Monday, November 29, 2010

Christian Rap Rock KJ52 (KJ Five Two) Stuff- Buy One + Get a Tshirt Sale!

Christian Rap Rock KJ52 (KJ Five Two) Stuff- Buy One + Get a Tshirt Sale!
Buy something and get a shirt free!
I like this one!
This shirt priced $15.00

T Shirt Sale at C28 Not of This World NOTW NOW

Yikes late posting... still up sale for 2 more hours sorry.. if you miss it check out their clearance/sale prices too.
Christian living clothing for men, women and children. They have Outerwear and Jewelry too.

Every purchase supports a good ministry; Mercy Ships (smile surgery), Campus Crusade, C28 Evangelism Missions.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Indonesia 10-25-2010 Tsunami Volcano Earthquakes and Dreams

 I dreamt months ago... 'World Series 1985"? Then I woke up. Why did I dream this? The 1985 World Series began on October 19 till October 27 Then I saw the information on google about the major earthquake that hit in 1989. October 17, 1989 World Series earthquake, which led me to think maybe... an earthquake for California was coming again in October? I guessed some dates (search my earthquake blogs by clicking the linked categories below, or earthquake in the search box).

 Well, maybe it wasn't days or times I was wondering about. Though, it just so happens that Indonesia has been having some larger earthquakes again, starting in October, I believe actually since October 21, 2010, but a major 7.7 magnitude earthquake on my birthday October 25th, as well as a tsunami and volcanic eruption.

Last night, I dreamt of my angel. The first dream I can remember of an angel. I woke up and knew I was not alone. When I fell back to sleep I dreamt of different circumstances where I felt as a 'third person', like it was me, yet I was someone else, yeah know? Well, I dreamt of a woman with children needing help, from another country, boarding a plane, it seemed a man was left behind. I felt I should pray when I remembered my dream this morning. Maybe it was a real circumstance somewhere?

I didn't hear of this Indonesia earthquake situation until today, and some how I think my dreams from earlier this year and now feel like warnings, premonitions  and more so reasons to pray, pray, pray always.

Here's an article about the recent Indonesia earthquake:

Still wondering though, when is the big California one coming...? Be prepared.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


TODAY: Tuesday October 12, 2010: In Store and Online Sale at $8.88 Sale T-shirts, some really great rockin designs too! I looked over the sales and there are some cute girl's clothes, and cool T's.

Other Current Sales: 50% Off Sale, 25% Off Shoes, they also have $10 sales often too:  I believe Not Of This World took over Truth Soul Armor brand Christian clothing which they also carry. They also carry Ezekiel, Endure and more. Also, their brand Canvas- which has designs made by you... or whomever has designs that are accepted by winning per votes. Check out more about this at

Feel good too, when you make a purchase from C28 they support a charity in which you can direct where it goes: Mercy Ships, Campus Crusade, or C28 Outreach. I love knowing that not only is it "T-Shirt Ministry" but it's cool that you can also have a direct impact wearing the shirts and knowing that some of that purchase went to something good.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Funny Free Ads On Craigslist in Orange County, CA

I have seen a monkey for free on Craigslist in Orange County, and I still remember the ad for a whole living room set of high-end furniture listed because husband and wife wanted new furniture!
Today a funny ad for Honey! But seriously, I hope this honey bee hive goes to someone that knows how to transport bees and collect the honey, wow Craigslist is entertaining at times...
Free Bees in San Clemente
10-9 Make $25 for picking up free wood crates in San Clemente

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

FREE Family Fun in Orange County this Weekend Oct. 2010

FREE Family Events in Orange County
  • Saturday 10:00am-6:00pm Irvine Civic Center: Global Village Festival with 50 cultures represented, fun to see and food.
  • Sunday 9:30am-4:30pm Orange Coast College, Costa Mesa: Children's Book Festival with Authors and Food

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Free Fun San Clemente California Residents October 2010 at Ocean Institute

The Ocean Institute is having a free open house for residents of
San Clemente the next three weekends, Oct. 2-3, Oct. 9-10 and Oct.
16-17, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day. Good deal Ocean Institute, pass this on to your neighbors.

Proof of residency is required, driver's license/utility bill. or call 949-496-2274

Sunday, August 29, 2010

December 21, 2012 Christian View Doomsday Prophecies

God knows our time, keep your focus on Jesus.
We do not know the hour Jesus will come.

mayan calander Pictures, Images and Photos
Look here for an interesting look on the facts of the Mayan calender and biblical view on "Doomsday" Dec. 21, 2012.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Drew Barrymore Wears $25 Thrift Store Dress on Red Carpet

Go Drew! She is so cute and I believe has such a genuinely sweet nature. I love thrift store finds! Drew looks retro gorgeous in a metallic sparkle mod dress. I bet she could have pulled off Payless pumps even and still look great (her pumps worth over $700). See the photo of her and article here:

Visit my growing eBay Store (bookmark... new store still stocking shelves) for home decor, some bargains and retro clothing:

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Yellow in the Ocean? T Street Beach San Clemente, California- Orange County

Yesterday was a gorgeous beach day in San Clemente, CA. At T-Street Beach the water was warm and shallow enough to walk out swim and boogie board. Only a couple cautions, warm water also brought a string ray that may have stung someone earlier in the day where we were now splashing, later there was some concern of rip currents. But the spotted yellow flag was not the only yellow spotted at the beach. The biggest concern in my opinion was the bright yellow we could see first from the cliff above T-Street. The yellow colored water streaked moving south from the San Clemente Pier and south of T-Street. People swam and splashed anyway. After a few hours the yellow was finally pushed south and spread and you could no longer see notice it. There are piles and piles of a long seaweed bed that is stretched across the coastline making the ocean blue somewhat brown. Is this related to the yellow, was this yellow dumped into our water? This yellow as bright as paint, what was it? Glad there are showers at the beach.

