Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Angelic Woman Story # 1 Part 4 Alysa Good Stuff eZine

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Continued from Part 3... "The Angelic Woman" Part 4
Talla continued walking up the dirt pathway. Her legs aching slightly now as she neared the top of the hill. She knew now she needed to go left at the fork in the road, that road was paved and she wondered why she even thought to go down this dirt hill anyway. She felt a little safer now as the light of the flashlight gleamed in front of her. It was a large flashlight so it shone fairly bright.
She felt a little woozy thinking it must be because she is not used to walking. It was probably only a little after 8 o'clock. Her favorite T.V. show was just about to start she thought. A comedy about college friends in New York. She realized she was so used to city life that this switch to rural living was completely out of her everyday ordinary that she wondered again why she choose to go out to the middle of nowhere.
A quiet noise seemed to come from the bushes along side of the road. 

"What is that?" Talla spoke to herself quietly.

It sounded like a quiet voice with a slight screech. Talla turned her flashlight to her right side, aiming light on the dry bushes that looked more like brush of overgrown plants and flowers. She saw nothing out of the ordinary so she kept walking. She could not tell if it was her nerves acting out anxiously but she felt as if she were dizzy, more like a slight vertigo. She knew her house should only be down the hill in front of her, maybe 10 minutes away. 

I must be overtired, if I can just get through this... "Whoa!" Talla's heart nearly jumped up into her throat. She saw a black shadow move in front of the light path as she took a step forward. She began to jog and than ran.

This is too much, I must be tripping. I don't care I am not walking at night like this again. Talla thought to herself as she slowed down and walked quickly. Her heart was still racing she wondered why so fast. Her eyelids felt heavy, then heavier, then...

Talla fell. She did not trip or bump any rock this time. Only, she fell straight onto the ground. Her knees buckled beneath her and her body rolled onto it's side with her cheek falling next hitting the ground. 

A shadow emerged and engulfed her body on the ground. Footsteps neared her as she laid, her flashlight gleaming down the hill in front of her.

Back in California, her mother and father lived a nice life in a over-sized five bedroom house. They felt proud that their 19 year old daughter had chosen to try a new life on her own without their help and direction. Her mother worried still though. 

"Honey, it's been five days and we only heard from Talla when she got to the house two days ago." Talla's mom, Mary-Lynn declared to her husband Rami.

"We have to give her a chance to grow Mary. We can't be calling her everyday, just because she moved out of state or out of the house for that matter."

"I know your right. I'm going to go start some dinner," Mary-Lynn gave her husband a hug and walked into the kitchen. "It is nice that we have time to ourselves. Rami, do you want to go out after dinner?" She called out from behind the refrigerator door. 
"Sure baby. That sounds good. I'd like to see that new movie, Loch Ness." 
"Loch Ness? No. How bout a drama instead?"
"Okay." Rami laughed.

Talla's body lie still, her breath slow and her heart still racing. She was asleep, against her will, her body would not move. She could feel within herself a spinning sensation. The light of the flashlight turned off.

Continued in Part 5...

Added Translation tool to Alysa Good Stuff OC blog

Just added a translate language feature in many languages to Alysa Good Stuff OC blog. Worldwide viewers welcome! Visit Orange County, California U.S.A. To change the language format, look on the right sidebar to change this English language blog to your language.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Days later.. Another Earthquake 3.8 mag San Bernardino County, CA

April 28, 2012
An earthquake of 3.8 magnitude occurred at 8:07 a.m. near San Bernardino County, California.
A similar earthquake scenario as last weeks earthquake in South Orange County, CA.

Last post about the previous So. OC earthquake news on 4-23-2012 and Christian perspective click here:

In this photo from USGS the known fault lines are brown. Looking at the fault lines you can see the last earthquake was near other fault lines. Apparently, it did not occur on the actually fault lines, or so I read from another source.

I have concern about the fault lines that run through the ocean, at a high enough magnitude, that is the tsunami potential that I see. Little earthquakes are not a big deal and fairly common occurrence. I wonder when the next noticeable (feel-able) earthquake will occur in So. Cal.

