Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Angelic Woman Story # 1 Part 8 Alysa Good Stuff eZine

How to follow this and other stories:
For direct links to stories, click on the page tab: Good Stuff eZines

Continued from Part 7... "The Angelic Woman" Part 8

The coffee cup clanked down onto the small dish which had sprinkled remnants of sugar grains on it. Mary-Lynn always loved a lot of sugar in her coffee and a lot of half and half too. On occasion, she would add a sprinkle of cinnamon or a drizzle of chocolate syrup. This morning she preferred to mix in just sugar and half and half.

Talla's father had already left for work early and Mary-Lynn tried her best to enjoy a brisk walk in the crisp cool hours of morning, before it got too hot. By the time she got near Joanna's (a little corner coffee shop off a main road) she just felt the need to sit for awhile. Young mom's picked out pastries for their whiny children. Busy, office-ready dressed, hurried people ordered their espressos and muffins, pouring the sugar everywhere it seemed and racing out the door the moment their coffee was ready. Mary-Lynn just sipped her coffee slowly. Seeing the young faces of the women there, made her think of Talla, wishing she had just stayed and gotten a place closer to home- not the other side of the country!

Frustrating, she thought, and she hasn't bothered to call me since she got there. I need to just send her a letter I guess.

Knowing she ought to give her a chance to figure things out on her own, she didn't want to call and pester her, writing sounded like a good idea. She could mail her a photo of them all together. Mary-Lynn perked up about that idea and started off out the door of the coffee shop. This time feeling a little more cheery she jogged herself home to write Talla.


"Cawww cawww ahh, You walk slow. If only you had wings like mine, I wouldn't have to fly and stop. Fly and stop."

With a frown and a little tired attitude Talla responded, "Well, I'm sorry crow. I don't even know why I am following you in the first place, or why I am even talking to you, or how that is possible? And now I am supposed to have wings?"

"No need to be sassy. I suppose I can fly ahead and wait on the fence post till you catch up."

"Thank you," Talla chuckled, "So, do you have a name?"

"Dark Hawk." The crow answered. "Before you say another word, the other guys, crows I mean, thought it was appropriate for me since it is my duty to guard the opening since the day you would come."

"You knew I was coming here?"

"Yes, for many, many long years I flew by here day and night. Checking for your arrival. It's my purpose. I watch as a hawk. Thus the name. I am not afraid of danger; I am a guardian."

"Who do you guard?"

"Please. How could you have waited for me all these years when I just showed up here this morning, or last night. I don't know. Actually I don't even know how I got here for sure. And now you are my guardian. How do you know I am the one to guard I'm not old or an angel. So..."

"I have not seen another being like you. I am a creature that is unique here, there are not many of us with multi-communication abilities. I can sense your language and speak it, just as I know the bird language and can speak to other animals with understanding. I can speak to the forbidden spirits that dwell here. I am created for a purpose."

"I suppose that sorta makes sense."

"You are created for a purpose. That's why you are here."

"I'm still trying to figure out where here is."

Talla continued walking down the pathway. It was actually quite beautiful really. Trees, bushes with little dark pink flowers. She could also hear the quiet chirps of other birds above her in the branches.

"Um. Dark Hawk, I'm sorry but, being human and all I am very hungry and I actually really need to find a bathroom. Do you know of anything like that?"

"Of course, I will fly ahead and wait, then I will show you where the fruit trees are just a little off the path."

"Okay. Lovely." Talla smirked at the crow and found a hidden bush area to go hide behind it a moment. "Why would there be a bathroom here? In a land of talking crows." She whispered to herself.

Talla walked down toward the crow and he led her pointing with his wing off the dirt path to a little orchard. It was actually very beautiful. Lemon trees grouped together, and also grouped nearby were nectarine trees, apple trees, and pear trees. Talla was thirsty so she choose the pear tree and also picked one from each of the other trees fitting a lemon and apple in each jacket pocket and holding the nectarine. The pear was perfectly sweet and juicy and very thirst quenching. She hadn't realized till that moment how thirsty she really was.