Comments welcomed.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Glass Half Full Not Empty Living (Inspirational Devotion) + Music Video Before Morning

I may not feel like a winner sometimes, but I don't want to think I am a loser, or that I am really letting life's loops throw me for a spin, maybe a bit of a twirl though. I try to be an overall caring person. I try to put myself last. I just don't feel like I'm on the winners list sometimes. In my life I have a lot of effort in things that I have sought for, whether it is a relationship, friendship, motherhood, writing and art, work... but I don't understand why it seems I don't seem to "make it"... all the way. That in many areas I feel the taunting of my failures. I guess I am wanting my own goodstuff. I am the kind of person that most of the time is half full glass but everything conflicting around me says, no it's half empty! "Believe me you are half empty", the glass tells me... this same glass not fulfilling my thirst. Oh if I fall into that pit of despair and hopelessness, suddenly it's... why is "this"- which can be anything from a flat tire to a car crash or a bad hair day to an illness- why is this happening? I tried. If I don't give up, someone else may anyway and where does it leave me. "Give up", the empty glass calls, "give in to despair."
Despair, in definition stated:
  • a state in which all hope is lost or absent;
  • abandon hope; give up hope; lose heart;
  • the feeling that everything is wrong and nothing will turn out well; "they moaned in despair and dismay"; "one harsh word would send her into the depths of despair"
Still, I've got to try if I am falling into that pit- will I not claw the walls to get out? We all have to fight that fight when it comes, one fight that is a good fight. What control do we really have? Only ourselves, our choices. If only we made good choices all the time, but we wouldn't be human then. Try your best to be your best. There's no need to sink into despair, when around the corner things can turn around. We don't know what's around the corner. Something to remember in those half empty moments:

  1. Romans 7:21 (King James Version) I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me.
  2. Romans 8:28 (New Living Translation)
    And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.
If evil is with us when we do good, all we can do is be prepared and try to do good to our best ability, sometimes we need to try even harder to. God is all knowing and much more powerful then I, so who am I to know his plans? Everything can be caused for good to those that love him. I need to be reminded myself at times. So instead, cheers to half full, cause it's much better than empty. Chins up! Alysa

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

LOST TV Show Merchandise Check it out while it's still available!

LOST items for sale still online, some items marked at discount. Fun looking at them even if you don't buy... There are DHARMA Metal signs which would be great for a DHARMA Party! You can even buy an entire LOST DVD Collection set for discounted price $199.99 ($29 off). Search my blog for more LOST blog posts, including free LOST DHARMA Labels info and Party ideas.
Check it out:

Monday, July 26, 2010

You know about Youtube, Do you know about Godtube?

Good, good morning, good stuff here! I thought I'd share these great sites, I can't believe I haven't yet.
Check out and
You can post videos, ask for prayer and pray for others. There is great christian music too that you may never have heard before. There is comedy videos, really great inspirational videos, and fun videos too. Be uplifted for sure.

Teen Survived 16 Story Fall on Concrete Floor

GOD Pictures, Images and Photos

World Wower news :)

"God must've been with him. He's got an angel looking after him.." the article says. I believe it. Even in our most difficult times, in any physical or emotional hard time, He is here. This teen's time was not now apparently. Makes me wonder what is special about this teenager? Even, knowing that I've friends that have died, but not me- what is special about me? Once in awhile it is nice to hear such amazing news. Keeping faith in whatever circumstance even some if it seems that's all we can do. But when I say, all we can do, I mean it really is the best thing we can do for ourselves! Well, it's too early to be up for me- having emotionally hard start to the day myself, but I have the Lord to bring me my smile again, feeling his peace... so off to sleep again. God bless, Alysa

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

5.4 Earthquake San Diego, CA 7-7-2010 Rockin in my Chair Orange County

I was just wondering the other day... we haven't had an earthquake recently, I wonder when we are going to have another one. Well as I am working here at my desk with my feet up on a chair, slouchy style, both chairs decided to rock with me in them in a sort of rumbly fashion. So I checked the earthquake site, it wasn't up yet... and then a call from a sister who saw it on the news and here it is on the earthquake site:
5.4 Magnitude in the desert inland area of San Diego near Borrego Springs. Those earthquakes are scooting there way up towards my house! Check it out:

I posted an earthquake response "Did you feel it?" survey. They said my area was felt as a 4 magnitude otherwise called MMI 4 intensity felt. Which was higher than some of the LA and San Diego areas. Pretty much the earthquake was a little south and west of South Orange County. Eeek! I will assume we will have more, it seems at the rate of uh, monthly? -here in the south-land.
This rumbling feels like my frustration I had today... the earth gave a preemptive "errr-ahh moment" before my day got difficult. 
If these smaller but large earthquakes are only God's land mumbling in its anger... boy, do I want to be up in the air (with all my family) when it really lets loose!? Will it this year- here and big? Feeling this many earthquakes is not usually what So Cal is like. Yeah we have them, but it's more of maybe a year or two between feeling them as we are now, feeling so many.
My little poem...