Nice Areas of OC are also Not So Nice -Orange County CA Review

There are many known cities or areas that are nice and not so nice, even within the city. The other day in Garden Grove it seemed to need a little helping hand as far as cosmetics go. It was interesting to see Vietnamese-American shops etc. but nothing too special. The area of the city I saw was not kept up that well and did not seem like a very good neighborhood. The neighboring city, Anaheim, CA. one might think that this "Disneyland city", or the famous past name of the Anaheim Angels (which is now for publicity reasons I think, the "Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim" or something like that) must be a beauty, well it's not, at least not at every turn. There are nice parts of Anaheim, today I saw a very nice neighborhood with nice cozy homes, and outside the homes on the main streets only some gang related spray paint signs. But even the cities with good reviews have their share of gangs and riffraff. Illegal drug use, thefts and other crimes still happen even in posh neighborhoods, though most trouble occurs in the poorer, lower rent areas. That said, just because someone or a family for that matter is low income, does not mean they are probably a crime family. I have known many low income, hard working families that are trying legitimately to climb their way out of a struggling economy. California is in debt, and the expensive Orange County has it's own troubles, school budgets are tight, public bus system has also made cut backs in transportation, and health insurance for the poor is limited and little to no dental and mental health coverage for low income adults.

 If the states budget would help those helping themselves more, maybe they could get a step ahead and there could be less crime and less poverty. But the system designed to help through the social service system rarely rewards dilligent hard workers receiving cash or food assistance, for the earned income they make hardly gets them ahead of the low income game. It is not a game at all, but a struggle. Cash and food assistance gets depleated or stopped all together, so there is no getting ahead, but staying at a poverty level. Something to think about.

In the beauty of So Cal. there is also hardships, crime, and poverty.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Funny FREE Stuff Orange County, CA Craigslist Ads

Update: Craigslist ad posts expire. Read below for previous funny free OC Craigslist post titles... for updated free stuff check my Deals and Freebies page.

It's been awhile since I posted about funny free Craigslist ads. I like to do this for fun. Craigslist is a good and not so good resource... careful for crazies, spammers, and scammers... some harmer predators, or even name, phone, address and email or money skeamers on there so be guarded and don't buy or sell or pick up free stuff alone or at night.

That said, check out my current Funny FREE CL Good Stuff picks!

This looked funny and sounds funny... Bags of Dirt
Laughed at spelling error... Free bookself/gas dryer
Huh?...Curb alert-egg incubator and egg turner and table
Funny... reduce and recyle!... shredded paper
hehe... Free Horse Manuer Fertalizer/Compost
This just sounded funny... hope no one tries to use it on the curb since it's working... curb alert! free working toilet
catch this one... rolling table
Wanted: Moving banana boxes

Fireball in Flames Meteor Exploded over California

Meteor came to California on April 25, 2012...

Just heard from a friend about a mini-van sized meteor that came to my home state, over California! A meteor flaming through the earth's atmosphere over California exploded dropping meteorites in Northern California. The meteor was the size of a mini-van they say. NASA did not know it was coming due to it's overall small size, outer space speaking. I'd love to find a meteorite, but I won't be one of those who are searching. They say they are billions of years old I am guessing based on distance and type. Not sure how this age is figured, if it is figured by the big bang theory or just distance of light years etc. I'd still have to say it was probably very old though. So interesting to think of these coming actually down on to earth, which apparently happens more then we know, NASA and other researchers know. Lucky we do not here of tragedies from the outer space invasion! So much creation so far away...brought here. Any comments?

The Angelic Woman Story # 1 Part 3 Alysa Good Stuff eZine

How to follow this and other stories:
For direct links to stories, click on the page tab: Good Stuff eZines

Continued from Part 2... "The Angelic Woman" Part 3

Her steps crinkled the leaves with each step as the paved road turned to a dirt road with pebbles and dried leaves scattered about. The fear she was feeling turned to hope as she neared the small house. Its light gleamed through the front shaded window which had its curtain drawn. Talla walked up the path that led to the front door. She knocked looking around, waited briefly and knocked again. She heard the noise of a door slamming shut, it sounded though it could be a back door. She knocked again and the sound of footsteps came up to the door. 

"Who is it?" A woman asked in a harsh tone.

"Hi, I'm Talla, I live nearby, wondered if you might be able to help me?" Talla asked loudly so the woman would hear through the door. 

A woman with blonde hair and a slightly haggard appearance opened the door. "Are you alone?"


"Come on in, sure I can help you, what do you need?"