Continued in Part 9: Sunday evening June 3rd!

Yankee Candle Simply Home Bartlett Pear Jar Candles 

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Obama's gotta Bill for the Orange County visit for Presidential Campaign

The president's visit to Orange County, California in Newport Beach. Is gonna cost him, and why not? I think it's fair... If any of us would have needed security and other arrangements for a campaign or gathering we would have to pay the city. Check out this news.
Obama Bill: Newport Beach Charges President $35,000 For Added Security Presence (VIDEO)

The Angelic Woman Story # 1 Part 7 Alysa Good Stuff eZine

How to follow this and other stories:
For direct links to stories, click on the page tab: Good Stuff eZines

Continued from Part 6... "The Angelic Woman" Part 7

The sounds of birds chirping echoes nearby as Talla's eyes slowly open. Forgetting where she was, she turned to lie on her side but instead rolled directly out of the tree down to the ground. Fortunately, with her hands out in front of her she braced herself for a startled but safe landing onto the dirt.

"What a way to wake up. Thank you God. I dreamt. That's it. It was a dream." Talla smiled.

Now that she slept it would be easy to get home in the daytime. She stood up and brushed the dirt off of her pants and dropped the pebbles out of each shoe. Once she put her shoes back on she looked up and noticed a crow circling round about above her.

Frustrated she declared to the crow, "What? Do you think I'm dying or something? Get on!" Crows are hardly what you would call vultures, but they are scavengers none the less. "Where is that pathway?" She whispered to herself.

It was overcast, no blue sky to be seen overhead. Just 15 feet in front of her Talla could see a hill with a white fence lining a trail. She wondered if that was the path home. She walked over to the hill and began walking up the dirt pathway. She again saw the crow which had followed her again. Flying round about the crow then landed in a tree branch above her.

"Pestering crow! What do you want?" Talla called out to it as it cawed down to her. 

"Nothing. You are going the wrong way."

"How would you know? You're just a crow."

"I can see from above. You lost down below."

Are you kidding me lord? Am I awake or asleep? "How are you talking to me? That's impossible."

"It's not impossible here, where I am from. Who are you, are you the holy host to guard us from the vile wicked rulers? Or are you the foretold girl of old?"

"I'm no angel if that's what you meant, and I'm definitely not old." She felt insulted and confused as she gazed up to the crow in amazement, but mostly shock.

"Well then, how are you here?"

"Um. I drove here in my car and I also walked more than I have in years. I have to say, this is hardly how I expected Monaloe, Delaware to be." 

"Caww? Where is that?"

"Come on! That's where we are."

The crow cawed as he floated down to the white post fence feeling less threatened and curious about this young woman. He tilted his head side to side, examining her face. Her light skin and nice looking face made Talla appear to be of a gentle nature. The crow tried to figure out who she could be. Talla thought similarly about the crow.

How on earth could I be talking to a crow? She thought about it but the outcome to the thought was not reached. She felt more like she were in "The Twilight Zone" thinking instead of the classic old black and white shows she had watched on the television with her parents. She could make no sense in her mind about yesterday till this very moment. 

She pondered in thought about the man in the truck yesterday, What was it that man said? Something about not too many good things happen around here? The fork in the road each leading somewhere else and ending up at the lady's house for tea... Tea. That's it. The fork could've been a set up. But why me? Was I really drinking team or--?

"Excuse me crow, where am I?" She decided it was time to be direct and face the fact she may not have been dreaming after all.

"You really don't know? Abbala."


"Yes. A land of God's love. More like a battleground for 19 years now since the wicked lair broke through."

"I suppose if I can talk to a crow you must be telling me the truth."

"I am. Caww." The crow pecked his beak at the wood post, sharpening its edges.

"Well, okay then. Which way to Monaloe?"

"I know of no place like you say. If you are no angel. You must be the girl of old. Please you must follow me down this way..." The crow insisted speaking more forwardly to Talla and flew above her again. 

Talla unsure of world she was actually in, or if she were asleep or awake, she followed the crow. 