 With earthquakes abroad and close, with the leaking oil on our coast...
Will God heal our land? 
"America, America God shed his light on thee, 
and crown us good with brotherhood 
from Sea to shining Sea." 
Forgive us- some of us know not what we do, 
some of us do.
Send us your Grace
in so many mistakes.
America freedoms and many dreams, keep us together knit at the seams.

"We all well know, we're gonna reap what we sow, 
but Grace, we all know, can take the place of all we owe, 
so why not let's Forgive
everyone, everywhere, everything..." mewithoutYou

Ezekiel 38:20-22 (New Living Translation)

20 All living things—the fish in the sea, the birds of the sky, the animals of the field, the small animals that scurry along the ground, and all the people on earth—will quake in terror at my presence. Mountains will be thrown down; cliffs will crumble; walls will fall to the earth. 21 I will summon the sword against you on all the hills of Israel, says the Sovereign Lord. Your men will turn their swords against each other. 22 I will punish you and your armies with disease and bloodshed; I will send torrential rain, hailstones, fire, and burning sulfur!

James 5:9
Don’t grumble about each other, brothers and sisters, or you will be judged. For look—the Judge is standing at the door!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Gulf Oil Spill Biblical View in Revelation, Acts Prophecy?

Important world news... Let us hope this is not the end of our blue ocean as we know it, and I hope this is not the prophecy but is it? This may be a bit of a downer from the "good stuff" but it also has a joyful message of freedom, saved in Jesus! Hallelujah and all that good stuff jazz! Amen?! Amen! World news and biblical scriptures for your reading and pondering (biblical scriptures from Christian NIV, and NLT Holy Bible translations).

A lot of news, photos, videos on the Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico found here:

Lots of Photos of the Oil spill in the Gulf:

Recent News: 

July 2, 2010

By TOM BREEN, Associated Press Writer Tom Breen, Associated Press Writer
NEW ORLEANS – BP and the Obama administration face mounting complaints that they are ignoring foreign offers of equipment and making little use of the fishing boats and volunteers available to help clean up what may now be the biggest spill ever in the Gulf of Mexico.
The Coast Guard said there have been 107 offers of help from 44 nations, ranging from technical advice to skimmer boats and booms. But many of those offers are weeks old, and only a small number have been accepted. The vast majority are still under review, according to a list kept by the State Department. ...Read more:

July 5, 2010

Disaster in the Gulf


Photo slide video, "Hole in The Ocean"

Scripture study Revelation 16 and Acts 2- Note, this is for biblical last days reference purposes, not for exclaiming the oil spill situation, that is currently taking place, is for certain prophecy.

Revelation 16 (NLT)

 1 Then I heard a mighty voice from the Temple say to the seven angels, “Go your ways and pour out on the earth the seven bowls containing God’s wrath.”
 2 So the first angel left the Temple and poured out his bowl on the earth, and horrible, malignant sores broke out on everyone who had the mark of the beast and who worshiped his statue.
 3 Then the second angel poured out his bowl on the sea, and it became like the blood of a corpse. And everything in the sea died.
 4 Then the third angel poured out his bowl on the rivers and springs, and they became blood. 5 And I heard the angel who had authority over all water saying,
   “You are just, O Holy One, who is and who always was,
      because you have sent these judgments.
 6 Since they shed the blood
      of your holy people and your prophets,
   you have given them blood to drink.
      It is their just reward.”
 7 And I heard a voice from the altar,[a] saying,
   “Yes, O Lord God, the Almighty,
      your judgments are true and just.”
 8 Then the fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, causing it to scorch everyone with its fire. 9 Everyone was burned by this blast of heat, and they cursed the name of God, who had control over all these plagues. They did not repent of their sins and turn to God and give him glory.
 10 Then the fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast, and his kingdom was plunged into darkness. His subjects ground their teeth in anguish, 11 and they cursed the God of heaven for their pains and sores. But they did not repent of their evil deeds and turn to God.
 12 Then the sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great Euphrates River, and it dried up so that the kings from the east could march their armies toward the west without hindrance. 13 And I saw three evil[b] spirits that looked like frogs leap from the mouths of the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet. 14 They are demonic spirits who work miracles and go out to all the rulers of the world to gather them for battle against the Lord on that great judgment day of God the Almighty.
 15 “Look, I will come as unexpectedly as a thief! Blessed are all who are watching for me, who keep their clothing ready so they will not have to walk around naked and ashamed.”
 16 And the demonic spirits gathered all the rulers and their armies to a place with the Hebrew name Armageddon.[c]
 17 Then the seventh angel poured out his bowl into the air. And a mighty shout came from the throne in the Temple, saying, “It is finished!” 18 Then the thunder crashed and rolled, and lightning flashed. And a great earthquake struck—the worst since people were placed on the earth. 19 The great city of Babylon split into three sections, and the cities of many nations fell into heaps of rubble. So God remembered all of Babylon’s sins, and he made her drink the cup that was filled with the wine of his fierce wrath. 20 And every island disappeared, and all the mountains were leveled. 21 There was a terrible hailstorm, and hailstones weighing seventy-five pounds[d] fell from the sky onto the people below. They cursed God because of the terrible plague of the hailstorm.
  1. Revelation 16:7 Greek I heard the altar.
  2. Revelation 16:13 Greek unclean.
  3. Revelation 16:16 Or Harmagedon.
  4. Revelation 16:21 Greek 1 talent [34 kilograms].
Acts 2:17-21 (New Living Translation)  