"Well my car broke down a mile or so from here and I was just headed home, and being that it's dark I went down the wrong road and I'm a little turned around."

"Ok. Sit down and I will see if I can help you. Have some tea first?"

"Yeah, thanks I'm thirsty from walking. What's your name by the way?"

"Oh, my manners. I'm Verdella. So, do you have family here?"

"No, I'm from California actually," Talla replied, "I just moved out here recently, that's why I don't know where I am." She laughed slightly, realizing how ditzy she must seem.

"Dear, that's too bad, here have some tea to warm your spirit up a moment."

"Is it Peppermint tea? Smells good." Talla took a few sips and was feeling really tired. "I'm not used to walking much, I walked so far. I really need to get some help with my car tomorrow."

"It's down the road, huh?"

"Yeah, a Ford Mustang. I think driving it out here wore it out, it overheated, it may just need some coolant, but there were no stores close by to where I was, only a liquor store."

Talla sipped her tea a little more.

"Yes, it is best if you have a car out this way. I wish I could help you more, I don't have a car myself. My cousin brings me what I need so I don't have to go out."

Talla takes another sip of tea, places the cup down on the end table and stands up from the couch. 

"Well, I guess I should be going then, you wouldn't happen to have a flash light I could borrow? I'd give it back to you tomorrow."

"I do, yes." Verdella gets her flashlight out of a hall closet and hands it to Talla as she is walking towards the door. "I'm glad I could help a little, sorry I don't have a car to help you home."

"No, it's okay. Thanks for the flash light, it's difficult to know where I'm going with no street lights."

"Bye, Talla. It was nice to meet you dear."

"Thanks, I'll get the flashlight back to you tomorrow." Talla exclaimed as she started down the path and switched on the light.

She walked up the hill to the main road.

Continued in Part 4...

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Notice: Alysa Good Stuff blog foriegn language translation change

Notice to followers of this blog in the Serbian language and other foreign country blog followers, Serbian language change. Due to unfortunate circumstances, possibly spam site traffic, this blog will no longer be available in Serbian at this time. Sorry for this needed change, enabled language will change on Alysa Good Stuff blogs to --correction-- Arabic language. Please see if your internet browser can translate this website's English language to your foreign language.

Contest! Win Las Vegas Week Trip, $2500 Elvis 35th Anniversary

Alysa Good Stuff Vacation Online Contest Pick... 

Celebrating Elvis 35th Anniversary...  
Win a Bluegreen Getaways Las Vegas, Nevada Vacation

October 19-26, 2012

At Club 36

Win $2,500.00 and 1 week (7 days) at Club 36 in a 2,500 sq ft Presidential Suite with three bedrooms fully decked out, a nice kitchen and TV/game room.
The estimated odds of winning: 1 in 321,426 

Related Alysa Good Stuff travel blog post: Elvis/Graceland

Monday, April 23, 2012

South Orange County, CA Earthquake 4-23-2012 local news

Monday, April 23, 2012
Did you feel the earthquake today? I didn't but my daughter did at school, saying it felt like a bang. A jolt type of earthquake. This small earthquake occurred this morning at 10:37am. a 3.9 mag about a mile away from Laguna Niguel, CA. It was a pretty minor quake. I am upset I didn't get to feel it, I was in north Orange County today and felt nothing. Oddly, this sort of news is exciting in an unexpected, sometimes tragic though, sort of way. Earthquakes are intriguing to me as they truly are from the foundation on which we stand and live. If our foundation crumbles, it is a new start that's needed or possibly an end.

I still believe a much bigger one awaits soon... when, I won't try to guess, I tried that and was wrong. So, I don't need to guess. Like a dream I once had though, there was an earthquake and it stopped at the entryway of my home and I heard God's voice say to be prepared. There was a real earthquake days or so later after the dream similar to my dream, it stopped as I stood in the entryway! Was this dream about an earthquake, or was it about life in general and living for God? I wonder many times about dreams, though many other times dreams seem pointless and strange.

Well, about the earthquake today... not too bad and no major damage or disaster. Most people around here are still waiting for the "Big One" thinking we are due for a large magnitude earthquake, especially with so many earthquakes occurring south of OC in the Mexico area.