What else is there to do? Focus Talla. I can figure this out. But, I am actually following a crow. Oh Mom, if you had any idea what I was up to, you'd trip out and tell me I told you not to move out there. 

Talla thought of her parents. Pa was probably at work already reading the plans at the local construction site and Mom would be probably washing last night's dishes and then getting ready for a lunch with her friends like she did every Tuesday for "Taco Tuesdays" in a local Mexican restaurant called, Ricardo's Burgers and Mexican Food down the road from their house. On Tuesdays they sold 2 tacos for $1.50. Talla missed going too as she did on occasion. Actually, Talla was very much wishing she hadn't moved at all. At least not so far from her home town in Newport Beach. Life was busy, sunny and many times carefree. As she continued to walk down the hill after the crow she remembered a youth group meeting she went to, trials build your character.  

What kind of character could I possibly develop from this experience? Nothing could have prepared her for this. Whatever, where ever this is.  

Continued in Part 8...

Dress like Talla! Plus Crow Shirts For fun- good stuff deals :)


Friday, May 25, 2012

Quick Post Southern California to Las Vegas Trip deals with free Extras!

When I spot the Vegas deals I share them. Here are some quick Las Vegas vacation deals with 50% off hotel rates and more if you book flights: Free bonus deals like complimentary buffet, show tickets or club passes. Get ready for Summer. Are you getting married this Summer? Want an inexpensive vacation? Las Vegas is a close popular destination.
I like the idea of Vegas fun but Vegas gets a bad rap... Keep the sin city sinless and enjoy your vacation happily and not regretfully :)
Go here to book your vacation and more information on deals and prices!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Terry Martin Passed Away May 12 a Christian and Legendary Master SurfBoard Shaper

A Southern Orange County, CA Legendary master surfboard shaper passed away May 12, 2012.  He shaped many boards for many surfers for many years. He shaped surfboards for Hobie Surfboards.

The day before he died, May 11,  he signed a Phil Edwards model shaped by Mark Johnson which was made for a Wood to Foam project fundraiser in his honor for May 20 at the Ocean Institute in Dana Point.

His wife Cathy declared that his final hours before he died he sang Psalms 73 and talked with the pastor from Heritage Chrisitan Fellowship church in San Clemente, the church they went to. A friend of mine new this man and said that he never complained even through his painful end and was a good Christian person. She said it seemed like there were about 1,000 people at his service.

Terry Martin was 74, and passed away from Melanoma in his Capistrano Beach home. He had shaped an estimated 80,000 surfboards. His last boards were 2 for Rachel Tilly (Capo Beach surfer) and two others that a couple of his friends helped put final touches to.

Listen to Psalms 73 KJV

More about Terry Martin in the San Clemente Times

Sunday Morning Relationship with God - Bible Study May 20, 2012

Jesus is always with you: yesterdays, today and tomorrow, everyday and everywhere.

As a Christian believer I try to remember this. I think, "Yeah, Jesus is with me, I know." I tell my kids, "Don't be scared, Jesus is with you, Okay?" Yet, even though I know this I now realize I don't really contemplate it. He is truly really here, even as I type this, right now, right there with you as you read this, right now, truly. How aware am I that he is with me always? Even in the hurts of my yesterdays and for your yesterdays too. He was there too to help, to cry with you, to hold you and help you through with His love, His care, and His heavenly hosts were there too. So yesterday, today and tomorrow He is also there.

Pray without ceasing. That sounded impossible until I realized it means to keep him with me all the time, in everything I do and think. Still, that sounds difficult too. Though actually it's not. I remind my children to pray all the time; think of Jesus all the time. "Whether you are good, bad, mad, sad, or glad..." I tell my children to still pray to God in everything at all times. When I am mad I tell God. When I feel wrong, I don't try to cover it up and ignore God, I tell God. When I am hurting, he knows and I am aware he knows, I ask for God's help. When I have a good day I thank Him, even at times (not always though I probably should) I thank Him for days that aren't so good and hope a good one comes tomorrow, because he knows more than I do. When something good happens I thank Him for even the little things, like help from friends or family, I thank Him because I feel that He has interceded through others for these good things and help. It is good to be aware of His presence in your life and have a relationship with God, a real one.