17 ‘In the last days,’ God says,
      ‘I will pour out my Spirit upon all people.
   Your sons and daughters will prophesy.
      Your young men will see visions,
      and your old men will dream dreams.
 18 In those days I will pour out my Spirit
      even on my servants—men and women alike—
      and they will prophesy.
 19 And I will cause wonders in the heavens above
      and signs on the earth below—
      blood and fire and clouds of smoke.
 20 The sun will become dark,
      and the moon will turn blood red
      before that great and glorious day of the Lord arrives.
 21 But everyone who calls on the name of the Lord
      will be saved.’[a]
Footnotes:Acts 2:21 Joel 2:28-32.

On an end note, The most important thing to remember, Jesus IS coming soon, not to worry, pray always for all things and share the good news...

Acts 2:39-41  (NIV)

39The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off—for all whom the Lord our God will call." 40With many other words he warned them; and he pleaded with them, "Save yourselves from this corrupt generation." 41Those who accepted his message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day.

God be with you and bless you in the name of Jesus!


July 2nd: after posting this blog I heard some debate that this is not prophecy as described, I don't think it is a ful-filled prophecy myself and I am not saying it is so... only, maybe. 
I wanted to share my response, again God's blessings with you.
My concern is what God is doing, allowing, and our need to pray, and not worry or debate.

I believe God can allow us to fall from our actions which then is his say so, his doing or allowance for our sinful ways, and possibly God's wrath as he is just to allow for those that turn against him or do not repent from wickedness. On a side note, I think Christians seem to know, even though we don't like to discuss it much, demons are at work and stronger, it seems- at least I feel personally. In Revelations 16:3 We don't know that the "flask poured out" by the second angel isn't the allowance of the oil to come out as it did. I can see why some may dismiss this as prophecy, but I think we may be watching prophecy "in the works".
It is alright to me if someone disagrees with it being prophecies, for what I think- it is more of a warning of the time frame we are in. And the dreams I have about things before they happen correlate with the last days. (Which is at times, hard for me to share this with others.)

"In the Last Days" we hear, and I feel his warning spiritually. Maybe it's sounds strange to some, but, it is personal, that I feel what I am saying. I can't say IT IS this now, but I think it COULD be the start, but only depending on the time frame of what we see and how everything pans out over time? I'm not going to debate what I haven't seen fulfilled.

We don't see everything at once, just like "everything in all the oceans died". This could be years and years so other things could also then be seen as it too unfolds. Basically, how do we see it and when? The vision based on 1st, and 2nd angel etc. The first is talking about those with the mark of the beast had plague and sores and worshiped his statue- that could be many people who worship Satan or? and could have diseases? Maybe we don't understand it, and it hasn't panned out in our time frame compared to God's no time frame. I'm not certain.

This description is very accurate actually only in a beginning stage if it gets worse and does not stop, that's how you know. "The second angel poured out his flask upon the oceans, and they became like the watery blood of a dead man; and everything in all the oceans died." (The Living Bible). So, only we can wait to see if and how the first two of the scripture pans out and then the 3rd-7th angel tasks.

Some of the oil spill including underwater (I believe it is green lit underwater because the sunlight could not get through from the surface).

(Your Comments/html are welcomed. All comments are monitored before post. Thanks for your comments.)

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Good Deal Vintage 80's-2000's Dolls JEM Strawberry Shortcake Bratz Barbie Sale Information

JEM is
Truly outrageous, truly, truly, truly outrageous!

Fun site I found thanks to someone's link on someone's blog! When you go to the site choose either Pranceatron Toys (they also have sales on ebay: pranceatron), or Jem Vs Pranceatron. They sell vintage to now toys, dolls, and doll accessories via email very cheap, starting at $0.25 and up.

I love JEM and the Holograms and Misfits- so cool, you can find the cartoon episodes on YouTube. After looking at some vintage toys, I wish I kept my vintage Strawberry Shortcake dolls, even if they were a little ratty. I really want the first set of Jem and Misfit dolls, especially Jem doll, like since I was a kid and they first came out! On my to get list. The Jem Vs. Pranceatron site has very good information on JEM dolls and accessories, perfect for collectors searching for good stuff!