There are many fault lines in Southern California that it could create damage along the fault areas and a tidal wave at some point should a larger scale earthquake occur. This would cause some serious damage (which is why in south OC there are many Tsunami evacuation arrow signs now put up recently over the past 6-7 years or so). We are in God's hands, and it is his timing if it happens or not. Natural disasters happen for whatever reason, we do not always understand, God knows.
I noticed in the following scripture in Matthew 24:7 the book and verse numbers, suddenly this reminded me, how we say the phrase, 24/7: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Like a store that is available 24/7, God too is available 24/7. Especially in these days, we should be prepared. We should live in joy but with the knowledge that God is with us always, at all times and live our lives keeping God first in all things.
Matthew 24:7 NKJ
For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places.
 Mark 13:8 NKJ
For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be earthquakes in various places, and there will be famines and troubles. These are the beginnings of sorrows.
 Be prepared for earthquakes, for famines, and natural disasters, be prepared for future tribulations.

Be prepared, and don't fret.

Listen to scriptures: More scripture for end times prophecy... the earthquake after the "Witnesses". You can listen to the audio, click here Revelation 11 (plays continuous)

More Christian based earthquake news:
Japan: Hope in Jesus and help for recovery from the Large earthquake and Tsunami in Japan 2011

Click on blog post labels (keywords) below for more Alysa Good Stuff earthquake blog posts.

The Angelic Woman Story # 1 Part 2 Alysa Good Stuff eZine

 How to follow this and other stories:
For direct links to stories, click on the page tab: Good Stuff eZines

Continued from Part 1... "The Angelic Woman" Part 2

Talla knew that she was close to home. As it was now getting almost pitch black outside besides the light of the moon, that was thankfully almost full. Even under the moonlight, Talla's fear grew. Wild animals lived just on the edges of the road she was walking on. Coyotes, deer, mountain lions, and...?

Okay, what was that noise now? That was not a rat. 

Talla turned around fast and walked backwards a moment, then spun around to hurry her steps. She knew at any moment some animal could be curious or hungry enough to investigate her.

A slow jog should hurry me along home. If I remember where in the dark, it's just about a half an hour from here.

By now the night's chill sent shivers down her spine and goosebumps on her arms. The pace of her jogging kept her warm though.

"ARRRRROoooooooooouuu rrrrruuuoooo." A distant wolf cried out. Distant enough it did not panic Talla.

That must be a coyote, I've seen enough in Cali, no biggie.

She continued jogging for a few minutes, but then it felt like someone were following her, as if someone were literally looking right over her shoulder. A strange feeling, logically though she heard no breath, no foot steps behind her, so she shouldn't worry about it. Yet, in the darkness the feeling that she was being watched she couldn't shake. Talla stopped jogging and turned around quickly, only to fall suddenly on an unexpected large rock in the road. She cried out a yelp! Her ankle aching now, she sat down next to the rock facing the road opposite the direction of home.

This has to be like the worst night ever. Ah, my ankle.

Fear turned to pouting and she leaned back on the rock and looked up at the moon and stars that covered the clear dark sky. Tears started to well up in her eyes. She seriously thought of just spending the night right there, in the cold, in the dark with wild animals around.

Could I survive, would animals get me? 

"Whoa, what was that?"

This time she heard no sound, and only felt that strange feeling as though she weren't alone. Talla witnessed a bright light flash by her a few feet away. The light was almost dim that she just about denied seeing it, until again, it flashed by the other way. She was now definitely terrified.

I've gotta get up and get the heck out of here. 

She started to lift herself up leaning on the rock to stand upright. She could walk, she was okay. Her ankle felt as if needles were poking at it and a she could feel a slight throbbing, but she could make it home still. Wiping her eyes and enduring the pain, she walked as fast as her hobble would take her.

I wish there were street lights at least. I would feel a little safer. 

All she had with her was a little wallet in her pocket and a pack of chewing gum and keys in the other pocket. She was thankful now that she chose warm clothes, remembering that she complained earlier when it was hot out. It seemed the road was nearing its end. Happily she hoped, but only to find a fork in the end of the path. She thought left was the way to go, but doubted her memory and chose right.

If this is the right way, my house should be down the hill to the left. Thank goodness. I think I actually see it, except wait a minute? Oh, no. That house is white. 

Talla's house was an adorable little cabin looking home that was painted a sort of beige and brown.

I better turn around. No, maybe I should knock on their door though and get some help first. Talla started toward the little white house down the hill just a little further...