I think too much, I talk too much. Praying without ceasing doesn't mean thinking constantly, praying like gimmie, or this and that to him only... but sharing the day and night with God, praying for needs and wants and help for yourself and others, AND listening to His calm voice within your heart. Quieting yourself to know Him, to know His comfort, His peace, His joy. That He truly has things in your life in control and giving Him that control. Doing my best in what I can, and praying for His direction and wisdom. This sounds good but, it is a conscience effort I have to choose to make. I am by no means perfect at this. All relationships take effort, work, and care... same as it is with the lord. I am happy when my children tell me what they did wrong, even if there is consequence and they are disciplined at times (no video games today) and many times they understand. I am glad to be needed when they cry to me, needing my direction as I try to help them be strong and then comfort them.

God cares like any loving parent would and more. He wants this closeness, and He rejoices that even when we are good, bad, mad, sad, or glad... we will still go to Him, really remember He is here with you and keep Him close to you too.

Scriptures for reference:
Matthew 28:20 KJV
Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
Deuteronomy 6: 4-5 KJV
Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord: 
And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.
2 Timothy 4:18 KJV
And the Lord shall deliver me from every evil work, and will preserve me unto his heavenly kingdom: to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.
Philippians 4:13 NKJV
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

God Protects Us Angels Unaware

"Angels" Book by, Douglas Connelly

Serenity Prayer
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change.
Courage to change the things I can, 
and the wisdom to know the difference. 

Constant reminder on your wall!

Quick Summer Vacation in Las Vegas Flight $68 June 6 June 9 2012

May 20, 2012

Want a cheap Las Vegas Vacation this Summer? Enjoy a few days and have fun in Vegas, see the sites. Travel dates June 6 through June 9, 2012 for the best flight deal only $68.00 Flights currently available!

Click here


Saturday, May 19, 2012

Orange County CA Beach Conditions Surf Events


Southern California especially in Orange County, CA is known for surfing and surf events and other beach activities. South Orange County Beach Trestles is a popular surf location as well as the San Clemente Pier and Huntington Beach or other OC beach locations.

Orange County CA San Clemente Pier alysa good stuff

UPDATE Guangcheng Coming to US Chinese Activist exposed China Forced Abortions

Chen awaiting his passport on leave from China to the US. His being blind does not stop him. He is a self taught lawyer and activist exposing China's forced abortion policy. He is happy about coming to the US after his imprisonment in 2006 and house arrest in China due to disrupting traffic and damaging property. He escaped house arrest to the American embassy in Bejing and is now on his way to the US. His passport has not been issued yet from Chinese authorities.
5-19 MSN News, Associated Press article
 Read the update here:
5-19 Updated: He is now in the U.S. and hopeful for change still in China.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Debate Same Sex Marriage - Obama. Thank you Manny Pacquiao

Finally a morally correct view on same sex marriage. Manny Pacquiao, a World Boxing Organization welterweight champion, known as the best pound for pound boxer is also among many things an aspiring Christain evangelist. Manny Pacquiao defends biblical scripture and what is morally correct for marriage. He stated,"It should not be of the same sex so as to adulterate the altar of matrimony, like in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah of old."

My perspective is I am not against people, and people have a choice to choose their way of life. As far as what is physically and morally correct and meant to be, same sex does not have a true place in life. Christians view on this is not meant to be prejudgous only have to stand up for what is biblically just and creation of man and woman as God intended, as children are born also from man and woman not same sex, same sex relations is a perversion of creation as God intended.

Manny Pacquiao on same sex marriage - Barack Obama view


Responding to Gay Marriage - Christian Prespective ( Summary:

"Even in a secular context, the only answer a Christian should offer is this:

The Bible is the Word of our Creator, and Genesis is literal history. Its science and history can be trusted. Therefore, we have an absolute authority that determines marriage.
God made the first man and woman—the first marriage. Thus, marriage can only be a man and a woman because we are accountable to the One who made marriage in the first place.