So check out this site it's a little "JEM"!

Oh, on a side note, I want this JEM wig!

JEM and the Holograms Commercial:

Funny 1961 Barbie Dolls Boyfriend First Ken Commercial

Thursday, June 24, 2010

HURRY! TONIGHT! VEGAS DEAL SWA Flight and Golden Nugget Hotel $39 Deal use this link! June 24

Great deal for late Summer last minute vacation!

Until midnight tonight!!! Thursday June 24, 2010 You must use the link from the page shown above or below as directed, click the link for the flight and click the link for the Golden Nugget Hotel.

SWA Flights $39+ one way/each way (midweek), depending on distance etc. purchase now and fly in September 8 - November 17, (flight costs more on weekends).

Golden Nugget Las Vegas Hotel deal $39 and up hotel nights, only put deposit down now to reserve.

They also have a deal on their site that has low rates now also, but if you book your reservation in Sept 8- Nov 17 you will also get SWA deal! 

Beach House Family Vacation Rental San Clemente, CA 3 Bedrooms orange county california Summer and Year-Round Bargain!

Summer Fall Winter Spring Vacation Spot tips: Come to the place where it is the best overall year-round climate in the world! Southern Orange County: San Clemente, CA.
Vacation home for rent near the San Clemente Pier with gorgeous ocean and sunset view from patio. 3 bed. 2.5 bath, sleeps up to 7, fireplace, 3 parking spaces, + more amenities.

The San Clemente Pier Bowl area has on pier dining and fishing, and nearby restaurants, shopping, train station, and of course beach fun and surfing. San Clemente Pier also has a fireworks display show on the 4th of July, and other Summer events like the Ocean Festival and Beach Concerts. Nearby the pier, downtown San Clemente on Del Mar street is the Village Art Fair, Farmer's Market, Classic Car Shows, and other events.

San Clemente,CA. Events
More about the City of San Clemente, CA (located in South Orange County)
See beach home website here:

San Clemente Beach House Rates for 2010:
October 1-June15: $275.00/Day (3 night min.), $1550.00/Week, $2600.00/Month
June 16-August 31: $2,000.00/Week
September 1-September30: $300.00/Day (3 night min.), $1600.00/Week, $2600.00/Month

Visit my other blog for more on Vacations on a Budget in Southern California... Mini Vacations in Orange County, California!

More on Visiting Orange County and other So Cal destinations, check out this site I found:

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Operation Bless a Soldier C28 NOTW Not of this World Flag Shirt, Donate Bible


Photo from:
Buy a cool "Prayer Flag" Shirt: Praying Hands Black and Gray American Flag T-Shirt (available in Mens and Womens -juniors fitted). Included in your purchase is a donation of a Holy Bible for a soldier, write your own personal message/prayer to a soldier to be given with the Bible! Plus, after your payment, you can choose 1 of 3 ministries that a portion of your already paid purchase
will be donated to.

Cost: I paid about $32.00 that is including the shipping cost. I feel good to have been able to send a bible and donation along with a shirt I like and I can where for ministry. Also, the shirt is a great reminder about keeping our country free, and those fighting for what is good to do so. Remembering to hold dear- "In God We Trust" and our National Day of Prayer. That we need to continue to prayer for our leaders, our home and for those bringing corruption.

What a great ministry. Keep faith and pray for those that are fighting for our country, and pray for the USA too! God bless America help our leaders, heal our land, waters, and have grace upon us, in Jesus, Amen.

Click here to buy Operation Bless a Soldier Shirt (Guys and Girls)!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Yet Another Earthquake 6-14-2010 Southern California

I was working on my blog when I felt some rumbling below my feet and my desk shaking. Very minor in my area felt more like a 2-3 magnitude. I gathered my children and stopped at the front door, just like my last "earthquake dream", in it I stopped before we went out the door. Except in my dream, I felt/heard the voice of God telling me to be prepared. We do need to be prepared as this is more earthquakes in such a close time (all over the world too) than I can remember in all the years growing up here. Are we really prepared? We have some bottles of water, can food, band-aids, and... what about our souls, are they prepared for any unexpected events that may bring life change? We got to live for Him. Keep the faith.

6-14-2010 9:26 pm Earthquake 5.7 magnitude in Southern California, near Ocotillo. Southeast from Orange County and San Diego near the Mexico border. More around the area.
For more details and to report if you felt it click here.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

More Earthquakes rattle Southern California 4.9 8:08pm Borrego Springs

June 12, 2010 8:08pm
4.9 earthquake Borrego Springs, CA. 31 miles from Palm Springs and 59 miles from San Diego. Another nearby 4.4 earthquake also. My sister in San Diego felt this one.