How to follow this and other stories:
For direct links to stories, click on the page tab: Good Stuff Ezines

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Happy Earth Day in Biblical Scriptures plus Go Green Tips

Celebrating Earth Day by giving thanks to the creator... For us, the earth and animals.
Garden of Eden Pictures, Images and Photos
"Garden of Eden" photo thanks to: by fortschreitend

Genesis 1:1 NKJ In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
Genesis 8:1 NLT Then God remembered Noah, and every living thing, and all the animals that were with him in the ark. And God made a wind to pass over the earth, and the waters subsided.
 Genesis 1:26 NLT Then God said, “Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us. They will reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, the livestock, all the wild animals on the earth, and the small animals that scurry along the ground.
Psalm 36:6 NKJ Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains, your justice like the ocean depths. You care for people and animals alike, O LORD.
Colossians 1:16 NKJ For by him [Jesus Christ] all things were created that are in heaven and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through him and for him
Romans 1:20 NKJ For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse
 {more biblical study... Is there really a God?
Numbers 35:3 NKJ They shall have the cities to dwell in; and their common-land shall be for their cattle, for their herds, and for all their animals.

GO GREEN Tips Earth Day April 22, 2012

Go Green... I don't mean you have to wear green and eat green eggs and ham.
beach trash Pictures, Images and Photos
Long Beach, CA photobucket: barbaraeatsrainbows

Go Green Tips:

Eat Green:
Buy and eat organic foods! Better for the environment and your health. Some organic foods can be more expensive living on a budget research the best prices or local farmers markets for good deals for organic produce and foods.

Carpool, bike ride, and walk more:
Save money, help keep the air cleaner, and get fit!
Save money, reduce, and reuse #1: 
Reuse your grocery bags paper or plastic for trash bags! Save money and reduce plastic waste by not purchasing new trash bags. 

Save  money, reduce, and reuse #2:
Reuse your grocery products and produce bags and packaging for pet droppings and cat litter. Such as: vegetable bags, bread bags, napkin or toilet paper packaging. Store these bags in a separate box or container then other trash bags to access easily when needed.

Reduce environmental hazards and trash #1:
Contact your local city hall or trash service on where or how to properly dispose of car oil or other hazardous wastes, paint, cleaning products, old medicines, and batteries. Store these only temporarily (don't keep hazardous waste around for long) and safely in separate containers until disposing properly and immediately. Old batteries can be stored for longer periods of time in a container, but don't wait too long or they will leak battery acid. 

Reduce environmental hazards and trash #2:
Keep your car well maintained and leaking less or no oil. Oil spills onto streets and eventually washed into soil, or if by the beach drains into the oceans, either in streets or by washing your car. When washing your car, driveway, sidewalks done, choose environmentally safe cleaning products. Distilled vinegar and water or research a more natural car washing or soap cleaning product that can be used on your vehicle, etc. too.

Reduce environmental hazards and trash #3:
Choose environmentally friendly and natural soaps, cleaning products, shampoos, lotions, sun block lotion, make-up etc. Why? It's better for your health and also for the environment. Sun-block contains chemicals, these chemicals wash off into the oceans or through the drains effecting and ultimately poisoning our environment (as well as your system as it is adsorbed into your skin). Choosing natural cleaning products for yourself and home make sense for yourself and home and the earth!

Natural products can be expensive. Research for lower cost products. There are dish soaps that are more natural, laundry soaps too. If you can't afford the all natural brands, choose the dye free, perfume free brands which are less harsh. For cleaning products made naturally, simply mix distilled vinegar (buy a big bottle at a discount club store) with baking soda for a liquid cleaner to clean floors etc, or put in a spray bottle. Optionally, you can add some natural dish soap and you have a 'soft scrub' type cleaning product, plus it's less expensive! 

Reduce environmental hazards and trash #4:
Simple one! Keep old grocery bags handy in your car for trash you might have while on the road from your kids, drive through food etc. This will prevent many the alternative of tossing cups or trash out a car window. Secondly, the trash that you do find while your out or in a parking lot such as a plastic bottle or Styrofoam or paper cup, you can use your grocery bag to pick it up, toss it in your trunk or a nearby trash can. The trash left on the road or other places ends up hurting nature and animals that inhabit the natural environment. If you live by the ocean like I do, trash easily ends up in drains on the sides of the road. These drains are meant for rain and water run-off, though trash also goes into the ocean through these drains.