And don’t forget—according to Scripture, one of the primary reasons for marriage is to produce godly offspring."

4 And He answered and said to them, “Have you not read that He who 1made them at the beginning cmade them male and female,’ 5 and said, dFor this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and ethe two shall become one flesh ? 6 So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.”

Leviticus 18:22 NKJV: You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination.

Romans 1:26–27 NKJV:

For this reason God gave them up to  vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. 27 Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.

1 Timothy 1:9–10 NKJV:

knowing this: that the law is not made for a righteous person, but for the lawless and insubordinate, for the ungodly and for sinners, for the unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers, 10 for fornicators, for sodomites, for kidnappers, for liars, for perjurers, and if there is any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine,

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Redbox DVDs Rent 2 save $0.50 Code expires 5-13-12 night Mother's Day picks

Happy Mother's Day... Sunday May 13!

Save 50 cents when you rent 2 at a time at a Redbox movie rental vending machine near you! For Mother's Day!

Expires 5-13-2012 before 10pm on the west coast PST, or 11:59pm CST, Not sure of EST possibly still around midnight time.

May 2012 Redbox Coupon Code: 2G22QM3

Go to Redbox online to reserve a movie near you!

For Mother's Day movie picks from Redbox:

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Annular Solar Eclipse May 20, 2012 What, Where and How to See it

May 20, 2012 Be prepared to view the annular solar eclipse which is the "Ring of Fire" solar eclipse. The moon is passing in front of the sun at its farthest point from the earth, appearing smaller, so when the eclipse occurs, it will still show a light ring around the shade of the moon.
Southern California eclipse times are approximately between a little after 5pm to before 8pm.
Use protective filters on telescopes and only project the image through a single binocular or telescope onto a white paper covered cardboard to see the projected image. Solar Shades are also good, do not watch by looking with your bare eyes or even with sunglasses.
Best places to see the eclipse... Read about the Annular Solar Eclipse here.

More info. and a video how to make a home projection of the eclipse

Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Angelic Woman Story # 1 Part 6 Alysa Good Stuff eZine

How to follow this and other stories:
For direct links to stories, click on the page tab: Good Stuff eZines

Continued from Part 5... "The Angelic Woman" Part 6

The gum on her shoe was nothing compared to the rest of her day especially tonight. The road seemed to get steeper even still. The hill seemed comparable to San Francisco streets she walked on during family vacations Talla had as a kid. 

I don't remember driving on any steep hill by my house. This can't be right, there was only one fork in the road and I've tried both ways. 

Just at that moment while Talla looked around confused, a it seemed to get lighter on the road at the same time, a dark shadow circled around her like a ring around her feet. 

"What the heck?" Talla declared with a gasp. 

"What are you doing here Tallaaahh? What are you doing here?" A voice screeched from what seemed to come directly from the shadow.

Talla fell to her knees, "Where am I, what do you mean, where are you?" Her heart thumped loudly that she thought it could be heard outside her chest as it pounded in her eardrums. "What are you, where am I?" She asked trying to catch her breath.

The shadow formed a face with a long tail unwrapping itself from around her feet to float in front of her. It was half the size of Talla. Its face looked like a man yet more like a creature.

"Get away from me!" Talla ran back up the hill, panting and started to cry without tears, only moaning quietly in panic.

"I cannot." The shadow creature said. "I follow you, you are in my lair. What are you doing here?"
Talla kept running up the hill, it seemed to go nowhere, as though she were on a treadmill. She ran as far as heart racing heart would let her collapsing to the ground as the shadow creature followed. 

"What darkness lies in you? Tallahhh. Tallah. Why are you here, you are not dead?"

"Dead!?" I have no idea if I am even awake. I can't be awake. 

Talla pinched her arm like she'd seen in movies to wake herself.  


That didn't work, and she could feel it just fine. 