In Mexico also this weekend, earthquakes are still shaking things up around the fault line in Mexicali, Baja California area.

mewithoutYou at Chain Reaction Anaheim, CA June 2010 Music Review Orange County

Went to mewithoutYou show at Chain Reaction in Anaheim, CA. Chain Reaction club - a punk like trashed club decor of graffiti styled walls, textured with A.B.C. gum, and curse words. But how nice the treasure of seeing and hearing an uplifting poetic band play in such a place and such a band as mewithoutYou. I also very much enjoyed Rubik, a band I haven't heard before. They were very instrumentally fun to watch and uniquely played a combination of instruments including maracas and slide trombones, still with a little edgy rock and unique sound lead vocalist. I will be checking out more about them. David Bazan also played, a guitar soloist, though not my taste, some seemed to enjoy.

I first heard mewithoutYou, via online thanks to my brother, this song- and still my favorite song, In a Sweater Poorly Knit. It caught my attention immediately and I have enjoyed their unique music since. I love the album, Brother, Sister and the new album mewithoutYou it's all crazy! it's all false! it's all a dream it's alright is very well done musically and lyrically with deep thought, and uniquely provoking me to dance. They do not claim to be a "Christian band", Aaron Weiss the lead singer is though, and their songs have a Christian message with other influences, and a very unique way of storytelling; a poetically lyrical way to reach their audience. At times, you have to carefully listen to what is being said in their lyrics. Lyrics include a sneaky clever fox, a quick crow, a king beetle, "a Stick, a Carrot, and String".

I am so glad I caught their show and in such a small place as to see them perform a few feet away. It was a joy to see their simple hippie styled motor-home bus (of which they had glued newspapers around the tires), and in a simple small place in an otherwise materialistic Orange County, Cali. I only wish I asked for them to sign my shirt! I look forward to seeing them play again! mwY- hope your coming back soon?!

Click here- Article with more information about mewithoutYou and a good mwY music review

Click here for an interview (2004) with Aaron Weiss (lead singer)

Video below of show June 11, 2010 at Chain Reaction.
From their new album, mewithoutYou it's all crazy! it's all false! it's all a dream it's alright (Tooth and Nail Records): Music Video for: The Fox, The Crow and the Cookie

Monday, June 7, 2010

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Alice in Wonderland Shutter Island $1 - $2 Movie Theatre Starplex Cinemas Irvine, CA Show times
2 Dollar and $1 Tuesdays only Movie Theatre in Southern California and other US locations nationwide.

My 2 favorites this week:

Alice in Wonderland Johnny Depp is the Mad Hatter! Tim Burton - Disney film
Last week for Shutter Island Leonardo DiCaprio- A Martin Scorsese film

Playing in Irvine, CA at:
Woodbridge Movies 5
4626 Barranca Parkway
Irvine, CA 92604
Information: 949-733-3795
Movie Line: 949-733-0980

Friday, June 4, 2010

$75 Gift Card for 1 hr For Blogger blog study from Google

$75 dollar gift card from Google for 1 hour of your time for a blogger study! To improve Blogger.

Click link below for information and to sign up to set an appointment.

Requirements via Google: 
Be at least 18 years old
Accept the terms of our Usability
Non-Disclosure Agreement
Allow us to video or audio record the
Have a PC computer running Windows 7/Vista/XP/2000

Have a broadband Internet connection (DSL, Cable, T1 all fine).

Have a phone you can use comfortably while working on your computer for
the duration of the study session. (Speaker phone or hands-free
headset recommended)

Cool $5 DVDs at Wal-Mart San Clemente, CA Orange County

$5 New DVD's at Wal-mart found at San Clemente movie bin box:
Wal-Mart Orange County, CA locations directions

Photo courtesy of
I got: The Outsiders, 21 Jumpstreet First Season (2 DVDs set), RV (with Robin Williams- Funny!), Thomas the Train.

More I saw: Reality Bites (Winona Ryder, Ethan Hawke, Ben Stiller...), Superman Returns and more!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

2 Year Old Toddler Smokes up to 40 Cigarettes Today Parents Support Smoking Habit Tobbaco Company

2 Year old Toddler Smokes Cigarettes daily. See Video, Tobacco Companies wake up! Wish I could help teach that Toddler, what is happening and say for the parents,  "No, NO!" The parents support his $5.50 daily habit, due to him feeling sick and tantrums if he doesn't get one. Sad poor boy. He doesn't know better. What is wrong with the parents? Need some Good Stuff here- Pray for the poor boy, and God guide those parents! WOWER World News, or more like WHOA, WHAT?! This is not good, and really nothing to joke about.


Bargain Eating Tips Make Cheap Meals and Food Banks in Orange County, CA

   Depression like status reaches across the US, in Orange County, California you don't always notice. Mom's chatting through the windows of their SUV's while they pick up there kids in the school parking lot line. Commenting on gorgeous weather and their bedroom's ocean view. The Shops at Mission Viejo, The Laguna Hills Mall, South Coast Plaza, The Irvine Spectrum all still busy with hustling sales rack shoppers and big spenders, some with overdue credit card bills.

Even still, a closer look behind the scenes is the children needing free lunches, though they don't feed those on a strict or special diets. Another even closer look, before you drive by that corner and tell yourself not to glance over, or better yet, please glance over and know that the reward is in the giver... A family on the corner sitting together asking for a little help or work. Or the man with a suitcase and a bottle of Windex outside or Wal-mart. Does my 1-20 bucks really help much? I send it off with a prayer. I give with a whole heart, how it is spent is left on them.