Reduce environmental hazards and trash #5:
Recycle all you can if you can in the area you live.

Please bookmark these tips or other tips so everyday can be earth day! This seems like a lot, but once it is your lifestyle it's not. God put mankind in charge of the earth's resources and we are meant to care for the animals as well. Do your part and go green the best you can. I don't always follow every green tip, even ones I know, but I try to do my best and reduce, reuse, and recycle and try to live a more natural lifestyle and eat more natural as best as your budget allows. This is a reminder even to myself! As I re-think what I know about protecting the beautiful green earth that God gave us.

Comment any more tips!? Do you like these green tips? Feel free to share with your friends.  

See related blog: Earth Day in Biblical Scriptures:

Friday, April 20, 2012

Titanic 3D In Theaters April 2012 Movie Review

Alysa Good Stuff Favorite Movie Review... Titanic
By James Cameron

One of my favorite films ever. It is a love story that never ends, like those that love the Titanic and those that lost their lives, a story that never ends. Life is what you make of it, long or short lived. Newly updated movie now available in 3D. Available to view in 3D, perfect timing to remember the Titanic 100 years after it set sail and sank to its end.

Family movie review warning: Not for kids or keep remote handy to skip scenes on DVD. Contains a couple sensual scenes, one nudity scene, one physical violence scene.

Have you seen it yet? Comment. It's a must see Alysa Good Stuff Movie Fav!

Love the Titanic story? Search my blog for more Titanic posts!

Local OC Travel/Transportation

A quick reference guide with links to sites with information on local hotels and transportation options.

Good Stuff Deal Hotels and Motels:

Orange County, CA offers multiple traveling options: Here is some information on travel options within Orange County, CA.
Local Taxi Service: Orange County Yellow Cab taxis
Train Service: Metrolink and Amtrak trains (From the California High Speed Rail Authority train service will soon also include a California high-speed bullet train in Anaheim, CA. - near Disneyland and Angel's baseball stadium).

What People Drive in Orange County, CA Part 2

Part 2

I love finding cool cars to photograph. Here's a few more fun photos. This is a look at what usual classic cars people drive in Orange County, CA. With gas prices being over $4.00 in most of Orange County, CA it's surprising there is still a lot of cars on the road. We gotta drive though, without a car, most people here are just not used to walking. Orange County, CA offers multiple traveling options besides OC local airport and car rentals, there is the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) buses, Orange County Yellow Cab taxis, and Metrolink and Amtrak trains (including a California high-speed bullet train coming soon to include a stop in Anaheim, CA. - near Disneyland and Angel's baseball stadium). 

People on the west coast still prefer to travel in their own personal vehicles. Take a look at some classic and unusual Alysa Good Stuff pick original car photos from 2011.  (All rights reserved.)

1965 or so Ford Mustang

OC School buses

Classic retro model Porsche

Another style Classic Ford Mustang

An interesting old Dodge
El Camino
Buick Riviera
Last but definitely not least... what a hot rod... or is it a hotdog? This traveling mobile American food work of art.. is certainly not my most favorite of vehicles, but yes it is a traveling Alysa Good Stuff Favorite! The Oscar Mayer Wiener mobile. This mobile hotdog has changed much over the years and has traveled across the U.S. to unsuspecting visitors like me or you? This is the latest model of the Oscar Mayer Wiener mobile, spotted in south Orange County, CA. 2011. They gave out free wiener mobile whistles to kids, coupons, also photo ops.

Oscar Mayer Wiener Mobile 2011 parked at a grocery store.
All photos by AV Alysa Good Stuff 2011 Copyright all rights reserved.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

NEW! Alysa Good Stuff Stories: # 1 The Angelic Woman part 1

NEW on Alysa Good Stuff... Stories! Updated every Sunday and Wednesday evenings. Follow along as the story is written.
Online e-zine. This online ezine is the first story on Alysa Good Stuff OC blog. 
How to follow this and other stories:
For direct links to stories, click on the page tab: Good Stuff eZines.
For blog search, search keywords: the angelic woman + number story part
To search for more upcoming stories search keyword: ezines + part 1

2012 copyright Alysa/Alysa Good Stuff all rights reserved.