"I woke up after falling asleep on the road, I was tired. I haven't done anything, I'm trying to get home, and I have no idea what you are, or why I'm talking to you. Go away from me!" Talla's words raced from her mouth. 

She turned and ran off the road into the woods, the trees felt safer even if there were wild animals in there. 

I'll take my chances with the animals, not this thing. God help me, where are you? Where am I? Jesus!

The shadow vanished. Talla did not see the shadow creature vanish, she ran so fast through the trees and knee length brush. She was lucky not to trip on a rabbit or snake hole in the ground.

I'm nowhere near home am I? Oh God. 

She stopped at a large tree, it was so dark, she could hardly see but only what was right in front of her. The tree felt like a comfort to her and she leaned against its bark trying to catch her breath. She climbed up a couple of the main lower limbs. The branch she sat herself on was wide enough that she could curl her legs on it and lean against the tree. She let out a sigh and closed her eyes, feeling tired and thought maybe if she slept again, she would wake up and be okay. Maybe she is still asleep on that road. 

That's it, I am sleeping on that road still. I've been so tired from all the stress and walking. Just sleep now Talla and wake yourself up. 

She kept her eyes closed and felt they weight of her lids become heavy. A few minutes later again Talla slept.

To be continued in Part 7...

(Read along every Sunday and Wednesday evening. Check back on the page tab: Good Stuff eZines)

Sleepy good stuff deals...

Sunday Morning! Starting the Day Right. Christian Bible Study Scriptures

Matthew 6:33 KJV
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Good morning, good Sunday, rest day... or whatever day you rest during the week, be sure to get at least one day a week. God rested on the 7th day after creation, we too need a day off. Today though, I need to get some chores done, and I will devote some time to rest after.

I have a good tip on how to first seek the kingdom of God daily. My children and I remember each day, sometimes they surprise me and say it before I do. My youngest daughter said it half asleep the other day.

This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalms 118:24 (Psalms 118 audio).

Start the day right and read His scriptures, end the day with His word also. The word is the sword, it gets us through all the hardship each day brings. Even hard days I think, "Lord, you know more than I do." What is the purpose of a "bad day"?

Romans 8:28 KJV
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

Hebrews 4:12 KJV
For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

There is good in all things for those who serve Him. (For those that believe and want to do His will, that is live in faith and believe in Jesus Christ. It is not about religion, it's about a relationship. Love the Lord your God, with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. Jesus taught this even to the children.

Luke 10:27 KJV
And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself.

Rejoice in knowing God is in each day, even the tough ones. 

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Cinco De Mayo Celebrated in OC Mini Mall in Santa Ana

I was in Santa Ana, CA today. It is not my favorite area of Orange County, CA. Santa Ana, Anaheim and Garden Grove which connect together have some nice and not so nice areas. They may not be my favorite Orange County cities... But a little place called the Santa Ana Mini Mall (located off the 5 freeway and the 22W freeway at 3412 Westminster Ave, Santa Ana, 92703 CA) there was a little bit of fun going on as well as Good Stuff deals.
Mariachi bands with loud drums played in the entrance area of the indoor mini mall as a group of people in full costume and outlandish headdresses danced around each other, some children also in on the act. People enjoyed themselves and watched the fun. The indoor mall is not upscale, but there are some good sales. I got a few pairs of jeans for a total of $36.00. Not bad and one pair was worth $39.99. I paid cash with that seller, though other sellers may accept other payments. There was a cell phone booth, speakers section that my man headed straight for, and many other booths. Adjacent to the mall is mexican food. The parking lot is not that big, though the store building is not that large, and not overcrowded. It is worth a look if you're in the area, for some deals. There are other outlet stores nearby as well heading into Anaheim.
Happy Cinco de Mayo!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Alysa Good Stuff Travel Deal: Mexico Cruise Vacation + more Vacation Cruise

If your looking to go on a cruise vacation this Summer, check out this site I found. They offer good deals on cruises including cruises to Mexico, the Caribbean, the Bahamas,  Mediterranean and more. They offer savings around 75% on some cruises!