So now you know in the really real OC with overpriced rents, even in low income homes, and high sales tax, yes, even glorified Orange County beach cities have poor and even desperate folks. Plus the hungry young ones just starting out on life trying to balance their budgets... these tips and food lists are for all of you. A nifty little article I found on Depression style eating- good read with tips on making food stretch; good staple foods for those on a tight budget. I have also added some information on Food Banks in Orange County, California.

If you don't need extra food, would you consider on donating to the food banks listed here? Keep in mind there are many people with food allergies and special diets that have a hard time finding food they too can eat, think outside peanut butter and wheat, think of other staple foods: Natural Foods, almond butter, raisins, gluten-free (non-wheat) noodles, and canned meats.
  • Some Food Banks in Orange County, California:

    Family Assistance Ministries 
    (Sometimes Financial asst., Food 1x month +lunches)
    929 Calle Negocio, Suite G
    San Clemente, CA 92673
    Phone: 949-492-8477
    Fax: 949-492-8081
    Hours: Mon 9am–6pm, Tues–Thurs 9am–3pm, Fri 9am–Noon, Closed Sat/Sun
    South County Outreach
    (Food, Sometimes Rental, Utilities Asst., Housing)
    26776 Vista Terrace
    Lake Forest, CA 92630
    Phone: 949-380-8144
    • Serves: Aliso Viejo, Capistrano Beach, Dana Point, Foothill Ranch, Irvine, Ladera Ranch, Laguna Beach, Laguna Hills, Laguna Niguel, Laguna Woods, Lake Forest, Mission Viejo, Rancho Santa Margarita, San Juan Capistrano, San Clemente

    Ocean Hills Community Church

    32222 Del Obispo St
    San Juan Capistrano, Ca 92675
    phone: 949-496-7411
    fax: 949-496-4927
    Back Parking Lot: Thursday Mornings 10am-Noon

    Second Harvest Food Bank of Orange County
    Irvine, CA
    Phone : 949-653-2900

    SHFB Orange County
    8014 Marine Way
    Irvine, CA 92618
    Phone: (949) 653-2900
    Fax: (949) 653-0700
    Executive Director: Joe Schoeningh
    Web Site:

    Community Action Partnership of Orange Co. Food Bank
    Garden Grove, CA
    Phone: (714) 897-6670

Monday, May 24, 2010

LOST with LOST Series Finale Spoiler My Alternate Endings, Unanswered Questions, Answers

LOST with LOST Series Finale Spoiler My Alternate Endings, 
Unanswered Questions, Most Fans Want More Answers

LOST Finale May 23, 2010 
Viewers: 13.567 Million
Episodes 120/121 "The End"
Directed by Jack Bender
Written by 
Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse
(TOP LEFT in photo near DHARMA Monitor: 
my painting  from few years ago, path to yellow light
on water. Trippy! Like LOST ending.)

[See below for related finale links and share: "Lieber, Abrams, Lindelof, Cuse: LOST the Movie Please!" Comment my blog. Coming soon, my DHARMA LOST Finale Party Photos and fun]

BOTTOM Photo Me aka "Kate" for Finale Day 5-23-2010. haha I know corny but so fun!
FYI about me: aka little freckle before I ever heard Sawyer's name for her! ...Fate?

WARNING: Spoiler Alert If your new to LOST, or haven't seen the ending yet stop here. Scroll down for links and a cool writers video (2009) And please join us in contacting the writers: ask for LOST the movie? Some up a few more things for us, and ease the pain of it's finale finality! Plus you heard Terry (John Locke), he's looking for more work! And Matthew Fox expressed he wants to do movies! Scroll down for alysagoodstuff blog post links too. Love, Alysa

Season 6 The Final Season with a Finale leaving us into purgatory like phase into light ending. The fans want more answers, maybe out with a bang? Or Island life? Many Fans disappointed in the LOST Finale. LOST The Movie =more answers, box office Hit! How about LOST Is It The End? Comments Welcome.
Here I go, my thoughts on LOST the Final Season Finale... Beautiful, bittersweet and what!?! Let me be blunt here. Who else wants to know more about all the LOST Characters and all the DHARMA purpose/correlation? So happy I got to see somethings I missed, Charlie for one, John Locke's faithful smile, Kate and Jack's love, James and Juliet's love... and an understanding ending of... the life, before the end of life, of the random connections between each other and a journey how to get to "the other side". Sounds bittersweet and written well. But, come on! I saw it going a different way... I so want to write! (Hire me someone! An amature here but well willing to pour out an awesome show!)

LOST... the definition now is told. LOST: Trying to get to the next dimension of life after death; resolving our inner-conflict first, on a path with those we were connected with (who also died?) before we can move on.  Most of them moved on together. Now that we understand, do we really? Are we lost with LOST? Unanswered questions still. Mysteries are good even left mysteriously, though somethings seem to have lost their meaning with the finale. When, where did each character die, how exactly? Plane crash? Island explosion? Remember Hurley stating, we're dead... it was true?! Or was it? Hurley's tricked by voices theory at that time. The story was not leading in that direction at that time. With a twist of fate, LOST decided, yes, that's how we are going out, an eye closes and a door of light. It's a show though! Do what you want... they don't have to die, even if I get why they did; I am lost on how they did. 