Drama, Fantasy, Sci-Fi


PART 1  

I got gum on my shoe again? It happened the first day I got to this town. What is it with this place and gum? That's it, this is the last time I am wearing these old flats. A hole is starting to show through the toe part anyway. Ugh, it's hot today. Of course, I chose a long sleeved top and pants. Random thoughts. I must be bored. Note to self, bring my iPod next time my car breaks down on the side of the road. 

It's gotta be one mile by now. A dreadful walk, hills on both sides, if only I could just walk over the hill it might be faster than the stretch of road mapped out in front of me. I should've stopped at that liquor store back there for a water bottle. Why do I always think of things too late?

The sound of a loud pickup truck nears Talla. A man pulled over just past her, as she walked by he leaned to roll down the passenger window.

"Hi, thought you might need some help darlin'. It's getting late for a young lady to be walking out here alone." 

He looks like an old country guy. I do need help. Nothing but road in front or in back of me. But from a stranger? Definitely a strange looking man.

"No, no. Taking a walk for a little ways is all. I'm fine thanks anyway."

"Suit yourself. But it's almost 7:00pm it's about to get dark, I don't hear too many good stories out this way. You from around here?" 

"No, not from this area. Monaloe's not too far from here though right?"

"Well, through the woods and hills" the man points left over his shoulder, "I'd say half hour. On this road though, it loops around, it's probably about an hour."

"Okay, thanks."

"Good luck to ya."

Well, I guess he didn't seem to strange after all. But still, I guess I made the safer choice, getting in a car alone with no one around, bad idea. So okay, just probably another mile. 

God, I am tired and thirsty. At least it's cooling off, but it would be great if you'd carry me the rest of the way, kinda creepy alone out here. Keep on going, keep on going. Talla prayed; she is not used to walking long distances or short distances either.

Her '65 Ford Mustang with sparkling red paint, was left with it's hazard lights bleeping on and off after overheating. Her treasured car was well cared for when she had the help of her parents back home in Southern California. Now she is on her own. College wasn't on her list of to do. With money saved a little barely known town called Monaloe in Delaware seemed like a small nice affordable place to start. She'd only been here a few days after driving her Mustang out from California. What she wanted was to find a little part-time job and a change of scenery. So now, here she is.

As Talla walks with a consistent pace she can't help but notice that the sunset behind her looks radiantly orange with gleaming light rays through the trees onto the path in front of her. So many gorgeous trees on both sides of the street each with fresh green leaves.  One would think this was an undiscovered beauty like a natural hideaway if it weren't for the paved street.

Not a single car going by for a half hour now.  Well, I should be near the town soon. I am seriously trashing these shoes, my feet will hate me tomorrow. 

"Ah, huh?" Talla gasped. What was that? Now it's about dark and I think I just heard a rustling in the bushes back there. I need a rock. I can throw a rock if I have to. It was just a little noise, maybe it was a coyote, or a bunny. Or a rat!?  Eww.

Talla hurries her steps and starts to jog down the stretch of road as it curves down  a hill. 

I had to pick a remote town in Delaware all the way across the US? Not even sure why I did. It's the internet's fault. One search and a home with a gorgeous view. Of course I wanted a new and secluded area. Tired of busy cities, but now I wonder what the heck was I thinking? Who ever said change was easy? No one should say it anyway. I am walking with no cell service and no car. Good choice Talla.

To be continued...

Part 2:

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Monday, April 16, 2012

May 5, 6 2012 Mary Lou Heard Memorial Garden Tour in Orange County, CA

What a great way to enjoy local gardens and check out OC at the same time.
FREE (donations welcome)

Home garden tours.. officially hosted by the Mary Lou Heard Memorial Garden Tour
 "Real Gardens by Real Gardeners".

For more information and to donate go to:

Donations benefit:
The Sheepfold: Shelter and program for women and their children
The OC Foundation for Oncology for children and families: Families go to camp that have children recently diagnosed with cancer.
Mary Lou Horticultural Scholarship: Yearly cash scholarship to one student desiring a horticultural education.

News Article April 11 1912 The Titanic Sets Sail, The Guardian News Paper

Read the original news article from the newspaper The Manchester Guardian (The Guardian) from April 11, 2012. This article describes The White Star Liner Titanic. The gorgeous ship's size, weight and luxury on its way for its first voyage across the Atlantic from Southampton to New York.

View my other blog post about Titanic then and now, stories, videos, and photos. 