Need a honeymoon idea... try a cruise vacation!

Check out this vacation cruise site here for more details on cruises, cruise ships, locations and prices.

Scam Spam Traffic Computer Virus Terrorists Warning US World News

To fellow bloggers and site owners. Recent Google Traffic Stats show site traffic from Russia to this Orange County, CA blog. I suspect this is happening to others. This is a report and a warning to other Blogger Blogs or site users. Virus threats through site traffic. Check your website stats. Contact and report to anti-virus software, Blogger etc. 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Angelic Woman Story # 1 Part 5 Alysa Good Stuff eZine

How to follow this and other stories:
For direct links to stories, click on the page tab: Good Stuff eZines

Continued from Part 4... "The Angelic Woman" Part 5

Mary-Lynn joined her arm with her husband Rami's arm and they walked out of the theater together.

"That was nice just you and I going out together. I'm happy we picked my movie choice, The Ballet in the Bronx and you wanted to see Loch Ness." She laughed at Rami.

"I have to admit it was definitely interesting and the twist at the end, that girl decided to stay living in that poor neighborhood even after she made it to fame just to help the kids there. It was for sure a chick flick!" Rami laughed back and kissed her cheek, "Seriously though Mary, how could you stand it after the first minute? No no, I'm kidding. It was a good movie sweetheart."

"You really know how to push my buttons don't you honey? I love you."

"Love you too."

They always knew how to poke fun at each other without truly hurting each others' feelings. It was a cold night out so they rushed back to their car and went straight home. Mary-Lynn couldn't help going straight to the den to see if the answering machine was flashing its little red light. Rami saw her in the den.

"Mary, I told you not to worry about it. Talla will call us when she's ready. She's trying to adjust to being on her own, we need to respect that."

"Your probably right, it's just that, well. Nevermind, it's probably just an empty nest syndrome or something."

The heaviness of Talla's sleep was like a load of bricks piled on top of her. She still lay on the road. A loud scream suddenly woke her. She jumped to her feet immediately after hearing the sound. She saw no one though.

I must have fallen asleep. How'd I fall asleep while I was walking.. oh nevermind I'm going to get out of here and tomorrow I am having my car towed, I just need to call from home if my phone gets reception.

Talla checks her pockets feeling nothing in them, not even her keys or gum. Wondering what was going on and could everything have fallen from her pockets?

Wait my phone? Darn, it's in the car. Forget it I'll figure it out tomorrow it is way to dark here. Where's my flashlight?

She pats the ground around her, as it is darker now carefully feeling around for the flashlight on the ground.

Is this like the worst night of my life or what? Does everyone go through this when they leave home? Mom and Pa would be proud of me for toughening up. Mom always said that I needed to. But Lord why tonight, I am tired and it's just too much. Forget the flashlight, maybe I can find it tomorrow and if not buy a new one for that lady.

Talla started walking down the road that began to get steeper.

I don't remember this street being on a slop like this. Or a moon that was full and now, it must be an eclipse? Oh well for the hundredth time today.

She walked slowly down the road thinking mostly of her parents and hoped that she was missed...

To be continued...

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Have You Ever Seen a Cockroach Fly?

Yesterday, my friend thought this was note worthy enough as Good Stuff news to share, ok, not really good stuff news, but news none the less. While at work with clients all scurrying to a corner of the room, my friend battled a cockroach with a broom as it crawled up the wall. Figuring she could knock it to the ground and, grossly sad, stump on the poor grotesque creature with her shoe, to kill it and ease the clients (and her) mind. Fortunately for the cockroach, she did not stump on it and squash the life from it, rather after a swipe of the broom the cockroach flew out the front door of the shop. Whoa... she never saw that coming, nor had she seen a cockroach fly!

Apparently, cockroaches do fly. There are flying cockroaches, even though they can, we don't see it often with the American Cockroach. The American Cockroach usually scurries along quickly, they can fly or glide usually from higher places, in this case from a wall to avoid a quick sweep of a broom.