So after the ending has sunk in, this is what I think about the ending: The island experiences was real life... when ever each of them died, we weren't told when or how they ended up together in a place that has no time. I get that. Remember, the sideways wasn't real (Jack has no son) the life after death place before they moved on... fictional of course but interesting twist... I still wanted more details though and they still could end up on the island together! Heavenly! or a twist of fate again... now that they figured themselves out, all but Ben... they have more work to do? Man in Black is not gone maybe? ...etc give us a sequel LOST!

We can't change the ending but for fun, here's what I wanted from the ending (briefly put):
All the instances on the island would change through Jack. About everything could have been kept the same with an alternate ending (haven't seen them yet- if there is any seriously considered ones that is).  
My alternate ending #1: The island stays, the rumbling stopped. Kate and Sawyer swim to the boat, Hurley and Ben see "Locke- Man in Black" dead on the cliff. Then see Jack from afar... Jack's eye closes. Island flash of light. Back in California: Jack walks into the church, there all his island friends are reunited... Eloise, Faraday, and Desmond smile as they turn a wheel hidden in the church basement. Scene church: they all know and smile as a flash of light.. wooohhoomm boom poof! Sends them back to the island, this time, Jack and Hurley smile and they are back on the beach,  Ben even could be pondering, staring out in the water in a self-descovering way.  Everyone like old times (just no more DHARMA or Smoke Monster) They saved the world. The are once again eating mangoes hugging, kissing, and all that good stuff! Hooray right?!  
My ending #2: Kate and Sawyer swim to the boat, Hurley and Ben see "Locke- Man in Black" dead on the cliff. Then see Jack from afar. The island's "plug" cracks and once again the island rumbles and begins to sink. Hurley and Ben begin to swim to the boat... Jack closes his eye.  Like the ending  they showed us with John, then Hurley going to the church, talking to Ben, he is redeemed in the end and forgiven, he too goes in. Jack walks into the church, there, all his island friends are reunited including Eloise and Charles Widmore. Jack is in the room with the casket: Jack's opens his eyes, after all the flashbacks, and sees his father's empty casket, then talks with him, and his father leaves to the light... Jack walks out of the room. Sees everyone, now with all memories- just like everyone now has, knowing each other with a new prospective of life with their sideways life... it closes with warm embraces. 

What do you think??

Unanswered Questions... come one writers, we love you... but, what's up with this?  LOST Answers! So if we can't ask for a redo.... please all of you, ask for a LOST movie! I purpose reunite all the characters! Some up the unanswered... DHARMA what did that have to do with anything? Some more Widmore information, and Faraday calculations? Where did Kate and Sawyer jump off into the water to? Hurley and Ben left on the island? Those in the plane? Ben is not ready in the sideways (afterlife plave)? Still seems like a lost going on that I'd like to know about. Give us some more details for a summary of events in a movie LOST... I am sure it can be done somehow... it would be a major major box office hit!! I can help write it? Kidding... but you know I'd love to.

Feel free to comment your alternate endings and desires: ie LOST the Movie!? Did you like the finale? Like my alternate endings? (html welcomed; keep it modest and clean though; thanks.)

LOST Characters:

LOST The Final Season Finale Related Links:

LOST Blog Post links: (search LOST on my blog)

"LOST the Movie" So what do you think?:  
Give us "LOST the Movie"! Explain what happened and intensify it. Make a "LOST Is it Over?" Movie... more island and more fav.  main characters! They didn't go in the light yet?! Someone on a chat said, they go in the light, and come out of the light on the island... lots of possiblities here for a detailed LOST More Answers movie... and LOST Is It The End? yadda yadda yaddah...
Is this the right address for writer J. J.  Abrams?   
Write JJ! Write the creators/writers/producers! Known addresses anyone?
J.J. Abrams
William Morris Endeavor Entertainment
9601 Wilshire Blvd.
3rd Floor
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

LOST Actors:
Created by
Jeffrey Lieber
J.J. Abrams
Damon Lindelof
Written by

Damon Lindelof
Carlton Cuse
Edward Kitsis
Adam Horowitz
Elizabeth Sarnoff
and others
Directed by Jack Bender
Stephen Williams
and others

Inside the writers studio 1-2009

Saturday, May 22, 2010

DHARMA Initiative Connection Apple and Octagon Research Solutions ?

So Cali LOST Fan here! Read about the real DHARMA Initiative.

If you haven't seen my other DHARMA blogs see em first, especially if you are not aware of the DHARMA or Hanso Foundation (founder of DHARMA):

Is DHARMA aka Octagon Research Solutions, Inc. Connected with Apple? Think about it, Nano Techonology... On the Octagon Research Solutions, Inc. homepage reads this quote, "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower." Steve Jobs, American Entrepreneur, Apple co-Founder. Read this blog I found interesting sparking me to search more, I'd like to know. Any tips?
