just 15 feet in front of her Talla could see a hill with a white fence lining a trail. She wondered if that was the path home. She walked over to the hill and began walking up the dirt pathway. She again saw the crow which had followed her again. Flying round about the crow then landed in a tree branch above her.

"Pestering crow! What do you want?" Talla called out to it as it cawed down to her. 

"Nothing. You are going the wrong way."

"How would you know? You're just a crow."

"I can see from above. You lost down below."

Are you kidding me lord? Am I awake or asleep? "How are you talking to me? That's impossible."

"It's not impossible here, where I am from. Who are you, are you the holy host to guard us from the vile wicked rulers? Or are you the foretold girl of old?"

"I'm no angel if that's what you meant, and I'm definitely not old." She felt insulted and confused as she gazed up to the crow in amazement, but mostly shock.

"Well then, how are you here?"

"Um. I drove here in my car and I also walked more than I have in years. I have to say, this is hardly how I expected Monaloe, Delaware to be." 

"Caww? Where is that?"

"Come on! That's where we are."

The crow cawed as he floated down to the white post fence feeling less threatened and curious about this young woman. He tilted his head side to side, examining her face. Her light skin and nice looking face made Talla appear to be of a gentle nature. The crow tried to figure out who she could be. Talla thought similarly about the crow.

How on earth could I be talking to a crow? She thought about it but the outcome to the thought was not reached. She felt more like she were in "The Twilight Zone" thinking instead of the classic old black and white shows she had watched on the television with her parents. She could make no sense in her mind about yesterday till this very moment. 

She pondered in thought about the man in the truck yesterday, What was it that man said? Something about not too many good things happen around here? The fork in the road each leading somewhere else and ending up at the lady's house for tea... Tea. That's it. The fork could've been a set up. But why me? Was I really drinking team or--?

"Excuse me crow, where am I?" She decided it was time to be direct and face the fact she may not have been dreaming after all.

"You really don't know? Abbala."


"Yes. A land of God's love. More like a battleground for 19 years now since the wicked lair broke through."

"I suppose if I can talk to a crow you must be telling me the truth."

"I am. Caww." The crow pecked his beak at the wood post, sharpening its edges.

"Well, okay then. Which way to Monaloe?"

"I know of no place like you say. If you are no angel. You must be the girl of old. Please you must follow me down this way..." The crow insisted speaking more forwardly to Talla and flew above her again. 

Talla unsure of world she was actually in, or if she were asleep or awake, she followed the crow. 

What else is there to do? Focus Talla. I can figure this out. But, I am actually following a crow. Oh Mom, if you had any idea what I was up to, you'd trip out and tell me I told you not to move out there. 

Talla thought of her parents. Pa was probably at work already reading the plans at the local construction site and Mom would be probably washing last night's dishes and then getting ready for a lunch with her friends like she did every Tuesday for "Taco Tuesdays" in a local Mexican restaurant called, Ricardo's Burgers and Mexican Food down the road from their house. On Tuesdays they sold 2 tacos for $1.50. Talla missed going too as she did on occasion. Actually, Talla was very much wishing she hadn't moved at all. At least not so far from her home town in Newport Beach. Life was busy, sunny and many times carefree. As she continued to walk down the hill after the crow she remembered a youth group meeting she went to, trials build your character.  

What kind of character could I possibly develop from this experience? Nothing could have prepared her for this. Whatever, where ever this is.  

Continued in Part 8...

Dress like Talla! Plus Crow Shirts For fun- good stuff deals :)


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