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Titanic Last Photograph... Story of families, Videos Photos April 15 1912-2012

100 years since the sinking of Titanic. I have to say this is a definite Alysa Good Stuff Favorite! I would love a copy of this photo to hang on a wall in my home. I am fascinated by the ships beauty and also the dramatic story of the Titanic. I hope you will enjoy the videos I too enjoyed. This is the video about the story of a family that took a short trip before it left to America. After getting off the ship in Ireland, one woman photographed possibly the last photo of the beautiful ship, only to hear days later of its fate.


View these videos and photographs while there are still online...

More on the Titanic- recommended by Alysa Good Stuff World News:
Special thank you to BBC News!

Do not miss this video/voice recording:
If the message of icebergs was delivered the crash could've been avoided. 

"One very vital message, received in the Titanic's wireless room that night, had never been delivered to the bridge that message came from a ship called the Musaba...warning all ships of heavy pack ice, ice bergs and field ice in an area then lying right ahead of the Titanic... normal for almost any time of the year... in my opinion, it was a warning of the most vital importance. I was officer of the watch and in charge of the ship when that Musaba message came over. And I know perfectly well what I should've done if it've come to my hands... slow her down at once and sent for the captain... almost certainly, he would have stopped the ship and waited for daylight,,. we were steaming that night at a good 22 knots... By 10'oclock I was relieved by officer Murdock... I wished him joy of new perishing cold hours and went below... he knew nothing of the death trap lying ahead of us any more than I did... 3 sharp clangs on the crows nest bell... "Ice right ahead sir!"... at that speed it was too late... I was lying in my bunk.. a kind of shiver that ran through the ship it was enough to bring me out of my bunk in one jump..."

Survivor Edith Russel's story April 14,1970

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Titanic Survivor - Son's Story of His Mother Memorial April 15, 2012

A good story of a son's remembrance of his mother's survival by lifeboat from the Titanic ship that sank 100 years ago April 15, 1912. Sunday is a memorial day for those lost by the Titanic and survivors of a beautiful hopeful ship. The joy of the Titanic and the loss makes Titanic a favorite ship to me, people caused much of the loss that day and the lord saved those fortunate survivors. This is a great little story of one survivor.

All Alysa Good Stuff Blog Posts for LOST abc TV show Favorite

Where did it go?

You used the numbers?

Homemade Apollo Chocolate Bars
Homemade Beer labels for soda cans or beer + Mr. Clucks Chicken Bucket Wrappers.    

LOST Alysa Good Stuff Favorite TV Show... Blog Posts: 

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Friday, April 13, 2012

Rainy Cali Coast Orange County, CA Weather Update

Weather report: 4-13-2012 

When in rains in southern California, Californians are rarely prepared and it's big news around here. So drive safe, and bring your umbrella and coat.

Rare strong winds struck on the shores of the south OC. Just a mile south of the city San Clemente created a waterspout off the shore. 
Currently in South Orange county the rain has stopped for the most part, and the wind has calmed.

Here's more news on the storm:

Rain storm in photos: 4-13-12

View this amazing photo of 8 lightening bolts striking the San Fransisco Bay Bridge! 4-12-12

Related Alysa Good Stuff OC blog post:

4-12-2012 Local Orange County Weather News Does it rain in OC, California?

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Thursday, April 12, 2012

Quick! Orange County Deal Zpizza $20 Certificates for $10

Ends soon! OC Register Deal of the Day. Click here and save $10 at Zpizza
Organic, tasty pizza and Italian dishes and salads for lunch or dinner. Plus Gluten Free Pizza! For $10 you get $20! Two $10 certificates. Yum! Alysa Good Stuff good deal available to Orange County, CA. Zpizza locations.

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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Local Orange County Weather News Does it rain in OC, California?

It's not always sunshine in Southern California!

Although this last year has primarily been a drought for southern California with still mostly brown hills and a lot less of my favorite wild mustard flowers... if you wonder if it rains in California... yes. Though So Cal. rain is not often and usually occurs as short lived rain storms or mild sprinkle rain with occasional mild thunder and lightening. It is actually welcomed by some as a change in the sunny weather pattern we usually have. Rained today and rain coming up again Friday April 13, 2012.

Driving in the rain 2011
Gloomy sky in south OC with the bright sun shining through. 2012

Gloomy but still gorgeous south OC beach 2011

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